all have incredible budgets!
1 wk Moon Palace - $2200
Airfare - $528
Horse/Carriage - $130
Dress - $300 (knock off from China - LOVE IT!!!)
Rings - Free (I traded in my old engagement ring for both of our rings!)
OOT bags - $150
Videographer - $330
Wedding Package - Free
Sand Ceremony Kit - $75
Misc stuff - $500 (FI wedding attire, legal license, invitations, STD, gifts)
TOTAL: $4213 !!!
OK, so we are on the conservative side of things...and have about 15-20 guests tops. But we plan to take our $$$ for activities while there and just relax and have a great time. No private dj - Why? They have a disco at the hotel we will all meet at one evening! We are so excited and happy that this didn't take too much money from our house fund! Good luck all!!!