Ladies I'm about to rant for a bit, so hang in with me....
FI had been married before. Clearly it didn't work out, but it took me a LOOONG time to be ok with his past. I never thought I would date let alone marry someone who was married before.
So his past is his past and it doesn't affect our relationship. but now that we're engaged, I feel like I'm second to his ex and it sucks!!!
he doesnt make me feel that way, it's the situation. for example, I always wanted to do a framed pic that people could sign at our wedding and that's what he had last time. i wanted to give him a really nice watch for his present and thats what she did. even worse, he invited his parents friends (who live in england) and they arent coming bc they came for the last wedding and its too expensive!
All those feelings and insecurities that I had at the beginning of our relationship about being "number two" are coming back
i feel like it's "been there, done that" and our wedding is coming in second to what he did with her.
I've been engaged before and he says there are things he wishes I hadn't done with the ex and I completely understand, but it's different for guys, you know? I know that he loves me more than anything and all that matters is that WE are together and getting married, but for the little girl inside me that had an idea of what this time in my life would be like, this sucks
Thanks for listening!!!