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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. thats so pretty, and the color of my bridesmaids dresses!!! they will have cream colored bouquets and my will be tropical (with orange) to stand out from my dress
  2. and don't forget that depending on the number of guests you have you'll do either sit down or buffet style. i'm pretty sure that up to 40 guests you can have a sit down and after 40 it's buffet style. don't worry if your guests reply to your email and everyone wants something different....it's your wedding and you pick whatever the menu will be. kinda sucks that you gave them the "option", but i'm sure that the day of, no one will even think about it. plus from all the reviews, the food during the reception is better than what they normally do at the restaurants!
  3. i've even heard of couples who walk down the aisle together!! it really depends on what makes YOU comfortable. walk by yourself, with FI, with MOH, with BM...it's all up to YOU because its YOUR day!!!! in the end, you'll be marrying your love and that's all that really matters
  4. i think it really depends on what you envision for the day...i personally don't want to see my FI until i'm walking down the aisle, so pics before the ceremony are not an option. also, i remember seeing a thread on here awhile ago about the sun setting really quickly and that most of the bride's pics (even some ceremony ones) where kinda dark. for these reasons, we decided to move the ceremony from 5pm to 4pm. if you don't mind seeing FI before the wedding, then you could do pics before hand and have a sunset ceremony. just remember that the closer you are to the equator, the faster the sun sets; so you might have a 15 min window rather than a half an hour one.
  5. i started with a local TA and got nowhere. My TA (jill from BDW) is awesome, has answered all my questions, and keeps me updated on lower airfair, hotel promos, etc...and we live hundreds of miles away!! i think its better to have a TA that is knows how to handle a DW (and has even experienced one herself), than someone who you can see face to face. emails and phone calls work wonders!! good luck!
  6. maybe you could get a band to exchange at the ceremony, and you could wear it when you don't want to wear the e-ring (gym, cleaning, every now and then). but other than that i think the ring is GORGEOUS as it is!!! congrats
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by greysgirl I had 4 or 5 treatments in that area and get only the occasional hair...thus I shave MAYBE once a month. Plus, the hair that does grow back is very fine and not dark like it was. So it's kind of funny how I won't notice any hair and then one day get a close up in the mirror of my armpit (for example) with one long thin light hair. Ha! If you do it you'll never regret it. One of the best purchases I've ever made. i can't wait!!! i would do it now, but with all the wedding expenses and time crunches....i'd rather wait till we get back. i'm glad i found this thread, thanks ladies!!! i'll post my feedback when the time comes
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by greysgirl I had it all lasered off....and don't regret it a bit! It's SO nice to not worry about shaving, or ingrowns! I have fairly olive skin with dark brown hair, but my body hair was always black and coarse. I was told by the laser technician that the laser picks up the difference in pigment, so it works best of clients with darker hair. I'd definitely get a consultation and patch test to see if it's worth your time, discomfort, and money. If you are a good candidate, you'll never regret going through with it! Good luck. thank you! how many sessions did you end up having to acheive permanent results?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by rosieposie i'm doing a "french" bikini, some off the top, and all off the sides. i'm chinese, with fairly light skin but since i do have some "yellow" pigment in my skin i was told it may just take a bit longer than average to get ther results i want. we will have to see monitor the results as treatments go along. best idea is to head for a (should be free) consultation next treatment is coming up! i'm surprised at how little re-growth there's been. thank you so much! i'm scheduling my consultations after the wedding, can't wait to NOT shave or wax!!
  10. i know!! its crazy, I can't wait, but I feel like I need another 6 months lol!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by mareW9 These flowers are all so beautiful! I never even heard of real touch before this forum. How are you all getting them down to your destinations though? mine is going in my carry-on. I only bought my bouquet though, I know some brides buy theirs and BMs flowers...you could get each of the girls to carry their own on board.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KelZavs20 Hi Girls, for the first time ever i am having a hard time getting a hold of Cecilia....and of course its when i have a pressing question!!! i need to set the arrival time for my guests in order to finish my invitations.... But besides that, i cannot for the life of me remember the diferences between the beach near the gazebo (i think this is the carribean beach , the one that was just restored and is now massive) and the other beach (i think its called himitsu?)....do any of you have any opinions good or bad about these beaches? i was originally having the reception on the beach near the gazebo, but now that it is so big im not sure that i want to..... can't help you with the beaches because we're doing the reception on the terrace. but as for the arrival time...do you mean what time you'll have the cermony?? I put 4pm on the invitaions and then asked everyone to be there 15 mins early (i put that info on our website)
  13. trust me i know how you feel!! i had to type and print 56 envelopes one by one!! but once you're done, it's a great feeling
  14. everything turned out great...you got sooo much done, good job!! i can't believe how fast time is going
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Holy cow! Sorry for the novel ladies! what an awesome list!!! thank you and your siggy is adorable. glad you had such a good time, congrats!!
  16. definately normal....some showers are "specific" and you register for the type of shower you're having. for example my mom is throwing me a "white shower" like the white sales. I'll be registering for sheets, towels, etc. you could have a kitchen shower (pots and pans), accessories (decorations, frames, wall art), etc. my MOH is throwing me a sexy pj shower, but I'm not registering for that one, lol...i just made it clear that i don't want any crazy scanky stuff! if they are throwing it, have fun!! btw...I got our flip flops today at Old Navy for $1 each!! had to get up super early but it was worth it...one more thing off the list!!
  17. well ladies its 1:45 am and I just got back from work...what a LONG day! FI MOH, mom, dad and I were at Old Navy at 7:30 this morning and got our 25 pairs. I closed last night and got to bed around 3 am so i'm running on about 4 hours of sleep!! but it was worth it, we got the right sizes and colors and saved some $$$. congrats to all of us
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust I don't know if you get a massage in the honeymoon package. There is the honeymoon package you get with the wedding, and then there is the Eternity Honeymoon package (does anyone know if these are the same). It would be awesome, because I think that also includes a private dinner for two! don't know if they are the same, but the eternity HM package is complimentary if you book a certain cat room for 7 nights or any 5 rooms for three nights at any cat. we definately have the 5 rooms for three nights so we'll be getting this one regardless. good idea wilsoml2, i was planning on getting BMs and mom and FMIL nail polish change (since i'm sure it'll be chipped for the beach) so i'll try to switch the massage for that.
  19. my mom is throwing one in july, MOH in august. the people attending my mom's were invited to the wedding (but aren't coming) and the people invited to MOH's are not invited to the wedding, but will be invited to the AHR. I honestly don't know what the rules are about this when it comes to DWs. I didn't want a shower(s) either but mom and MOH insisted so they are planning everything and taking care of the etiquette, lol!
  20. hey ladies, I was going through my paper work and the ultimate package includes a massage and also includes the honeymoon package. now the HM package also includes a massage...so my question is, if you don't want both, can you get some type of credit towards something else? i know the couples massage is $225, this would definately help in some other area, gazebo decor, center pieces, etc.
  21. jill that is awesome!!! soooo proud of you, keep it up!
  22. I JUST SAW A COMMERCIAL FOR IT!!! yay for the confirmation!!! I will be there at 7 am with MOH, FI, mom, dad, a little brother in tow!
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