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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. tracy your ring is beautiful...and even more special since your FI had to put extra effort into it
  2. bahiabride I love your headpiece...its getting soooo close now!!! i cant wait to see your wedding pics, very happy for you!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle613 Girls, thank you very much for the beach info. Do you think that when I can arrive I can tell Claudia which one I prefer or should I do it ASAP? (I'm still not sure how many ppl and don't know what I like more yet, prob himitsu). Also, today I was at Michael's & got a bunch of different colored flower petals to decorate the tables & the aisle runner. When I left, I realized that they might not be allowed because they're not environmentally friendly. Has anyone used fake petals as table decorations or to decorate the runner instead of real petals? Time is flying and I'm starting to freak out! Ahhh! Thanks guys <3 you cant use fake petals on the beach. only at the gazebo and the terrace or ballroom.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by cbell Hi Carolina 24 I looked for my receipt but couldn't find it....I think it was all in spanish and we didn't really understand it so I threw it out during my wedding clean-up. My contract showed $60-120 for each extra centerpiece. One was free since it was used for the ceremony table so I only had to pay for 2 extra. I want to say they were around 80 each so just a slight notch up from the basic. thats what i though....thank you so much
  5. I really want to use a matted photo album as our guest book. i want to insert pics of us during different times of our lives with our guest so that they can sign the on the page with their pic. i want the pages to be white and have a couple of slots for pics (not just one pic per page). the only albums like these that i've seen come with a big price tag b/c they are professionally done by photographers (think of an engagement picture album and such). soooo...i was wondering where/how you guys get these?? i just want the album, not the professional pics that go with it. thanks guys!!!
  6. holy crap this is craziness!!! i'm so glad you're gonna have your dress after all the drama!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di still in mourning! i had posters of him back in late 90s... haha! glad to know i wasn't the only one
  8. mine wanted wire transfer or check, but i was scared it'd get lost in the mail. wachovia charged me $25. could you do a money order? like western union or something?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by cbell Hmmm...you know you might be right, maybe it's just the ceremony table that's included. I'll look at my paperwork tonight to see the cost breakdown and let you know what I was charged. thank you for looking!!
  10. omg definately go with this!!! a year goes by soooo fast and you'll be saving a lot of $$$ for a down payment. plus your FI will hopefully have a job soon (fingers crossed) and you'll both be on your feet. I think it's a great way to star off. plus if you ever need your own space, you could sneak away to a hotel for a night or two and relive the honeymoon
  11. personally i think its very selfish of your FSIL to put you in this position. you said from the begining no kids, and that means NO kids. I would stick to my guns...no you dont HAVE to let your future niece stay for the party. plus imagine how other parents would feel. you have to do all or nothing with kids. if you make the exception for your future niece, then youre gonna have to let other kids be there as well and that's not what you want for YOUR wedding we are also having a flower girl...and that's it!!! most of the people coming to the wedding have kids and there have been discussions about this, especially with "older" children. but they all know how FI and I feel and they are respecting our decision.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mnh1983 Exciting! We are flying to NY this weekend to meet with the Inn to decide on food and setup. We are then meeting with our photographer, and I'm hoping we can squeeze in the bakery too! yay!! it's all coming together now, let us know how it went!! Quote: Originally Posted by taranyc Hi everyone. Carolina...thank you for starting this thread...it's awesome to see other Sept. brides (two of you share the 25th with me). Seriously, September cannot get here soon enough...I am so excited!!!! xoxo, tt I know I'm sooooo excited, it's getting super close now!! my MOH got her dress delivered today, she looks beautiful
  13. quick question....did your WC agree to the center pieces before hand. I ask b/c we have the Ultimate package as well and it doesn't say anthing about center pieces so I was going to take them down myself. it would really help out if they were just included....thanks!
  14. thank you soooo much for the review. everything looked beautiful and you dress is gorgeous!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by wendyjd Glad to see this thread pop up. I am NOT changing my name. My FI is fine with it. I was previously married and hyphenated with a LONG last name, which for some reason confused people and was still a huge pain to change (twice!). Its funny even though we aren't married about half of our neighbors call me by his last name already. It doesn't upset me but it seems funny that both names (first and last) are on the homeowners assn info I rarely get called by MY last name and my FI NEVER gets called by my last name. haha same here!! everyone in the building calls me mrs. tompkins and NO ONE ever calls him by my last name. so after my last post i remembered that i had a hoodie embroidered with "mrs. tompkins" for our trip to cancun...too late to change my mind?!?
  16. i've always joked about keeping my name even though i'd always thought i'd change it, but now that it's getting closer i really have been going back and forth with this. first, it's been MY NAME for 27 years!!!! and second my name is very spanish and his last name is very NOT! so it sounds weird. and if i hyphenate it, it's just way too long. and this might be weird, but i don't want to change my signature...all of the letters in my name are pretty and curvy (Carolina Gonzalez) and now i'll have a big straight T to dea with!! so not too sure about the Carolina Tompkins thing....god it even looks weird!!
  17. im sorry this happend but i'm not at all surprised. we fell in love with the pics too, but when we went for the site visit, it was horrible! we were there at the "right" time and the service still sucked!! like everyone's said, everything happens for a reason and now you have a great resort that you'll really love!!!
  18. update ladies!!! we bought our plane tickets last week, and I got the confirmation for the private transfers that I arranged as a surprise for FI. they are picking us up at the airport and taking us to the resort, then driving us from the resort to the honeymoon location and then back to the airport when it's all over. soooo excited!!!
  19. yep just saw on the website...no fireworks!! well I guess it makes sense, better safe than sorry. I'm so glad dreams is right down town with all the markets around...i'll just pick some up when we get down there.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by taranyc wow! what a gorgeous dress! tt Quote: Originally Posted by luciel2820 I love your dress!! It looks beautiful on you. thank you ladies! can't wait till it's fitted to me!!
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