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Everything posted by Amymarie

  1. Amymarie


    Welcome and congrats! You will find everything you need here.
  2. wow, everything looks unbelievable. Great call posting bikinis, that is on my to buy list. The list seems never ending ugh!
  3. wow, everything looks beautiful. So what did you think of having your reception at the relax pool? Would you have done anything differently? Also did you choose your flowers for the walkway in your reception or do they just put what they feel like, i have noticed a few girls had different ones. Thanks for the review
  4. "Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You changed my life.' Did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it, but every now and then, look around; Drink it in 'cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow." -Greys
  5. Tiger woods & Elin Heidi Montag pre surgery or post?
  6. I would also like to know more about this Cricut and cuddlebug? When you buy it does it come with different cricuts? Where is the best place to purchase one? Michaels?
  7. Amymarie


    You will love this forum, So helpful. Have fun planning.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by maxandkatie If you check out my links, we used the resort photographer. We love our pics! Let me know if you have any questions. Best of luck to you in your planning! Thanks so much Katie, Beautiful pictures, that helps take my stress away. Did they give you a cd with all those pictures and just print 50 of your choice?
  9. We did the long distance thing for our first year together. I had to quit working entirely to be with him which is frustrating at times but i know i'd rather be happy and with the man i love than miserable with nothing but my job to keep me company. We are from Opposite sides of the country and his job has us moving somewhere new every year so we have to divide our year between 3 places. It is brutal at times but we make the best of it. All i can say about the long distance is it won't be forever and once it is over it is all worth it. Sometime i miss when we were apart, we almost communicate better when we are not together. Maybe you just have to look at it from a different perspective. You have all the time in the world to do things for yourself rite now. So focus on that Good luck "Debbie Downer"
  10. I am having a hard time finding pictures taken from the photographer at the resort. Does anyone know of someone who has used this photographer or a page number on this thread with pictures. Thanks,
  11. 1. Where is your cell phone? lap 2. Your significant other? rink 3. Your hair? straight 4. Your mother? fun 5. Your father? hillarious 6. Your favorite thing? massage 7. Your dream last night? creepy 8. Your favorite drink? vodka 9. Your dream/goal? reached 10. The room you're in? Antique 11. Your ex? Ew 12. Your fear? Unknown 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home 14. Where were you last night? Gym 15. What you're not? warm 16. Muffins? blah 17. One of your wish list items? abundance 18. Where you grew up? Alberta 19. The last thing you did? cook 20. What are you wearing? Pj's 21. Your TV? none 22. Your pets? none 23. Your computer? Necessity 24. Your life? SPONTANEOUS 25. Your mood? Anxious 26. Missing someone? Everyone 27. Your vehicle? Skoda 28. something your not wearing? socks 29. Favorite Store? Bella Maas 30. Your summer? BUSY 31. Like someone? almost 32. favorite color? green 33. When is the last time you laughed? always 34. Last time you cried? often
  12. I am going with 4 pm, in Mexico though. I had a hard time deciding but seeing how the resort was booking up i think the later appointments are more popular. It is nice that you can flow rite into your reception and a sunset is so romantic.
  13. board game - Hungry hungry hippos
  14. Gorgeous, love all the details. You will make a beautiful bride.
  15. Morgan Freeman - gone baby gone
  16. Wow, unreal. I love everything about your wedding. Congrats!
  17. Welcome, have fun on the forum. All the members share amazing information.
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