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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. yay!! that's exciting, congrats!
  2. OMG!! i can't believe its TODAY already!!! i can't wait to hear how everything turned out. i hope you guys have an amazing day...CONGRATS!!!!
  3. theyre great!! i love one of the last b&w ones of you guys laughing and getting splashed, you look sooo happy and in love! congrats!!
  4. holy crap!!! WTF!!! i'm pissed for you! this is ridiculous, i'd definately complain to the supervisor, so many people need jobs right now, i don't enjoy mine either, but at least i do it right and with a smile on my face! she should be FIRED!!!
  5. thanks for the review! congrats and can't wait to see some pics
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa DSO For people in the states, have you ever employed the services of different laser places? I'm currently using Ideal Image and they seem to have their stuff together (but expensive). I see ads for Smooth Solutions all the time and it seems to be significantly less, but are their lasers of less quality as well? P.S. I went to Renaissance Laser a few years ago and well...i'm back at Ideal Image now cuz it (Renaissance) didnt work (for like 6+ treatments mind you). I would like to pay less, but worry that I'm not getting good quality laser if I go elsewhere dont' know...here in atlanta all i hear about is ideal image and WIFH.. on the WIFH website they are having a special for $999 for 8 sessions for the bikini area; it says this includes "any style" and brazilian. is this comparable to ideal image?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by texasreddirt For anyone interested I just posted a review in the review section interested!?!?!? OMG sooo excited, going to read it right now!!! thanks!
  8. i'm sorry hon but i have to go against this. you might say now that you don't really care about pics and that you don't have a wedding party to take pics with, but this is your wedding we're talking about!!! i'm really scared that you'd regret it later on. i mean pics of the kiss, his face when you're walking down the aisle, the ring exchange and pics of the two of you after and with your guests. no matter how good the digital cameras are or how much your guests enjoy taking pics, it'll never replace a professional. plus your guests might feel like they have to capture those "perfect moments" and as a guest i would be a little stressed by this. they want to be able to enjoy the ceremony and reception, not be ready to snap a great shot. lighting is also a huge deal in photography. check out this thread, it shows a big difference b/t certain lighting and how angels affect the results even during the same time of day... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...31/index2.html i always hear that your wedding day goes by super fast and you don't remember a lot of it....so of course the pics are going to be your memories. just a thought!!
  9. yay congrats! it's so exciting when you reach a new status!!
  10. awww that's great news! see everything has a way of working out!! congrats
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by tsgnatko MY FSIL won't come to our wedding - ugh ditto here....she and FI don't speak much, but i extended the olive branch and asked her daughter to be one of my flower girls. FSIL agreed and niece got super excited. i bought her a flower girl book and she started "practicing" now FSIL isn't coming and didn't even have the b*lls to tell me personally, that i'm down a flower girl. confession: i'm kinda glad she's not coming, oops!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie awww betty, i got chills reading that! because it made me think this: when you are standing there looking into his eyes, and saying your vows and holding hands with the waves crashing and the sun setting (or shining!) and the palm trees waving... nothing more will have ever mattered as much as that exact moment. you will be overwhelmed with the moment and so happy you did it that way! it doesnt matter what you wore or who was there, years and years from now you will always have the memory of that exact moment! im glad spilling your guts to us helped you get more excited! you're SO close! only 28 days!!!! wahhoooooooo! OMG this is exactly what i wanted to say....it's what all of our planning and stressing and waiting is all about....that moment when it's just the two of you and 1 guest or 300 guests, it doesnt even matter, everything and everyone else fades away and time just stops!! i'm soooo glad that you're feeling better about everything and that you are loving your dress now!! you're soooo close, holy crap you're gonna be a mrs soon!! yay for you and congrats, can't wait to hear all about it!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by classadiva Oh yes ladies...it's just terrible. I will say this...the best advice I had on this was in this thread...initially I was going to follow-up with people...then I decided not to. Best decision I ever made. The bottom line is that if someone has not RSVP'd via the website, RSVP card, e-mail or when they have seen you...they have no intentions of coming. What are the chances that they are coming yet have never told you so and are not on your rooming list? Not very high. If they do...good luck with that!! LOL My mother even said that it seems like you are begging folks....I had never thought of it that way. I think that as brides we just want to know and put at least one task behind us. What I have found...and I have NO idea why...people are embarrassed or afraid to simply tell you that they cannot attend your destination wedding. As the date has approached...at least in my case...when those who did not respond one way or the other saw that I was not pressing them or seemingly did not care....they did the right thing and simply said that they could not come. What I have also found is that as the date fast approaches...many now wish that they were going!! It will all work out ladies!! this is a good point!! never thought of it that way..."begging folks". the issue i'm having now is that people from colombia have said theyre coming but have also said they aren't sending back the rsvp cause its a "keepsake"...wtf, really?? i mean i know it's a spanish thing to keep everything, but come on!! AND they aren't booking till the last minute b/c there might be a "great deal". so...today i told both my mom and dad that after the deadline they are responsible for talking to each of their family members and getting a confirmation one way or the other... i think that people dont realize the stress they put on you by simply not filling out a card or sending an email or calling or SOMETHING!!! i don't want to buy extra oot bag goodies and favors, but what if you dont' buy enough?!? then you look like an ungrateful idot when all you needed was a darn RSVP!! ok rant's over i feel better now
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 I literally just spent about an hour reading thru this thead and checking out all the awesome etsy finds!! Somehow I had never heard of etsy until I found this forum! Thanks for sharing everyone I haven't bought anything just yet, but have saved a ton of stuff to my favorites so I can come back later on. I'm trying to decide on a dish for our rings and am debating between these two....except I would have fuchsia/orange ribbon since those are our wedding colors. i was going for the first one but i love the idea of your names and date on the second. my colors are orange and fuchsia too who is the seller for the second one??
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by avong1228 Great ideas ladies!! Question ... do you buy enough sashes for both the ceremony and reception? We think we'll have around 50 so does that mean 100 sashes? our resort uses the same chairs for both the ceremony and reception, so we are only getting one set of sashes. simba1234 i love the way you had them tied!! we don't want bows either so i told my WC to tie them in a simple knot
  16. holy crap! very exciting and definately memorable, cute and funny story to tell your kids congrats!!!
  17. all of my dresses are different styles and lenghts and i love it! i just chose the color and fabric and let the girls do their own thing. it worked out great because they each look and feel beautiful. here's the pics ring girl maid of honor BM BM FlowerGirl
  18. i went with white since i know i'll be nice and tan for the wedding. as for the teeth...using crest white strips as we speak
  19. "picturesque description" i love it!! lol!!!
  20. very cool! you're a gorgeous couple, congrats!
  21. i really like the 1st and last, i love how strapless looks on you (and i'm partial as i am also a maggie bride ) i actually tried on the first one and loved it, but i also thought it had too much material in the front and i wanted more shape, ended up trying on the zuri dress and it was perfect! flowly, but still fitted let us know what you end up chosing, i'm sure it'll be gorgeous!!
  22. oh no!!! they definately need to give you some sort of refund so that you can re-print everthing! it's good that you have it all in writing for the 19th, that way it's all on the resort. so sorry this is happening, i'm sure they'll fix it for you somehow. keep us posted!
  23. gorgeous dress!! i have my final fitting july 30th so i'll definately post pics then
  24. sadly yes!! it's ALWAYS humid. but you say you're hair holds curl well so maybe they can just spray the crap out of it and it'll hold
  25. wow that's awesome!!! definately meant to be, congrats and welcome!
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