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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. what a great review!!! i LOVE your centerpiece story! can't wait to see pics. congrats!!!
  2. wow the mock ups look great!! can't wait to see it in action!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs Price 2010 Me to!! We were on Vacation (Look I sound like an american!! Lol!) and just knew he was up to something! I had a feeling he'd do it whilst we were away, it was just a case of finding out which day! He booked a romantic meal at the start of the week, so knew it would be then. He was giggling and smiling all day, but to this day he still thinks it was a complete surprise! this made me laugh!! when i started dating my FI (he's from manchester), it was sooo weird to hear him talk about "holidays" confession: my last dress fitting is tom and i'm NERVOUS!!! i'm scared it won't look right b/c it was so long before; what if it's still too long or worse too short!! and i picked up my veil yesterday...ahhh it's all coming together now and i'm starting to freak out a little!! i also second everyone else who's having motivation issues with the gym!! i always thought that my wedding would be the motivation i needed, especially since its a DW, but that's just not the case! i haven't worked out AT ALL and now there's only 2 months left!!! ugghh!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by mrs.timpone carolina24 i LOVE that idea!! my colors are also pink and orange but I am clueless as to what i want to do for centerpieces actually i kinda know what I want to do but not sure how practical its gonna be. what are your ideas? i was completely clueless too until i saw chris's ideas for a center piece (peterpanpixiedust from the Dreams Cancun thread).... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...nt-kite-60779/ i was thinking of filling the vases with fushia petals instead of red and maybe putting some crystals or shells around it on the table? what is your idea? even if we don't have the same ones, maybe the vases would work for both? i'm also getting orange sashes from here Wedding Chair Covers | Wholesale Wedding Chair Covers they have the ones that match my BMs dresses (persimmon) which is more of a burnt orange. and when/if you decide on getting sashes and you like some of theirs maybe we could order together and have them shipped to one address to save on shipping!! My mom and I are going to Michaels tom to look for flowers/decorations for the gazebo and i'll take pics and show you. I was planning on taking everything down there anyway so i figured if we can both use vases, or flowers, sashes, or whatever we could save at least some money and any bit helps i love that our weddings are together and at the same place!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by simplnsweet love it! I think I am going to do the same...set away from the keyboard... I am actually pleased to have received many perspectives and think I have become more relaxed about the issue...my FI has advised the BM and I guess it is what it is...it's gonna a be a big party!!!! ultimately this is the most important post!! :) glad you feel better about the situation!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by CanadianLindsey I would be very annoyed too if someone did this to me (and it could happen as all of the groomsman at my DW are unmarried but in long term relationships!). But the first thought that went through my head was how will his gf feel? When my FI proposed to me it was on a weekend trip a couple hours away from our house, just the two of us in the mountains, and it meant a lot to me that he did it like that. I think this guy is taking the easy route out by using his buddy's DW to propose. He should really get creative and do something special for her, not just use all of your efforts and planning for his own means. It is kind of selfish and she may even be emabarrassed to tell her friends/family where and when he did it. Maybe if you tell him this angle he will change his mind? Good Luck!! Does anyone know of a couple that got engaged at another wedding? How did that go over?? agree...it would be better if he waited till after the actual day of the wedding, then the entire focus would be on his new FI, imo Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG Okay, I was just reading and not going to comment, but I can't not anymore. All of you women saying that the entire wedding WEEK is about me me me me me and my wedding and don't steal my thunder need to get a grip and come back down to reality. Seriously!!! These people love you and are spending a crap load of money to be there for your big DAY. The rest of the week is their vacation, because THEY paid for it, so they can do whatever the hell they want to on their vacation, that THEY paid for. If he wanted to propose on your wedding day, not so cool, but again, its his vacation, that HE paid for. He would look like an ass, but it wouldn't take away from your wedding, because all those people are there for you and your wedding. That is what they paid the big bucks for. So no one is going to take that away, because they are all there for the same reason, to see you and your FH get married and celebrate it with you. Why is it so wrong that they celebrate something else while they are there too Are you all going to tell them what they can and can't do while there for the week, hell no, and why not, because its their vacation, that THEY paid for. I think you get my point. i definately don't think the ENTIRE week is about the wedding AT ALL, but he can respect the fact that he IS there for THEIR wedding and wait until the DAY AFTER....not too much to ask. and i might be the third person to say this, but it is VERY INTERESTING that most of the "no big deals" are coming from the ladies who are already married. maybe some of you are really laid back and really wouldn't be bothered, maybe once we are all married, we'll come back to this and realize that nothing could ever take away from our weddings, but try to remember being a B2B and how excited/nervous/anxious you were about every aspect of YOUR weddings BEFORE they actually took place....
  7. i second that telly, i think real touch is the way to go here's mine: it'll be a little different (no blueish/purple flowers) but you get the idea. I got it from PlumeriasWeddingFlowerBoutique btw mrstimpone your bouquet is gorgeous!! so i was wondering what you might be doing for decorations/centerpieces? i thought since our weddings are one day apart, maybe we could share some stuff (if we have the same ideas)...my colors are pink and orange.
  8. i'm sorry but i think this is just TACKY!!! yes it's their vacation and yes they're going to be at a beautiful location but come on!!! they are there for YOUR wedding!! i think that your FI should tell his friend how you feel about this (even if you aren't supposed to know) maybe a girl's perspective would change his mind...i mean how do you think the gf will feel about it as well?? what a great story to tell.."yeah so we were there for a friends wedding when bob popped the question..." hum...NO NO NO!! this not only steals your thunder, but her's as well!! at the VERY LEAST he needs to wait till after the wedding. although in my opinion it shouldn't happen AT ALL on this trip!! can you tell im pissed for you, lol!!! as for the one about the friend proposing before the wedding and telling his then FI not to talk about it or wear her ring?!?!? WTF?? what is wrong with guys sometimes? could you imagine if your FI had proposed and said "but honey you can't talk about it or wear your ring till AFTER their wedding"...i would say try again when it's actually ok for me to be engaged!! this kinda highlights what i said before about stealing the thunder of the girl who gets engaged!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by RunningBride24 Alright, I'm assuming the man with you in the first picture is your dad, but he looks so young. Either way I LOVE that picture. He's just so proud and looking at you with all his love and adoration and you're smiling from ear to ear seeing your fiance. What a great moment they captured! brother maybe?? if not then awesome pic of dad!!! either way, he does look soooo proud!!! it's beautiful!!!
  10. oh honey...we were in the same boat!!! i don't know what everyone else said BUT my FI was the same way for a while and then i finally just took him out and MADE him go shopping!! i ended up getting what i wanted (a suit with a jacket) and let him believe that he picked it on his own (does that make sense??) i'm sure he'll look amazing in the end
  11. deep breath!! ok yes you should definately have a timeline for the wedding; since this isn't confirmed yet by your WC (which should have been by now, btw) you could let everyone know the day before the ceremony; i assume that you'll have a meeting with your WC when you get there and everything needs to be sorted out by then!! i told my guests to be seated by 3:45, our wedding is at 4pm. as for the menu, it isn't really necessary, especially since things might change as you say and you won't have anything confirmed probably till you have your meeting; i say unless you get this confirmed asap, then don't worry about the menus. if you get food confirmed and decide on doing the menus, i would do one per guest and have the WC place them on each place setting. don't laminate them; just print them out on really nice cardstock. our menus are in english and spanish... i got the idea for the headings from someone on here; cant remember who but thanks!! this is just rough draft (we're not doing the palm trees) but you get the idea good luck!!
  12. you do have control as to who comes to your wedding!! just be firm about it! it's YOUR wedding day and this guy who you and FI hardly ever see, doesn't have to be invited. so many of us on here have issues with these types of situations. i'll tell you right now that from experience that i have lost several "friends" during the process of planning this wedding. FI and i agreed from the beginning that only CLOSE friends and family were invited...we sent out invites to a few friends that are not dating anyone seriously and did not give them a "plus one"; they can bring who they want to on their vacation, but THEIR guests were not invited to OUR wedding...needless to say, they were upset by this and aren't coming and we haven't heard from them since; AND I COULD CARE LESS, LOL!!! this isn't highschool it's your WEDDING!! if this guy is really a friend, then he'll completely understand if you don't want this chick at the wedding; if not then he doesn't need to be there...just be firm in your decisions and don't let anyone make you feel bad or weird about it!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by msjulie5475 Where did you order your pashminas? I am looking and only found expensive ones. there are several threads on this...just do a quick search
  14. we're getting there 2 days before so we can get the last details sorted out. but i'm with you on this one! i would get there the day before if i could!! My FI insists that yes, we're getting married but that i also need to enjoy our time there. i agree, but i will not be relaxing until the ceremony starts and i know that it's all ok now. i will not be out in the sun much for those two days and will definately NOT be drinking at all the night before (although it'd be the same if the wedding was here). as for the food, i've never gotten really sick (fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc, etc, etc) at an AI before, but i think you'll know by the first day what your body will and wont tolerate. there are foods at each resort we've been to that my tummy just doesn't like; TMI, but as soon as i get any kind of weird stomach feeling, BEFORE i even get sick, i pop some imodium and stay away from that food for the rest of the trip, lol! i also always bring some type of immune booster...the one i've found that works best for me is the CVS brand of airborn; the kind that dissolves in your mouth. first sign of a sore throat or any sneezing and i pop those religiously every three hours for the rest of the day. the next day i wake up and nothing!! i haven't had a full-on cold since i discovered these when we went to vegas last year!! also remember to take a DEEP breath b/c you will definately make yourself sick if your super stressed. so i guess you and I both need to take my FIs advice and wuuussaa--as much as a bride can of course
  15. yes it does!!! thank you, i'll have to email Cecilia to get in touch with Gino. I had told her that we wanted to have him be our officiant a while ago and that we wanted our own script, but i'll send her a little reminder since we're just over 2 months out now.
  16. what a great review!!! congrats! I HATE AA, the first time we came back from cancun...we missed our connection (their fault, not ours) and they did NOTHING about it!! we were stuck in the airport for like 22 hours until i got so upset (and LOUD) that they put us on a Delta flightl...NEVER again!! anyway I LOVE your pics! I'm so glad to hear yet another bride that was satisfied with Juan Navarro, I was scared when we couldnt afford our own photog, but im really excited about Juan now! couple of questions...did they let you have the reception in the spa terrace only b/c the other one was closed down or do they have them in either? I wanted to have it in the spa terrace, but i don't remember where i read that it's not usaully available. also, if you don't mind me asking, how much was DJ Doremixx? Cecilia told me that we could only use DJ Mannia, which i'm fine with, but not if it's going to cost more, that's not fair at all!! finally, how long did you have the photogs for? our package is for 1.5 to 2 hours, i'm planning on getting maybe 2 extra hours, but not sure if its worth it? oopps forgot a couple...was the minister standing to the side the whole time? and did you send him your script directly or through the WC? ok thats it...for now, lol!! thanks so much!!
  17. just saw you posted your date on the Dreams Cancun thread...youve made your decision?? congrats!!! you'll LOVE it. Last year i did a site visit to both of these resorts and fell IN LOVE with dreams! now my wedding is just over 2 months away and i can't wait!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by luchdiamond Well its not just in Asian culture. If your friends know that you have your own place they should basically know that the next best gift is money. You really should not have to ask or register for things that you dont need. i agree with this as well. FI and I both had our own place when we started dating and we bought our place together 2 years ago so a registry is out of the question. We are registering for the 2 showers that my mom and MOH insist on throwing (I'd be fine without). As for the wedding gifts, we put this info on our website in the Q&A section; something like... Q: Where is the couple registered? A: Being there is your gift to us, for this reason Alex and I have decided to not have an official registry. If you still feel inclined to give, we would really appriciate a donation to the "new couch and curtains fund" Also my mom and MOH are in charge of spreading the word if anyone asks. Money is always an acceptable wedding gift and i'm sure your american friends will understand.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MsSmithtobe What is everyone doing so they don't sink in the sand? I thought about getting wedges because I can't wear flipflops with my dress just wouldn't look right. BTW, MysTEa yours are really cute! i think most brides do wedges or those foot jewels (sole-less sandals??) when we decided on MX, we were going to do a beach ceremony and i was planning on the foot jewelry and having heels for the reception...i was just going to have my dress altered to the right length with heels on.
  20. what a great find!!! beautiful...i would definatly look for a flower to keep the front tie, it gives it a special touch
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by luchdiamond All of the rings look so beautiful. I'm not sure if my husband and I should do new rings. We have been married for 10years in October and we are renewing our vows. If we do new rings, what will we do with our old ones? ten years! congrats!! our jeweler offers upgrading; you spend what you originally spent on the diamond and you the the current value of your original, so if you spent $3000 on the diamond and it's worth $4000 now, you basically get a $7000 diamond for $3000. My FI says that i can upgrade for our 5th if i want to but i told him i couldn't imagine leaving MY diamond at the store!! he spent so much time and did research to get me the best diamond possible and i LOVE it!! i told him if we ever upgrade, he'll have to save up some $$$ cause i'm not trading it in...might turn it into a pendant, lol!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jennster_04 i bought this lawn chair covers for my brides maids with there name on them Lawn Chair Cover by MaddiesAttic on Etsy I also bought mugs from discounmugs.com oooo i like these!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by *tinkertoy* Ladies, I'd love to use candles and see that many of you are, but what about the wind? Will they be constantly blowing out? i think it really depends on your location...we're getting married at Dreams Cancun and candles are completely out of the question...CRAZY wind!!
  24. i confess that i do want kids, but not at all costs like FI...there is a chance that he might not be able to have kids so we are going to a specialist after the wedding. we got into a "discussion" last night because he says he would try IVF and all that, which is fine with me BUT we got on the topic of adoption and this is something i'm just not willing to do. i might sound horrible, but i feel like you would put all of your emotional and financial effort into a child only to have them want to find things out about their biological parents. i would completely understand why the child would want to know about them, but i feel like why should i have to share my child with someone else?? i've known several adopted children (now adults) and they say that they would never replace their parents, but they still wanted some type of communication with their biological family, this would really bother me. it scares me that FI and I completely disagree in this area...although i want kids, i would be absolutely fine with it just being the two of us; but i'm starting to wonder if he feels the same way...
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