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Everything posted by bridej9

  1. Yikes, at our hotel a basic mani is $30 and pedi $35 however they go up to $65. Maybe ask for clarification if you can get just a basic mani/pedi
  2. What a great find! I'm stopping on my way home from work to check it out! I hope mine has those!
  3. I'm going to attempt this for my oot bag, I'll have to keep posting so I can get the template! Thanks for sharing
  4. Oh good I'm not the only one... The couple items I am bringing are things I'm using at the AHR so I don't feel bad spending the money. And I am bringing OOT bags. I think the resorts are beautiful enough decoration
  5. I think that is what I'm going to do.... Buy the maracas in Mexico and use them as a place setting. Although I do like the idea of guests shaking them as we walk out. Either way I think purchasing them in Mexico means I don't have to travel with them and it is more authentic!
  6. We are also doing the legal thing first. Only my parents know because my mom was insistent on "we want a legal wedding" I finally just told her we are signing docs before we go and our DW is our actual wedding. I couldn't lie to my mom. As for everyone else, I just say yup we're getting married here... Which we are
  7. Wow what an amazing idea! Very cute and sure to bring tears to mom's eyes.
  8. My groom is going to wear a tan suit with a white linen shirt. We got the shirt for him (and others) at justlinens.com and the suit is Calvin Klein.
  9. Great ideas! I decided to do the canvas totes and I'm having the last names of each couple embroidered by someone I know. For the single ladies I'm doing their first name. I figured that way the have a nice beach bag to use for the stay and when they return home. I may also have a sun or starfish embroidered for fun.
  10. I just got my necklaces and LOVE them! They will make a great gift! I'm keeping one for myself too! And my groom really liked the cuff links - THANKS!
  11. When I had this dilema I got a $10 calling card and called the resorts. It worked a lot faster and when I left a message they called right back. It was well worth the $10
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