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Everything posted by Raykel

  1. This turned out wonderfully! I was thinking about making the live laugh love too but out of wood letters...I am going to check out Micheals and see if I can find some styrofoam too:)
  2. Everything looks wonderful! You did a really great job - love your oot bags!
  3. Congrats on being a Mrs....for a month now:) Can't wait to see the rest of your photos! Everything on here is beautiful!
  4. Hi Erica! Welcome back...it good to hear all is well and you are having a good - if incredibly busy - visit with family:) I don't know if you like her or not, but if the new photographer you are looking at is not available, you might want to check with Claudia Rodriguez. She has done weddings for a couple of people I know and they photos turned out wonderfully! She has been really good to deal with and really went to bat for us brides on some issues that arose with our resort. Everyone I have spoken to has told me to do Xelha....but I really want to snuba. Susie...can we snuba at Xelha too or only at Xcaret? I have been torn with which place to go because I don't want to spend all our down time racing everywhere! Shells why did you decide on Xcaret over Xelha? Susie....good for you for not saying something nasty the other day. I would have been hard pressed and really biting my tongue. Hope you all have a good day! One more holiday party to go tonight and then tomorrow I am off....I am going to sleep sleep sleep. Get up and feed the dogs and then sleep some more!
  5. Raykel

    New to site

    There are all sorts of good ideas to be found on this site! Welcome and happy planning:)
  6. Merry Christmas Tricia - isn't snow grand! On the bright side it sounds like your house is spotless Have fun shoe shopping and thinking about how good the sand will feel in a couple months!
  7. Wow...you did a wonderful job! Everything looks like it came together really well. Congrats on being a Mrs!
  8. Congratulations! Welcome to the forum - happy planning:)
  9. fire - bonfire (on the beach!)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Yeah bring on the wedding!!!! I bought the "Crest White Trays" I'll let you know how they work.. I am not starting until after the holidays because i drink red wine.. I think it would be kinda pointless. I just packed the two new suitcases with all our wedding stuff. Holy smokes i am taking too much stuff... I am glad it is put in suitcases now because it was just all over the spareroom. It does all start to stack up doesn't it? I am going to have to start farming stuff out soon too. It must be nice to be packed....wow you know it is getting close when you have to actually pack and not just think about the things you need to take along! That's exciting! Dinner was fun last night... Bro's chickie was hammered when she got here and going on her usual rant about going to Mexico... Your living in a shelter and your talking about a trip down south. Damn!! is all I can say. Oh funny thing that did happen was she was drinking tall boy beer cans and she pulled one out of the fridge that was upside down and she handed it to my FI and said "this can is broken there is no tab to open it". She was trying to open the bottom of the can... She was that pie eyed she didn't see it was upside down. FI just rolled his eyes at her. Oh and she bought herself a Santa gift an IPOD touch!!!!! I told you she was homeless and living in a woman's shelter right? Damn. Yeah bring on the wedding... I leave for Mexico one month today!!!!!!!! Double Damn Hahahaha...LMAO! The beer can story That is the best! But seriously...what is wrong with people. I can't afford to eat or put a roof over my head, but I buy myself Ipods How do people live like that? The Ipod is addictive! There are all these games on them...
  11. Susie - you are brave on boxing day my friend! I just can't make myself do it.....oh wait I am working so I can't even consider it! lol FI and I got an Ipod touch and docking station thingie with speakers for Christmas:) Now we just have to figure out how to make it work so we can take it for the reception. We are going to set it up outside (in the bleeding cold weather!) and see how loud it is....hoping we can take your suggestion and use that for the poolside reception!
  12. Timberly that is funny! Tell him Happy Birthday:) I just feel bad for him because he gets kinda ripped off. Maybe not so much now as an adult, but as a kid.... Hope you are having fun on your ski trip! Quote: Originally Posted by shellk raykel,its crap that you are at work all weekend.i hope you find some time to chill and have fun. i hope you all had a great day yesterday.last night i said to fi thats it its all over bring on the wedding.he just looked at me and laughed and said i feel the same babe but its not all over yet.im sure you all feel the same.xmas this year was just a formality that got in the way of our wedding planning right? i have just bought some crest teeth whitening strips from ebay have any of you used these? fi got me sorry santa got me a mexico info book so im gonna check that out today.what trips are you guys doing out there? Shells.....I have gotten out a bit but boy is the reaking (?) havoc on my sleep. I am dying trying to stay awake at work after two nights with only 3 hours of sleep! Then Sunday night our friends (FI's bestman) are having their annual appetizer party, so straight there from work! That being said it is a lot of fun and sooo much food! Everyone brings appies of all kinds and we all just eat and eat. *sigh* good thing the dress has a corset that laces up! I have used Crest whitening strips a couple of times. I really like them and I do notice a difference after a few days....depends which ones you get how fast you see the results, but I have used the 7 day ones and 14 day ones and liked them both. You can also use two sets of them back to back if you want and it doesn't hurt your teeth. Santa must have had lots of those Mexico books this year! FI and I got one too! Sneaky Santa! Susie how did the dinner go with the guest who is sort of your brother's girlfriend? I agree with all of you....now that this holiday is almost over we can get on and finish the wedding plans! Woot woot!
  13. Congratulations! Welcome and have fun deciding:)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Mike&Wendy Hi ladies! I haven't posted on here in awhile...it's been crazy busy planning a DW and at home reception...I am from Waterloo Ontario...getting excited about our wedding at BHP in Akumal on January 7th! We fly out on January 2nd! So far I must say...the replacement for Yuritzia who's name is Eugenia has been fabulous! She turns around emails within minutes, nevermind weeks. I'm hoping all goes smoothly. We have arranged a thank you dinner for our 16 guests at La Parilla in Playa Del Carmen on the Tuesday night. You can contact some of these restaurants directly to do a group rate including bus from the hotel as well as a pre set dinner where guests can choose from an appetizer, main, dessert and coffee....it's got live Mexican music and we thought would be a fun backdrop since our photographer/videographer is coming with us from Canada. I'll keep you all posted! Cannot wait!!!! Dinner sounds like a lot of fun. Your wedding is so close now! Are you going to do a planning thread? Good luck! I had my flight times right away too. We started booking in October for the end of Feb....there have been a couple changes out of a couple of the cities, but nothing huge. You could probably do what Keira did and try booking on line as if it was just you. That would at least give you some idea of a time.
  15. LOL....thanks for thinking of me! Don't be sad though. Sometimes it happens...the down side isn't so much Christmas, I feel bad because it is FI birthday too and he already gets ripped off because its Christmas. Wish I was sitting in a hot tub right now! Wellll it might make me fall asleep with only 3 hours of shut eye going on, but hey - sleep is over rated! Right? LOL
  16. Everything looks wonderful! Having the resort all to yourselves is going to be such a treat! Congratulations!
  17. Hi there! Welcome to the forum. Congrats to your sister!
  18. Hi Susie...hope Santa was good to you! Love the picture....have some vino for me too!
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