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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 What horror stories have you heard about Prenatals? I never had any problems with them. I hope you don't either. I started taking them two months before I got pregnant but they say you should start three months so that you have the build of of folic acid etc in your body when you get pregnant. i've heard they make you sick and give you bad diarrhea or constipation. do you remember what your pills were called? your baby is tooooo cute!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by hat0112 Oh I definitely need drugs for the birth!! My FI and my Dad were both over 10lbs when they were born and I am not delivering a 10lb baby naturally! Is it just me or has his thread made me think about babies more?? 10 lbs!!! omg yeah definately drugs! not just you, trust me
  3. hey ladies... just wanted to see how many of the more recent B2Bs or new Mrs have thought about this. we want a weddingmoon baby!!
  4. so i did a seach of "babies" and this came up...soooo cute!! late congrats!!
  5. im glad someone posted to this so that it came back up! it was a great story
  6. yay!!!! it's beautiful! i know FI and i were soooo excited when we bought ours. CONGRATS!!!!
  7. Hi ladies!!! first of all CONGRATS to all of you!!!! so I went to the doc for a pre preg exam and she gave me a bunch of prenatal vitamin samples...i've heard horror stories about them, and from searching on here, it's mostly true. doc wants me to start taking them now even though we're not trying till after the wedding in sept, but i know of so many people that start them after they find out theyre pregnant and with all the side effects i just don't know? what do you think?? which one's are easiest on your tummy? thanks!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jstar83 9 of our friends will start trying to conceive in cuba at our wedding too.lol... its crazy....i guess we are all around the same age, so weddings and babies are like EVERYWHERE these days! im so glad to know i am not the only one going baby crazy and it feels good to let it out.lol...... scared about the giving birth idea tho.lol.... yes definately scared about the birth part. my mom didn't have any drugs with the three of us and belive it or not, i've always kind of hoped i could do it like her! HOWEVER if it comes down to it....give me the drugs!!!!
  9. i agree with the ladies hon. this is one of those situations where you might have to cut another part of the budget to get the dress you really want. the dress will be in pics and videos FOREVER and it will be a HUGE part of the memories you have of your wedding. the dress you hate, might be the one someone really loves!! so get out there and shop shop shop, remember you'll need time for alterations and stuff!! good luck
  10. i agree with butterfly...when you sign on as a BM or MOH, you are taking a responsibility to help and be there for the bride!! I say talk to them, and if they aren't willing to step up, fire all of them and do it your self! I know I'd rather do things myself than to have a bridal party who's basically just there for the attention they'll get that day!
  11. like..some stuff, better when they actually played music videos though! tattoos (getting them)?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by tammikins I measured him myself and did the custom measurements. I did it twice just to be sure. I also added about an inch across the back/shoulders and a little bit of extra length for the pants. It turned out that the pants were just right, but they also have about 2 inches extra on the bottom that could be let out just in case. The pants weren't lined; I don't think that was an option when we were ordering. I don't think the pants need to be lined. You want to be as cool as possible, so the extra lining probably won't help. And thanks, I'm glad you liked the photos! thank you!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by hat0112 Well I always known I wanted kids, but about a year before my FI and I got engaged I was in total crazy baby mode. We also just bought a house and I already picked a room for the nursery. And we picked out names already! All I can think about are babies and I can’t wait to be pregnant (I’m not too excited for the birth though). Once we got engaged in Oct, it calmed down slightly. I am 28 and I always wanted 2 kids before I am 30, but unfortunately I know that won’t happen. We are going to wait about a year after the wedding for work/money reasons. I am more than ready, but the only thing holding me back is the money thing. second that!! I wanted 3 kids before 30 but i'll be 28 in oct so that's out the window!! lol
  14. i dont think so because no one will know its short sleeves until he takes off the jacket. and then he'll be more comfortable the rest of the night!
  15. i completely understand!! i've been baby crazy for several months now. we are not actively trying, but if it happens, it happens. we started this a while before we got engaged so now that the weddings on, i've been a bit more careful, he would be absolutely happy if it happend now but i tell him it's because he's not the one trying to fit in a dress lol!! on a side note, i went to the gyn yesterday and told her how we feel about things. ive been off the pill for sometime and i told her i'm a little worried that nothing has happend yet... she said that once we get back from the wedding we should ACTIVELY try for 4 to 6 months and then come back in if nothing's happend yet. she also put me on prenatal vitamins just in case. she said that the best thing to do is once youre actively trying, to take notes of your cycle so that if, god forbid, you have to have medical help, your doc will have as much info as possilbe. i have this book called "taking charge of your fertility" and it sooo informative, even if you don't want children, every woman should read this book!! my co-worker got pregnant 2 months after using it!! clearly we're NOT using it to try yet but you could try this once you're really really ready
  16. congrats!! don't worry, you'll get lots of info from here...just don't try to do EVERYTHING and get overwhelmed, lol!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by snoopAsh I know that these aren't custom, but maybe you can paint them to fit your style. I bought 25 pair and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them and they were afordable! Amols' Specialty - Catalog - Traditional Large Maracas 8" wow great deal!! are you giving these as favors? in the oot bags?
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