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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. the people there (on vacation) have been pretty good at posting pics on FB if you guys wanna check it out. the dome is going up like JT3 said. I really wish they hadn't done the dome though, it looked better left as an open ring. oh well 149 days!! cant wait!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by *Meagan* This is an interesting thread. Im semi doing this I guess. Im charting and tracking my ovulation etc.. but Im still on the pill. I sort of want to use the "most fertile the month after you go off BC" to my advantage and hope I get pregnant right then! Does that make sense.. so Im afraid to go off now and then not be able to get pregnant later.. is that weird?? the idea of the first month off the pill is the most fertile doesn't work for everyone...some people get pregnant right away and some people go months without any luck. also the pill tricks your body by providing a steady dose of hormones so tracking your ovulation while you're on it, won't help you once you come off. the book mentioned in this thread is AWESOME!!! every woman should read it regardless of TTC or TTA. you should get it so that when you decide to go off the pill, it'll be easier for you to notice your most fertile days and get that baby asap :)
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jodimichelle Thank u thank u for sharing that info. I just checked that thread and got great ideas!! youre welcome glad you found some inspiration!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MayanLily Is everyone renting centerpiece supplies or are you bringing them down? Honestly, I wasn't thinking I would even do centerpieces. I figure a beach front wedding would be beautiful enough... lol maybe i'm delusional! Is that tacky? i think that you should have some type of centerpiece, just nothing too busy so that it doesn't take away from the beauty of the enviornment. we're doing some simple candles with sand and shells/rocks. the chair sashes match the BMs dress color so that will make things pop. good luck!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by dianep i worked on our ceremony script over the weedend (finally!!) and didn't even feel the need to use any other resources! i pieced together bits and pieces from all you ladies' scripts and have come up with something i feel pretty good about! talk about cut and paste! started going over it with FH last night and we'll see where we end up. but i can't thank you all enough for sharing! one question/looking for thoughts: my mother will be officiating the ceremony. trying to figure out how to word the part of "xxx and xxx would like to thank their parents for..." should we just have my mom say that and make a joke about it, or does anyone have suggestions? thanks! that's so cool that your mom is officiating!! i think making a joke about it would be cute
  6. hi ladies, cecilia said she would email me pics of the new gazebo once it's completed. i'll post them when she does.
  7. we did invitations b/c a. i always think of invitations when i think of weddings and b. no one wanted to book until they got an "official" invitation, even though we sent STDs out last august.
  8. try this thread...great ideas and beautiful scripts...don't forget to do a search first http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-script-21660/
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo so I finally ordered my pearl nautilus shells for the mothers to partake in the sand ceremony, a clear plastic base for the shells, and a shell to hold our rings instead of a pillow all from SeashellCollection on etsy - I also got some small white and shimmering shells to throw throught the dinner table - she has been fantastic to deal with! i love the shell for your rings! are you using the ribbon to secure the rings or are you just placing them on the shell?
  10. welcome lilly and jodeen!! sooo excited....i just made my first dress fitting appointment and our out of country guests just got their invitations! I'm mailing the rest of them today. In a couple of weeks I'm going to put money down on FI's wedding band and I've been slowly buying HM clothes ohhh and I FINALLY found chair sashes that match the BMs dress color (persimmon is a hard one)! everything's coming along
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya Hmm I would see a different doctor then. I only have to wait 6 months of TTC before they'll do tests, but that's because I am 35. Under the age of 35 they make you wait one year. Maybe it's different here in Canada. Anyway... hopefully none of us will need to make those appointments! it's the same here, one year if youre under 35, 6 months if youre over. maybe it is the doc? I'd rather get things going asap...i'm not getting any younger
  12. they look really nice. i love the one of you kissing FI with your foot up in the air....sooo cute!! ps. i'm honeymooning at your resort, can't wait!! congrats
  13. purple shells your wedding is soooo close! maybe you'll have a honeymoon baby i've been off the pill for a while now and nothing. not really ttc but not not trying, kwim? for a while i was taking my temp every morning but it was getting pretty hard month after month being dissapointed so i quit. i'm glad that for now while the wedding planning is going on i have other things on my mind. FI said that once we get back, he will go to the doc and get tested, just to make sure everythings ok and i'll start tracking my ovulation again. we definately want to do things asap so if something's wrong, we'll take the next step (fingers crossed everything's fine!!). good luck ladies
  14. i think the new gazebo looks great, espcially if they keep it as an open ring! I'm just glad they kept the location!!! does anyone have pics of seaside grill...we're doing our welcome dinner there. thanks ladies!!
  15. wow!! great work on everything yay 4 months, 3 weeks, 6 days to go!!!
  16. OMG your MIL is a complete (word i shouldnt say)!!! I will tell you from experience that your FI needs to stop this entire situation right now, I mean like TODAY! he needs to sit down with his mom and firmly explain to her that you are #1 in his life and she has to respect you or she can forget about him. I know that sounds horrible BUT its the ONLY thing that works in these situations. she's crossed the line WAY to much!!! she should have never ruined your engagement...to me, that's the worst of it. My father's mom was like this with my mom, saying things, ruining moments, the dress code for their wedding was black tie (tux only), very formal (my moms dad was a prominent attorney) and grandma called the men on her side of the family and made them wear navy suits!!! then she went to my mom's dad's funeral in a red dress!! i mean the list goes on and on....this ALWAYS caused major fights b/t my parents b/c although my dad would stop it when he witnessed the situatuions, it still continued to happen if he wasn't there. it wasn't until 5 years ago (23 years into their marriage) that he finally put her in her place. but it's too late b/c my mom doesnt talk to her anymore and she isn't welcomed at my parents house when she comes to the states!! mom's are afriad to not be the #1 woman in their son's lives, so they act completely crazy and do hurtful things. the only way to break this is for the son to set firm ground rules and follow through with them. DO NOT let his brother come to your legal wedding!! sorry but this got me so fired up, this should be the happiest time of your life and NO ONE needs to ruin it!!!
  17. you are not selfish at all....there will only be 2 kids at my wedding (flower girls ages 7 and 9) so i know they will behave. other guests have children and they are NOT invited to the wedding. they know that if they want to bring their kids to the vacation, then that was ok...BUT NOT TO THE WEDDING!!! it's YOUR day. I understand that some people would say that if they were invited and asked to not bring their children, they wouldn't come; that's perfectly ok if you ask me, b/c at some point, when it was their wedding day, they did things the way they wanted...it's funny how people forget this when they have children.
  18. exactly chipotle!! i know we all want the rooms and pool to be renovated, but at what cost?? no matter what someone would be affected!! i really do think that you 2011 brides should be completely out of the woods, or else the rest of us 2010 brides have no hope, lol!! anyway, the little gazebo is actually nicer than the old one, the sucky part is that they didn't tell anyone before hand! good luck to all of us, omg!
  19. holy crap i still cant belive theres all this crazyness going on!!! the little gazebo looks "ok" but i would still definately get some type of compensation for all this (april/may brides)! i knew from my site visit last sep that there were gonna be renovations going on but i never thought they would still book weddings for locations that aren't really there! i really hope they finish everything they plan on doing before sept...god forbid they decide to re-do all of the rooms or the pool or lagoon b/c obviously they won't let anyone know before hand!!
  20. wow craziness! i really think that you should do what would make YOU and most of the guests comfortable. for example, do you really want this to be the first time your FI meets your bio dad as you put it? and bio dad doesnt get along with your mom or that side of the family at all...mom and family have been a huge part of your life (i assume), where he is more of a "friend" that you talk to several times a year. i get that he's your father, but blood ISN'T thicker than water...the important people in your life are those who have always been there for you, in good and bad. i say don't invite him, you can explain to him that your mom and family won't be comfortable with him being there...i had to do this with one of my aunts b/c she screwed my other aunt (whos like my second mom) over big time. yeah it's a crappy convo to have, but worth it in the end b/c its YOUR day and you don't wanna have to deal with any added stress. good luck!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by hunniebee724 Thanks Carolina! I knew it should be a few weeks, but I wasn't sure exactly. He has 4 already, but they were done years ago and he didn't remember how long it took them to heal. no problem
  22. holy crap that looks amazing....i agree, take it off and start your own little side business !!
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