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Everything posted by bridej9

  1. Everyone has great suggestions! Go eith what you feel the best in, beautiful dress!!!
  2. Can you tell me the length and width of the sashes? They are the wrong color, but I would like to do a similar thing. Thanks!!!!
  3. I'll be at a different resort but I've heard and we'll do the same.... We're just going to hang out at the disco at the resort for some dancing.
  4. We are just going to mingle as well. We have a start time for the reception and a start time for dinner.
  5. I did things a little backwards. For my wedding I sent emails because once I had the final wedding details I wanted to get the information out quickly. Since it was family and close friends I knew it was ok for an email. Then for my AHR we are having a catered BBQ for about 150 so I am doing an actual invitation.
  6. How many posts do you need to open the attachment? Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't.... Urgh.... I better keep typing away. Lol
  7. The most stressful part in the DW planning process was finding a nice place for the wedding that was still affordable for guests. I think we managed that. You will never be able to please everyone, and there will always be people that won't be able to attend. I made sure our families were able to attend and everyone else will be a bonus.
  8. I don't have enough posts either, I'm working on it! Could you please email me the template as well? Thanks!!! [email protected]
  9. Oh I love these! I have to start looking for mine thanks for the great ideas!
  10. I wish I would've saw this sooner, what great motivation! I started doing Powerflex classes and that has kicked my butt! I'm sore but at least my body is getting a good workout!
  11. Your OOT bags are wonderful! I'm definately going to reuse your ideas. The booklet was a great idea!
  12. How cute! I'm getting a puppy in February and I'm very excited as well.
  13. Which website did you end up getting your pashminas from? Do you mind saying how much they were? It's such a cute idea and something everyone can use back home to!
  14. Sorry, I'm playing catch up too! Absolutely! I'm excited to know people from this forum will be at the hotel at the same time... I'm getting a little worried because the date is fastly approaching!!
  15. Congratulations! I have my wedding reserved at Dreams Puerto Aventuras in April and I'm soooo excited! Happy Planning:o)
  16. Those are too cute! I'm going to see if my dollar tree has those!
  17. I think I am going to do the canvas tote with a monogram of the guests last names. That way it is personalized and I figured that way the guests can reuse them, who can't use another tote?
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