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Everything posted by Raykel

  1. What a great idea! It turned out fantastic and will be a cool keepsake for him too.
  2. Welcome:) I agree with everything people are saying....decide what you guys want and your budget...then talk to a TA and see what s/he can come with for options. Just remember...you want people to be able to come, but it is your day so make sure you pick someplace that you will be happy with. Good Luck and happy planning!
  3. This is a great thread! I can't wait to add photos in a couple months!
  4. Quote: A friend of my FI's mother whom was invited as a courtesy because my FI's mother knew that she would not attend, has asked if her son and his friend can go in her place !!! I think NOT!!! LOL We are not just throwing some random party here....we are celebrating a lifetime union!! WHAT are some people thinking? Seriously? What was she thinking....I mean I get asking to bring a guest but RSVP-ing with people not even invited going in her stead? That sounds like someone trying to take advantage to me. No one would do that for a wedding you were having at home, she should not have even asked. If they want to go with the group rate, fine, but wedding guests instead of her? LOL....The sheer audacity of some people.
  5. Argh...typing and fingers not keeping up with brian...that was supposed to be Future MRS......sorry!
  6. TeNeil I am totally feeling you....who has time for Christmas with wedding things to do! Of course Christmas is a double whammy (is that how you spell whammy...wammy...yup that still looks right:)...it is FI birthday. So have to do something Christmasey...but haven't even started decorating or anything! Poor sweetie has really been ripped off all his life, so I want to try do something special for him....working that day too though, so it will have to be in the evening! FutureMs....your flower girl is adorable! What a cute dress.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Yea for your dress being in!! I am thinking about getting some funny bandaids like the tattoo or sponge bob square pants ones just so I can laugh if someone actually needs to use them! That is a great idea! Hahaha sponge bob bandaides...maybe some barbie ones too...for the tough guys *snicker*....
  8. I was wondering the same thing. We are actually talking about trying to get together with everyone a few days before the trip...a kind of group bon voyage. That way we can hand out the oot bags before we go so we do not have to transport them and just take the ones for people coming that don't live near us. Did you guys transport all the oot bags, mugs and all, on your own?
  9. I am not doing huge oot bags either. I have found a few sites with bags on them and think I am going with one on Discount Mugs that actually looks like a beach bag. My MOH suggested we do our own personalizing with iron on transfer, so we will personalize things a bit that way. Otherwise we are doing the travel mug with "Mayan Riviera February 25, 2010" on it so that people will hopefully use them once they come home. Otherwise, hand sanitizer, snacks, little first aid kits we are making up...most people need bandaides more than anything, rather than lots of gauze, and gum we a making lables for. I like doing little things like this, so it is kind of a compromise. The wedding party and the parents will get a bit extra and the kids will get coloring books and some other kids stuff. My FI supports the idea, but points out part of the reason we did the DW was to save some money too. I have good news though - my dress is in! The store called and told me to set up a fitting appointment. Of course with only one day off this week and invitations to finish I am not sure I can get there till next week But at least it is here! Woohooo! Speaking of which, off to work I go. At least it is night shift! If you guys can't sleep I may be able to catch up more later:)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Ok for your entertainment, a monday morning funny from Sue Saturday I go for a pedicure, as you remember I snapped my big toe nail pretty short. So I go to the same place for years and they know me pretty well. Amy is the little Asian chickie that I always have, she looks at my toes and is "oh no what did you do"? she knows my wedding is 2 months away. So I tell her, "I did it in the shower" She responds in broken english "oh bang bang in the shower". Ok you see where this is going!!! I go, "yeah I banged it in the shower"..... well there is oh about 30 customers there and they are all killing themselves laughing as these little chickies are going on about me getting some bang bang on in the shower and breaking my toe nail. Why does polish take so long to dry when you have a red face and high blood pressure? The best I am about to leave when the owner David yells out to me "Susie no more bang bang in the shower, your not married yet". Dear God!!! Good thing i have SENSE OF HUMOR!!! Now I am off to work LMAO! Oh Susie....my stomache hurts from laughing:)
  11. Keira I love the picture on your siggy...everytime I see it it makes me smile...you look so radiant:)
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Oh I was out shopping to today for client gifts.. Just a little xmas bag with chocolates and candy canes. Oh and doggie bones for the puppies... I went to the local dollar store and bought 160 tiny xmas bags 90 little xmas puzzle books for the kids and 160 candy canes and 160 chocolate santas. 11 doggie bones... Ok you had to see the little chickie on the cash when I pushed my cart up to her. She is probably 16 and just overwhelmed with numbers... Some stuff was 3 for $1.00 and others 2 for $1.00... I seen her panic and I knew she thought she had to ring everything one by one... Her manager came over and helped her out because she looked like she was going to cry. Poor baby..... Too funny. You should have told her it was alright, she didn't have to go home with you and actually put together all the little gift bags! Oy....that is something that would definitely be more fun with a pina colada:) Want some help? I now make a mean colada
  13. Alison...feeling you with the FI disinterest. Mine is not all over this at all and when I ask his opinion on something I usually get "Do what you want." So...I do what I want and if he does not like something later on...I don't want to hear about that at all If you make something you could take a photo of it and post it - we will be properly appreciative of your crafting genius! Speaking of which ... my mom and a good friend came over this afternoon and the invitations are almost done Ah the drama of getting the paper deciding what wording etc. I am so happy this part is almost finished...not just to have it off my plate, but somehow the actualy paper invites make it all seem more real... Because everyone booking for the trip isn't? I guess I am a little weird.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by darya12 All right ladies, we leave in 11 days and my stress level is going up every day ,I can’t function properly and I know I have so much left to do …. I have no idea what I’m going to do with my hair and I decided to take my curling iron and flat iron with me to Mexico.my sister asked me if the power outlet is the same as here in Mexico ,I emailed Eugenia and she wrote me that I have to bring my own adaptor !!! My question is what kind of adaptor If you want to pick up an adapter so you feel better and are not worrying, WalMart usually has a whole "kit" of them in the luggage dept. They are about $20...maybe $10...I don't remember, sorry, but they were not a lot. I bought mine there about 6 years ago and it had all the different ends for various countries as well as a main adapter that has a changable fuse (extras included) - it is still going strong. I bought a second one there as a gift last year. Hope that helps! Susie...thanks for the ipod info...I am thinking this is what we are going to look into. I will watch for your photos! Thanks:)
  15. I know you guys are right about the selfish people who think the world revolves around them....it just sucks when it actually someone you were incredibly close to all your life until...oh about the time we start planning the wedding But I agree it is our day and that is what we are trying to focus on. The e party was good....given we had a blizzard the day before and had to shovel out of the house....and pick up a few people who only have small cute cars....we still had a pretty good turnout. Ummm yummy Pina Coladas. They were supposed to be a signature drink we shared with everyone, but I think about 6 of us drank them all I will post a few photos, but since the FI HATES having his photo taken, he won't be in many. I think that is the part of the wedding he is dreading...the photos. Timberly - you are such a sweetheart to go and do that shopping:)
  16. Hey Susie:) So they are just iPod speakers? I am not super literate on iPods, but if you could send me the info on the ones you have....they will be loud enough for around the pool you think? I assume they are going to run power cords for you?
  17. Hey guys! Was just at Dollarrama the other day. Two hand sanitizers for $1.00. They are pretty good sized bottles...the same size you would buy at Shoppers for just under $2.
  18. HereFishie..thanks for that. Jazmin on the Tulum side has gotten back to me. She says Tulum does not have speakers for rent and that the other sections may have them, but they do not share that equipment btw them So maybe Tulum should buy their own would be my thought if Akumal and Coba both have this option. She did say she had looked into a company in Cancun who would rent them to us for $3880 pesos and that she would negotiate this and make the necessary arrangments. So we are considering this option too, but I am concerned then about us getting these speakers and no one knowing how to hook them up and make them work! That is the question out there now...will they deliver the speakers, set them up, and make sure someone in the group knows how to make them work. If so, then maybe this is what we will end up doing.
  19. Okay..so making up for lost time! Sorry about three posts, but there is good news too! My paper for the invites that has been backordered for over 6 weeks...is still not here! However, the lady at the paper store and I have found an alternate that arrived in the meantime and I like it better, so now I am redoing the 45 invites I already had finished...um FI does not realize this yet So now I have my paper and can finally get the official invitations out. Tonight we have our engagement party, so that will be fun and it will be good for FI to see how many people are supporting us. Hopefully it will take a bit of the edge of the sibling rejection.
  20. Besdies work there is other family stuff too....we have this one part of the family (on my FI side) that is just crazy. I am starting to think literally. They two of them are not coming to the wedding (which is just crushing my FI) because they have no desire to go to Mexico, so they would not spend the money on a trip there. They have accused us of continuing with our plans to go there because we do not want them there.... Are you seriously kidding me. It is our wedding and we are making the plans according to what we want not them....and this is wrong how? Some people are ridiculous in how they think the whole world revolves around them. My poor FI is really torn up and I don't blame him. Sorry guys...I just had to vent.....
  21. Oh you guys! I miss being on here....work so getting in the way! Timberly and Brooke - your shopping trip sounds like such a good time! What great deals you found....I wish we had more of that stuff here in Alberta Shells...good for you! I never even thought about doing a boudoir shoot until you guys were talking about it and now it might be too late to get it before the wedding I am trying....have a couple of calls in. TeNeil - Yeah! I am so happy you got your ring back...can't wait to see it. Susie..you are so funny! That joke is hilarious. As for your SD...hahaha does she really think she is going to outsmart or outsneak you? Silly girl:) Timberly...you are an amazing secret keeper....how did you not let the cat out of the bag (so to speak)? I might not have said anything, but my FI would probably notice all the pink stuff I was buying and stashing...I suppose I could stash it at someone else's house!
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