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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. holy crap! talk about bad omens the day of...and the whole trip!! it's a good thing youre home! it's kind of sad that now when they think about their wedding, there's such a negative memory
  2. that's great, I'm fowarding it to all the great women in my life. thanks!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by khomac One thing I wish I would have done is to make a table or display or something for those who couldn't come to the wedding, people like my grandmother, best friends, cousins, etc. I did have a photo charm on my bouquet for my grandmother who passed away, but my other grandma is just as important and wasn't there either. I should have done something to include her and my grandfathers this is a good idea! i love your siggy pic, you look sooo happy
  4. thanks so much for the pics msmoodyr!! we're ordering next month
  5. love! lobster, you ladies are making me hungry!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di I am planning to have our TTD the day before the wedding. Is this weird? I just know that I or FI will be hungover after the wedding and I do not want that to show up in the pictures!! not weird at all!! we're doing ours during our HM like 4 days later b/c the day after would be toooo much! i want to be able to sleep in and have breakfast in bed
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Island Bride I would suggest you do NOTHING that was done at his first wedding so everything is unique and a fresh start for the both of you! Good Luck Chicky! thats what I think too...i'd rather just to everything for the "first time". thank you! malisa: his parents are coming, it's his parents really close friends who arent, they are like his aunt and uncle but if they don't want to "spend the money again" then screw them, their loss!!
  8. definately no...it would be rude hon bc you chose to have your wedding there and even though its only 12 to each person, its the fact that they have to pay for something that is a part of the wedding its self. it would be like you asking people to pay for dinner at your wedding or something like that. i think youre gonna have to come up with the $400 somehow, imo.
  9. thanks susieQ...i've been debating a/b the sunscreen and even though its only .99/ tube, with 35 bags it adds up. i think maybe i'll spend those $40 on something else!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill Last time he did this dreams gave a bit of a discount as well, if the brides mentioned to the WC the promotion that was being offered. But I think it's only if you don't already have him booked, just new bookings. yeah I emailed Cecilia and she said the discounts dont apply at Dreams btw, Im faxing you the contract tomorrow :) pp&pd--yay on your dress!!! another maggie bride, dont you LOVE the designs!?!? Cecilia quoted the DJ at 280/hour + 10% tax for this year (this is an increase from prior years of course). the dance floor you want i think is $800. We are doing the reception at the club terrace so that we can save at least on the dance floor!!
  11. like reebok easytone sneaks (I wanna get some)?
  12. woody harrelson: zombieland (part of this was filmed 10 mins from my house)
  13. wow!!! thats great. I wish i would have done some research and just had people rsvp on our website instead of worrying about response cards, ect. oh well too late now, but great job on the deal!!!
  14. i wanted to do this soooo badly but it just wasnt in our budget! they look great!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by msmoodyr Our suit would have been here on the 9th but the snow pushed the delivery back to tomorrow. We ordered on the 24th. Not custom made, picked the regular size from the drop down box. I'll post a pic tomorrow. let us know how it went with the regular sizing, this might be easier?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by march132010 Our Suits shipped today--- we ordered 4 OMG i'm so nervous cant wait till you get them..pics please we are going to get FI measured the week after next and then its order time!!
  17. hey ladies!!! so i've heard that DJ Mania is offering BDWF brides 30% if they book by the end of feb, I've also heard that it's cheaper to book them directly than through the resort but Cecilia says they can only be booked through the resort. so my question is...shouldnt we be entitled to promotions/discounts as well?? any suggestions as to what you're doing/have done about situations like this?
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