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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. I've heard of several brides doing this, they just make sure that they arrange for transportation to and from the resort and it works out perfectly.
  2. don't know about anyone in Cabo, but I do know Costo cakes are soooo good!! I think it would be fine for your wedding and way less expensive, good luck!
  3. hi and welcome..we're planning on our honeymoon there, can't wait to hear all about it
  4. carolina24


    welcome to the forum!
  5. Oh my god this is the first I've heard of it...what a great loss, my heart goes out to the family, how tragic.
  6. I think you should at least plan to have a dinner with everyone. Even if it's an AI, people are spending a lot of time and money to celebrate with you and it would be kind of weird to just go back to the room and party w/o some kind of food involved. I wouldn't want a big group kind of fending for themselves after the ceremony and then meeting up to just party later, imo.
  7. i love the color combo. how many BMs are you having? I ask b/c it might make a difference, if you have 3 let's say, it might be too much to have MOH in one color and just 2 others in another color. In that case I would do a sash for MOH, kinda rambeling (lol) does that make sense?
  8. it sounds like they are a bit more formal than the suggestions, I would stick with something a little more traditional, imo
  9. yay!!! I'm glad you have pics you love now, you deserve it after all the crap you went through! they're awesome
  10. my family is from Colombia so we buy chocolate bars (not like candy bars, but real cocoa) and melt it down with milk....yum!! My grandmother used to make it for me all the time when I lived there
  11. I use weddingwire.com which is also free and never had issues with it. I think when you pay you're mainly paying for the domain not the features of the site.
  12. I agree with "FMS", when you accept the BM invite, you accept the expense. As a bride, I wouldn't be upset if you didn't get me anything, but as a guest or BM I would feel weird showing up with nothing. I always give at least $50 for me and each guest ($100-$200). If you don't want to spend too much, I would give her an actual gift instead of money, that way it's more thoughtful.
  13. definately be firm with people b/c you will not belive how rude they can be sometimes. there is a thread a/b this on here and the stories some brides have are crazy!! I've already had to tell several people that they are not invited and I made sure that it is clearly posted on our website that our guests can bring their children/"plus ones" to the resort, but they will not be included in the wedding activites. I even had to give my mom a 4 person "freeby" limit b/c she started inviting all of her friends too!!
  14. carolina24


    hi and congrats!! the Bellagio is beautiful but it's sooo big and very "Vegas" if that makes sense. I liked Hotel Paris better, good luck.
  15. wow thank you for the awesome thread!! i love the lanterns, did you do the LED throwies at home or when you got to the resort?
  16. what an a**!!! just think, joke or not what goes around comes around. I'm sorry hon
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