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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. i agree...no gifts for non attending guests!!! lol
  2. i'm not feeling like i want to run, but it is starting to scare me that i'm going to be his wife...FOREVER!!! it's so weird because i've wanted this for so long and now that its getting closer, i'm freaking out!! i'm sure it's completely normal and once that day comes and you see him at the end of the aisle, all the worries will fade. besides you've been together for 7 years and have children...don't really think things will be too different once it's official. and him getting on your nerves is probably because you're stressed about the wedding and busy with other things (work, kids,etc) and you feel like he's not helping with anything....can you tell this is exactly how i feel, lol!!! don't worry, just come on here and vent anytime you need to, that's why we're here!
  3. oh no i'm sorry!! from the back pics, it doesn't look like it's too tight at all. but of course you want to be comfortable. I'm sure you'll be fine. try not to stress b/c it might make you gain weight. honestly, from the pics it doesn't look like you need to lose any weight at all, it seems like you have a thin frame already so maybe you will need to have the dress let out a little so you can be comfortable. that should be easy for a good salon.
  4. thank you so much for an amazing thread. i can't believe you're leaving in 2 weeks, it seems like just yesterday we were waiting for our dresses to arrive!!! awww sooooo exciting!!! i hope you have a blast, congrats!!!
  5. we defianatly made it absolutely clear to EVERYONE that it was only the people named on the invitation that were invited to the wedding. our wedding package is for 20 pp and the cost is around $80pp for anyone over that 20. we have 40 people coming to the wedding because that's all our budget allows. we have several single friends and they didn't get a "plus one", they all know each other and can room together if they'd like, im sorry if that sounds harsh but if i have to choose between family/friends to invite, then there will definately be NO guests there that FI and I don't know. there have been people who are upset by this, but it's OUR wedding and OUR money, if they don't want to come they don't have to. bottom line...you have to put your foot down and be firm or things will really get out of control!
  6. my confession is that although i'm beyond excited about getting married in Cancun, i'm still kinda sad that i don't get the traditional church and cinderella ballgown wedding that i dreamed about when i was little...
  7. nice job mnh1983!! you're siggy's in the 2 month range....OMG!!! can't wait to see the invitation pics, mrs. timpone!
  8. omg peterpanpixiedust you are amazing, i vote you to be the Dreams cancun thread MOtM!!! thank you for taking the time out of your vacation to keep us posted, it's REALLY appreciated!! i guess i'll ask cecilia about fabric for the pillars, i hope there's a way to hang or wrap panels around them. btw by 40 inches, you mean around right? as for the graffiti...that is unacceptable!!!!!! i think we should all write letters. i'm definately going to email cecilia about this. how are they allowing something so beautiful to be ruined, especially since tourism is their livelihood! i'm glad that we're getting married in Sept that way my guest can just stay at the small beach and it shouldn't be too crowded. and they don't have to see that crap! it's sad that people are so disrespectful I can't wait to see all your pics, i feel like it's a mini-review!!! Thanks again and have a safe trip back!!!
  9. yeah you could send her a message directly or post the question in her thread. i love the look of hanging shells or flowers but the gazebo at Dreams Cancun is sooooo windy, it would never work. i think i've also seen on here a thread about doing the floating flowers DIY. you might try a search for it.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Shoesiesluvr Caroline & Tara please dont say were really at the 100 day mark!! hahaha idk i just feel like i have tons to do even tho ive done a million diff things hahaha I will definitely be putting in some major wedding stuff done in the next couple months How is everyone else coming along? we only have the next couple of months to go, lol!!! ahhhhh craziness! i couldn't wait for the 100 day mark, now i feel like i need more time!!! is there a wedding planning leave of absence from work?!? anywho...i really can't decide what i want my centerpieces to look like, that and the gazebo decor is what i'm really stressed about right now!
  11. hey ladies just wondering if you lovely brides can post some inspiration/actual gazebo decor pics. i just don't know where to start. thanks!!
  12. he's five years older and i look younger than i am so he loves it when we go out because we always get carded, lol!
  13. i actually gave him a book for his bday last year and i will say from experience that it was nice that i did it in private. i wouldn't want any of his boys to see it and FI wouldn't want anyone to see it either. plus it was nice to be there to see his reaction. just my two cents.
  14. not an alfred angelo bride, but my BM dresses are alfred angelo and i love them!!
  15. wow craziness!!! sorry this is happening so close to your wedding or my advice would definately be to switch TAs.... well if you remove yourself from the situation, you'll see that all you can do is just breathe and try to remember that in the end your wedding day will be amazing and when you look back on this time, you'll see that everything will work out
  16. did you buy from someone in canada? i've heard of issues on the border before. if you get the tracking number, it'll show this as well.
  17. ladies my veil came in last week and my dress will be ready from alterations july 23rd!!! and.... 100 days from today we get married!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. awww yay, i'm glad you're back and that you had a fantastic wedding!! congrats, can't wait to see pics!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Ayita What an interesting conversation ! On my side I actually always had the reverse approach : sex is so important in my life that I truly believed that a man with whom sex would be bad could not be the man of my life. Independent of all his other qualities ! After all, your husband is is the ONLY person with whom you are going to have sex for the rest of your life so... what if it's terrible sex ? I honestly think, knowing myself very well, that this would have been a disaster - maybe even leading me to cheating which is the ONE THING I NEVER WANT to do ever ! It was therefore very important to me to do it... actually before we even got engaged so that I could have an answer at all ! Not sure if it makes sense to you girls who decided to wait - you would probably look at me with the same eyes than people look at you when you tell them about your decision, lol ! I completly, 110% understand what you're saying!!!! sex is a VERY important part of a relationship and if you're not compatible in that aspect, it's a deal breaker for me! you took the words right out of my mouth, this could've been my exact post, lol!!! Quote: Originally Posted by barbiegirl_27 My FI almost laughed in my face when I joked about waiting once we got engaged! We've lived together for over a year....and there's no way either one of us could hold out that long! Good for you ladies out there who are waiting! Your wedding night will be truly special! i will be with my HUSBAND, so my night will be "truly special" whether we wait or not...
  20. do you feel any different?? i don't look at the number so much as how my clothes fit...i just know when i've gained or lost weight without even getting on the scale. ALWAYS weight yourself in the morning before you eat and after you use the bathroom and with out any clothes on. also, are you/have you started your period? this affects things as well. other than that, unless you have a gut feeling that something's not right, you're gonna have to work out to get any weight off. the change in diet will help some, but it really doesn't make much difference with out regular excercise unless you're EXTREMELY over weight...sucks doesn't it?!?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust Ok, so after this week and an all night last night, I've been kind of a grumpy gus. But I made it to Cancun, I feel like I was scared of the airport for nothing (piece of cake with all 5 of us getting green lights), our flight was delayed 40 mins (right after he told us we should be leaving a little early, then he made a joke that you can't believe your pilot...LOL). Well, my computer started working again, and I'm on it right now talking to you guys. Our hotel is gorgeous, I drank a Tropicana (not the orange juice ;-) ) and ate an awesome burger tonight, had swim races with FI and future BIL, swam in the ocean before the waves washed me away. And guess what, I could see Dreams from the front side of our room, and the ocean in the back. Here's some pics... don't mind our sour pusses, he couldn't find the strength to smile and I looked dead (no sleep). This is the Royal Sands, and we will go to Dreams on Tues. I will give updates. thanks for the pics! enjoy your vacation
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by affiwin Ladies - FI and I took the plunge and ordered his and the GM suites from studiosuits. We got them back within 4 weeks but half the suits don't fit according to the meansurements including my FI and I made sure we had a professional tailor measure him. The pants and sleeves come up short and the pants are baggy in the butt and thigh. I submitted a complaint to them to see what they can do but we have about 7 weeks left now so we are working on a plan B. I'm really, really disappointed cos we spent so much money and most other people had rave reviews. We purchased 8 suits from them. Grrrrr!!!!! Any ideas on what stores are carrying linen suits this year? i was set on getting the suits from this site, but in the end FI wanted to see and feel what he was getting before hand. we ended up getting his suit at Macy's just last week...its Perry Ellis. The pants were $50 and the jacket was $120, both on sale (i think 40% off). Also for future brides (ie 2011)...we ended up getting the GMs linen pants and shirts by Cubavera. Macy's carries the brand and the pants were $40 (on sale, regular price $70) HOWEVER...at the beginning of spring this year I saw A LOT of these exact pants at TjMaxx for $20!!! I told FI we should get them, but he was on the fence. Last week when we went shopping, we only found ONE at TjMaxx so we had to pay double the price for the others at Macy's. so moral of the story....if you know the look you're going for, SHOP EARLY!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by andim They didn't charge me for the rehearsal, we had the minister come and we were supposed to be charged for her transportation ($60) but I don't think they ever did. The whole thing was super short but I felt better meeting the minister before and talking through our script. (We had a native English speaker from Canada and she was WONDERFUL.) The terrace is closed through the end a June according to Cecilia. I took pics of their progress I will post. I was bummed to find that out at first but we had our cocktail hour in the garden and it was so pretty. I'm not sure the exact measurements but she hung my 8ft beads and they were short so I'd say the columns are about 12 ft? I had my decorations made for the old gazebo so we just made it work and it was fine. yay!!! have a good honeymoon and thanks for the info!! Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust I hope your wedding went well too! I'm so sorry you slipped through the cracks and I didn't end up wishing you a happy wedding day on your day. I am going to the airport in 4 hours. I had to go to the ER on monday, and today I just found out my laptop battery died, and all of my wedding docs , not to mention my Grad school stuff was on it. So luckily I can still plug it in (but the plug is testy and turns my whole computer off if I touch it wrong). So, instead of sleeping, I am transfering all my data on to an external harddrive. Most of it was on my flash, but now I need back up for my backup, since my computer may not work if the plug goes. AHHHHHH! Can I ever just have a good vacation from start to finish. Btw, I haven't forgotten my requests, I have measuring tape for the gazebo columns (I will also ask the height), my camera (I hope I don't get jinxed and break it) which I will take pics of Desires, and I will ask for Terrace rennovation info. Good news, my mommy inherited a little money and gave me some for our trip, so now I can have money for the trip and still be able to pay off the ER bill. Good Times! thank you soooo much hon! sorry you've had a rough start, but here's to a FABULOUS vacation!!! have fun
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