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Everything posted by jenv

  1. hey ladies , just wondering is it worth going to the bridal show this sunday cause i went to the toronto one last weekend and there wasn't much for DW . just wanted to know if any of you have been to the one here before?
  2. welcome jessieand congrats!!! i got engaged in august and we have decided to get married feb 2011. we have decided on mexico because we met there 5 years ago in the mayan riviera. we were looking at the RUI's and the iberostars but for our family and friends we found it was a little to expensive for our guests. we are looking into the grand palladuims and we are actually going to check it out on the 14th. we have a lot of friends that have been there and have nothing but good things to say about them. there is also a really good forum on here about that resort. well i wish you luck on deciding and the planning!!!
  3. hi ladies, haven't been on in awhile been pretty crazy with christmas and work!!!! i also finally got my laptop that i bring to work with me so i can get back on track with everything!!! getting my STDS done and hopefully they will be here by mid feb.. i will post them when i get them. so excited i'm going to check out the grand palladium on the 14th of feb.. looking forward to getting more info and seeing it first hand. when i get back we will make our final choice. i really think were going to pick the palladuim!!! welcome cowtownbride2b!!!!! congrats to anyone on this site who got married recently!!!! look forward to getting back on track!!!
  4. jenv


    congrats and wecome to the forum!!! this will be really helpful!!! happy planning!!!
  5. congrats and welcome!!! you will figure everything out in no time!! this place is great to help you out!!! happy planning!!!
  6. congrats and welcpme to the forum!!! you will get tones of ideas and really good first hand info on the resort you choose!!! happy planning!!!!
  7. jenv

    Newbie Bride

    congrats and happy planning!!!
  8. congrats and welcome to the site!!! it is a great place to find ideas and get info on the different places you are looking at!!!! happy planning!!!
  9. congrats and welcome to the forum!!! this place is great for getting all sorts of info!!! if has helped me out alot!!! happy planning!!!
  10. jenv


    congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
  11. congrats and welcome!!! good luck in picking your resort!!
  12. jenv

    New Bride To Be

    congrats and welsome to the forum!!! hope this is as helpful to you as it is for me!!!! happy planning!!!
  13. hi nicola, i'm getting married between feb 5-12 or so 2011.. i am definalty going to be getting married in the mayan. not exactly sure what resort but i am going on feb 14 to check out one of the resorts we are thinking about getting married at which is the grand palladium. were also planning while we are there to look at some other resorts that we had in mind. hopefully when we get back we can make a decision and get the ball rolling. we have save the dates being made right now so people can stop harassing us about dates and stuff. whising you all the best of luck. jen
  14. vdaybride- i can't believe your MIL is doing that... that is definatly crazy!!! how does your FI feel about this? i'm glad there are some others on here that are having almost the same issues!!!
  15. thanks ladies!!! from now on i will not bring up the wedding stuff and if we do talk about it i won't let it bother me!!! i do love the fact that she lives about an 6 hour drive away and is not planning on moving to where we live anytime soon!!!! wish all of you a happy new year!!!
  16. so it's been a crazy christmas !!! had my mil in town for two weeks and she finally went home today!!! thank god!! i love her but she is driving me crazy!!! i'm glad she lives in kelowna. the whole time she was here she was going on about our wedding what we should and shouldn't do and how she still thinks we should have a big wedding at home!!! the last straw was when we had my fi sisters over and his mom decided to look at the bridal books that i have. she started off by telling me that my wedding party should pay much for there dress and they should just be summer dresses nothing fancy since were doing it on the beach. then we got to talking about my flower girls and i had told her that that one of my bm's will have a 9 month old at our wedding and i was excited to find out what she is having and if it was a boy i would use him in the wedding. my mil told me that it's stupid to have a baby in the wedding that i was being silly if i did that. the icing on the cake was when she told me i shouldn't pay alot for my dress i should get a used one since i'm only having a beach wedding!!! i told her that if someone else wants to do that, that is fine but i said my mom will have no part in me getting a used dress and plus my mom and my aunt are helping to pay for it so they definalty have a say not her. finally my FIL got mad at her and told her she has no say in any of it .... sorry i was just PO'd about it all and need to tell someone cause i FI thinks i'm being silly and to next time ignore his mom... hope everyone had a merry christmas and have a happy new year!!!
  17. i am a flight attendant and i would recommend to bring them as a carry on and just try to protect them however you can in the box or bag you put them in. i definatly wouldn't put them in you checked luggage cause the ramp guys throw the bags on most of the time and the bags are stacked in the plane!!!
  18. those look amazing!!!! i really like them!!! where did you get them from??
  19. jenv

    new members

    congrats and welcome to the forum!!! happy planning!!!!
  20. jenv

    new members

    congrats and welcome to the forum!!! happy planning!!!!
  21. i am so sorry someone would actually write that!!! don't worry about it they are jealous!!!
  22. jenv

    I'm engaged!

    congrats and welcome to the forum.. this will really help you out to possibly pick your destination... happy planning!!!
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