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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. My mom keeps trying to invite people. Her philosophy is that they won't come b/c of the expense, but that it's good to invite them anyway. And she says that if they do come, she'll make sure to pay for the extra expense. What she doesn't seem to understand is that it's not all a/b the money (I mean obviously the money matters), but more importantly, FI and I want to keep it INTIMATE!! I don't want a bunch of people there that I don't really know...or that know nothing about us as a couple. That is one of the main reasons that we decided on a DW!!! Oh mothers, you gotta love them...I wonder if I'll be like that with my kids??
  2. Hey Lindsey: I didn't even know what TTD was until this forum, but now that I've seen everyone's pics, I'm definately doing it. I'm trying to decide b/t Juan Navarro (Dreams) or Cecilia Dumas. Cecilia takes great pics as well (from what I've seen on reviews) and the price is comparable. I got a quote of $650 for a beach session and $750 for a cenote w/40 pics and the CD with the rest of the pics. Juan sent me a quote of $600 for either a beach or cenote session, but he didn't say how many pics or if the CD is included I'll let you know when I hear back. Ladies: Do you think it's better to have the same photog for the wedding and TTD? What to do?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JT3 Hey past dreams brides.... Does anyone know how big are the tables and how many people they seat? the seat 8 to 10 comfortably (round). I have seen that depending on the size of your wedding, they will set up a long table if you want or the tables can be set up as a big square with the center open so everyone can see each other. I think that looks cool, but I'm still doing the round tables.
  4. you definately need to get your resort settled first. It's like a wedding at home, if you love a certain location, but the date isn't available, then you have to change venues or dates (depending on what's most important to you). Once you have the resort squared away, you'll be able to look at rates for rooms and flights. A bit of advice: At first, I tried to worry about getting the best deals for my guests (different dates, packages, etc) but it's just too much!!! I sent my STDs with our website on it and my guests can check out the resort and decide how to get the best deal. If you give people enough notice, they will be able to figure things out for themselves. When you try to please everyone, you'll end up driving yourself crazy!!!
  5. I think the only time it will really matter is when you take pics of the rings (if you want to do that). He's the one wearing it, so he should love it. I say go try on different ones, he might like someting he never thought he would...that's what happend with my e-ring
  6. I like the idea of the fushia tie. It'll really make him stand out and when you take pics of the two of you, the contrast with your dress and the compliment with your flowers will be awesome!!
  7. "request the honor" is traditionally used for weddings taking place in a house of worship. Mine says "request the pleasure of your company" b/c we wanted to keep it a bit more formal, but I really like your wording. It sets a really good tone for your wedding.
  8. I'm doing shot glasses, hats, and a deck of cards for the guys.
  9. you know how we've all seen that girl in a store or a bar and all the guys gravitate towards her and we might think "what do they see?" it's b/c she feels amazing in what she's wearing....go with an open mind to strapless, and try on some v-necks; and if you feel amazing, you'll look amazing!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kuteliya Lol! I think that its just a change to relate to other people going through the same thing and it serves as a sort of relief that your not the only one!!! Or thats the excuse i make up to feel better for the time I spend here at times! LMAO! I completely agree. I am the first person out of EVERYONE we know that is doing a DW and I've gotten so many good ideas and pointers from this site, I don't know what I'd do without it!!! I say embrace the addiction!!!!
  11. you have every right to be upset about this!!!! let your mom know how you feel b/c it is going to ruin your day and that's not fair to you or the other guest who are and are not in the family. I agree with eveyone, this should be a happy day and you can think of your grandfather and feel like he's there with you, but not by having his things in the next room!!
  12. GET THE MAGGIE!!!! It's amazing on you....I love love love it!!!! the other dress is pretty, but it's kind of over-powering, all you focus on is the dress. The maggie dress is still dramatic, but you carry it so well, it brings out your figure and the details are beautiful!! The back is stunning! I'm sure it looks even better in person.
  13. gorgeous!!!! i love that yours fits the e-ring so well...it looks like a great set.
  14. I say to be safe, bring or make receipts for eveything you have. Their main concern is that you are not trying to sell things in Mexico. I'm having our things split b/t several people so hopefully it won't be an issue. That's the advice I've gotten from several brides as well as theknot.com and a DW planning guide. Also, to make sure that when you split things up, you split similar items up as well. So put a few oot bags, flipflops, etc in one suitcase instead of all of the bags in one, all of the flipflops in another, etc.
  15. oohhh, that's so exciting about tomorrow, and it's a perfect excuse to leave work early can't wait to hear a/b your experience. I worked with Maria the first time, but when I went back for the trunk show, she was in Colombia b/c her mom was really sick maybe she's back now....she's very nice. When I got my dress there was another spanish lady there and I can't remember her name but she was great as well!! The only thing that sucks is the parking lol!! Girl, if that isn't a sign I don't know what is!!! especiall at 2 pm, that's the perfect time--not too early, not too late!!! Sometimes we want everything the way we think it should go, but God knows better than us!! Yeah they are really strick a/b music and flowers and stuff but I'm sure it will be gorgeous. Sooo excited for you!!! btw...we have 3 BM and 2 GM and I think it's ok. I didn't him to add someone or me to take someone away for the sake of it. but I think that your brothers on your side would be really special and it would look soooo cute, b/c it's like their giving you away too!!! my brothers are both younger than me, but so protective that they want to be the ones who give me away when the minister asks who gives this woman to be married lol!!
  16. if you love that necklace, I say buy it anyway and then you can try it with the dress. If you feel it's too much, then you still have the necklace and I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it (maybe with a hot little black dress??). It's beautiful!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TheFutureMrs.Sears The girls are right. Just try on different kinds of dresses and let your consultant show you what they think might look good on you. Carolina24 your dress is gorgeous!! Thank you!!!
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