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Everything posted by Janelley100

  1. Hard to tell...but it is their business really. I've been saying the same thing since it happened...."This should b between he andd his wife. it is no one else's business." I can't imagine what it must feel like to almost be obligated to give a "formal public" apology - whether tru eor not. To bad for both of them.
  2. Janelley100

    New here

    Congrats and welcome to BDW! You will find just about every idea possible here...have fun searching!
  3. Congrats Tori, The future in law passport situation is interesting....and one I haven't heard yet. However, there are always a few bumps in the road. I'm sure it will all work out. Good luck!
  4. Congrats....can't wait to get there!
  5. Wow....the video was amazing! Absolutely amazing! Love the super mario brothers shirt at the end!
  6. Janelley100


    Congratulations and welcome to BDW! This site is full of ideas....have fun planning!
  7. Congratulations and welcome to BDW!
  8. Wow...you all have incredible budgets! 1 wk Moon Palace - $2200 Airfare - $528 Horse/Carriage - $130 Dress - $300 (knock off from China - LOVE IT!!!) Rings - Free (I traded in my old engagement ring for both of our rings!) OOT bags - $150 Videographer - $330 Wedding Package - Free Sand Ceremony Kit - $75 Misc stuff - $500 (FI wedding attire, legal license, invitations, STD, gifts) TOTAL: $4213 !!! OK, so we are on the conservative side of things...and have about 15-20 guests tops. But we plan to take our $$$ for activities while there and just relax and have a great time. No private events...no fireworks...no dj - Why? They have a disco at the hotel we will all meet at one evening! We are so excited and happy that this didn't take too much money from our house fund! Good luck all!!!
  9. What a wonderful idea....I bought those little packets of powdered Tum's to go in mine. Dollar tree - 26 packs for $2. Love your boxes!!!
  10. All of those previously posted are great....my top 2 are: 1 - The Last of the Mohicans (I love the song! "No matter where you go, I will find you") 2 - Sabrina (The old and new version - especially love Harrison Ford)
  11. I agree with both sides of the coin presented by previous posters. I would be flattered that they would want to go on a mini vacation at your resort...and I would be a little upset as well. mostly I would be upset if they picked your resort AFTER they knew you picked it because no one had been before. If she didn't know this previous to planning a vacation...than I would be more flattered than upset. Does that makes sense? If you and FI told her you picked it because no one had ever been and you wantd a New and Exciting experience...and THEN she went on her own accord to book a vacation prior...I would be upset and very concerned that she was trying to hijack the planning. MIL's typically just want to help...especially those without daughters of their own to plan for. You just need to stand your ground as previous girls have stated. And get your FI to stand behind you on it. You deserve what you are planning...what YOU are planning! Good luck!
  12. Congratulations FutureMsMoulton and TonyandTricia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting that you are only days away! It is good to see some new members joining our thread.....and exciting to think you two are just about to finally enjoy all your work and planning! I can't wait to see pictures and read your reviews...as you know we desperatley need some new info on MP! The reviews thread is just loaded with reviews of Dreams and Riu.....so come on MP brides...have a WONDERFUL time, don't stress and dish up when you get back! Take care you two!!! Chelle
  13. FutureMsMoulton, Finally!!! I'm so excited for you! I'm sure everything will be like a dream come true when you get down there. Thank you for the tip on the flowers....I had planned on ordering in April, but may just wait till June after what you said. Also - For anyone wondering about the postage question I had asked earlier - well, I work for an international company, so why i didn't think of asking our Mexico office before, beats me! The gals in Monterrey said that you can purchase Mexcian postage at the gift shops of almost every resort. For postcards it is $11.50 pesos (about .88 cents) each. Then you turn them into the front desk or concierge to be mailed out! Easy enough. Just remember if you do this project - you CANNOT use postage form any othe rcountry to mail back from Mexico. You have to use Mexican postage. Sounds like...DUH!! But I had to ask! LOL Take care all! ***Cant wait to see your pictures MsMoulton!!!!
  14. Thank you so much Woodsylou! So nice to know exactly what they said...I thought I only needed 3 songs...and the cd thing is a good idea. Thank you! Here's another question for you guys. I am ordering two sets of postcards. Set #1 - A postcard for each guest to write a message on and mail from the resort. Set #2 - A postcard for each guest for us to write a Thank You message on to be mailed from the resort. My question is - does anyone know if we can mail things from the resorts? If so do they offer postage on site? So if I take the postcards to the front desk and pay them for postage - do they have that capaibility? Thanks all! PS - Tried the dress on last night...and it fit! Now I'm on the hunt for a bustier!
  15. Hi Sheila, Welcome! Boy there is a lot of information on MP at BDW....my suggestion would be to check out the 4-5 really good reviews in the "wedding reviews" category. MP will be in the thread name. Then check out the MP 2008-2009 thread, along with this one. They are very long, but definitely skim through them front to back. Gauranteed the bulk of your questions will be answered in those threads...along with questions you don't even know to ask yet! Good luck!
  16. I got notification that my dress shipped out from China on Monday! Yippee!!!!! I know this topic comes up alot, timing of music, but I never really see any concrete answers on how many songs are played...played for what...and most of all - if you bring an ipod, do the songs just run together or is someone in the gazebo clicking from song to song? Just curious if anyone else has seen an answer to this. Thanks.
  17. Our best friends got married there a few years ago...they said when you arrive you check in and go immediately to the HoneyMoon desk (they take you there). This is where you will drop your dress off to be steamed, arrange the honeymoon breakfast in bed and dinner, and make all tour reservations. I asked if it was frustrating not to make any of these arrangements before hand and there answer was, "Not really...we somewhat planned out a loose schedule for the week and knew kind of when we wanted to plug in activities or visit the other Palace resorts. Then when we got there they walked us through arranging for everything." Hope that helps. 20 days....HOW EXCITING!!!!
  18. Moon Palace charges for private events (unless you qualify for free events with a group contract). They do not charge per person for reservations, but on the flip side - I don't think they take reservations at the restaurants outside of private functions and/or the one free group reservation you get with your wedding package. This is MY understanding though...I'll let others chime in.
  19. Dreams, Dreams, Dreams.....what lovely resorts! I saw a wedding at the Dreams in Cancun not too long ago and it was beautiful! Congrats and goodluck planning!
  20. Welcome and goodluck with your planning. You have tons of resorts to pick from in that area and this forum is really helpful. Congrats!
  21. Janelley100

    I'm new!

    Congrats and welcome to BDW! Florida is so pretty during the summer. Good luck in your planning!
  22. Wow...you picked 3 great resorts! I am getting married at MP, but I have seen a wedding at Dreams and it is beautiful too! Good luck!
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