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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. great job on everything! I did a BD session for my FIs bday and put it into a portfolio type book and now I wish I'd done it in a book like yours with quotes and stuff!!
  2. my e-ring band and wedding band both have diamonds and i LOVE it!!!
  3. hi sara! welcome to the forum. It takes a little while to get used to it, but once you do you'll find amazing info! btw I love your screen name...my favorite drink!!
  4. I've seen it but it's definately BEFORE the bridesmaids walk in. I say have him do it b/c it's his mom and he's going to be up there in front of everyone anyway so might as well start the embarrassment early
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki&James I am sooo confused now as who to use for Dreams Cancun wedding.... we're using the photog included in the package and we also want to do a TTD. We're deciding b/t him and Cecilia Dumas for the TTD b/c their prices are comparable.
  6. So excited for you!!! I graduated in July and still nothing. It's nice to hear that there are still jobs out there...gives me hope!!
  7. Hi ladies! I see there are threads for specific months in 2010 out there and Sept isn't one of them. I thought we could start one for us. How is the planning going, with 10 (or less) months to go? Where are you getting married? ect.
  8. carolina24

    I'm new

    hi there welcome to the forum, happy planning!
  9. carolina24


    welcome and congrats!!
  10. We also had some people question it, but I said if they had $20,000 they could give us, we would gladly have it here! That always shuts them up. It's crazy how people feel like they can have an opinion a/b something that is so personal.
  11. Hi and welcome. We're getting married at Dreams Cancun. It's located on the upper tip of Cancun and has amazing beaches and a gorgeous gazebo. It's also AI and has a very intimate feel. The only thing is that you have to be willing to plan out the wedding once you're there with the WC b/c they don't answer emails promptly. So if you're the type of bride who wants to plan things out in advance (like I was) it might not work out. I finally just relaxed and decided that based on all of the great reviews on this site, my wedding will turn out amazing. Good luck!
  12. I graduated in the summer and still haven't found a "career job". My degree is in business management and marketing. If anyone knows of any opportunities in Atlanta
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM Really? Even for just the symbolic ceremony? That seems a little strange. I don't know that Dreams has that policy for symbolic weddings (I haven't come across it in any of the wealth of information I've read), but thanks for the heads-up. We're getting there on a Mon & our wedding is Sat so I guess it wouldn't be a problem regardless, but getting a bunch of witnesses there 3 business days in advance would've been hard. Susie- that's wonderful! I'm sure your friends feel honored to be included! Dreams Cancun only requires that you have enough time to work with the WC for a symbolic wedding. Im sure their other locations work the same way.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by yencie I'm actually going to Cancun next week for my birthday/site visit/maybe book our wedding date/meet with Cecilia Dumas! lol My fiance and I are staying at Moon Palace but we have a site visit booked for my b day (11/26) at Dreams....I'm so excited!!!! I promise to take a lot of pictures!!! I love Cecilia Dumas work and she has been very responsive with my emails. I think I'm leaning towards using her for our wedding. hope you're having fun!! Let me know how it went with Cecilia Alex and I have 10 months to go ladies
  15. Hi there welcome!!! Definately Dreams Cancun. My FI and our families went to Mexico a few months ago to decide between 4 places. Two of these were Dreams and Gran Caribe Real. Both resorts are beautiful in their own way. GCR: Is a Vegas-style resort. The entrance is grand, the pools are huge, and there are sooo many rooms. It is also less expensive and still close to shops. The wedding coordinator was really nice, but I felt like she was searching for answers to my questions. Also, I didn't like any of the locations she showed us for the ceremony. Like many places in Cancun, they are undergoing beach recovery and there were several bulldozers and other big equipment there. As for the "rain plan", you have to decide the morning of the wedding whether you want to be outside or not; and the ballroom is EXACTLY like any other you've seen (and it smelled funny). If we're getting married in Cancun, I want to see the gorgeous views!! DREAMS: when we first got to the resort I was dissapointed b/c from the outside it doesn't seem as grand. HOWEVER once you step inside it is amazing!!! Everything is kept beautifully and the view towards the pool and ocean from the lobby is awesome. Our WC Cecilia was great. She was answering questions before I even asked them!! When she showed us the different beaches we could choose, I started picturing our wedding. Once we got to the gazebo, we were all blown away!!! The view is indescribable....I knew that was the place we were going to get married! We continued our tour and I fell more in love with the resort. Everyone we encountered was so nice and it is located right on the tip so there are many shops around and you can see the rest of the coastline from the beach. anyway sorry to go on and on, but just thought it might help good luck!
  16. i went with my MOH, my mom and my FMIL but it really just depends on how you feel. Just be honest with her.
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