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Everything posted by carolina24

  1. taranyc--awww when i click on the link, it goes back to the sept2010 page very smart to write down who you get templates from!! wish i'd thought of that, lol! as for the pre-wedding brochure, i made mine using VistaPrint and they turned out amazing. I'm putting them in the OOT bags, but you could definately mail them out before hand. How many do you need? I got 25 FREE!! I ended up ordering an extra 25, but now that i think about it, I should have done the second 25 in Spanish and on a seperate order. they have tons of templates and you can change colors, and designs i attached it because I don't have a pic of it yet... brochure proof.pdf
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by wilsoml2 1 month until my wedding! I feel like I have most of the big stuff squared away, but apparently my subconcious mind doesn't agree. I keep having anxiety dreams. In one I was starting to pack everything, but I couldn't find my wedding dress! One thing that I've been discussing with Cecilia is having a rehearsal. How long did it take for any of you past brides? I'm hoping not much more than half an hour. Also, did you actually play your music to practice the timing? It seems like we wouldn't be able to hear it very well with our tiny speakers and the wind (we're renting the sound system for the day of), so I'm pretty worried about how it'll all work out. we're renting the sound system as well, but i'll have my iphone in one ear so that i can really get the timing right. Cecilia says it takes as long as you'd like, i'm thinking everthing can get squared away in half and hour. as for the dreams, you're not the only one! the other night i had a dream that everyone was taking their seats and my hair was still wet, i had no make-up on, and when i went to put my dress on, i realized it wasnt altered!! plus my mom was decorating the house (yes we were getting married at some house!) with pink blow up ballons and streamers!!! ahhhh!! Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 Does anyone know the cost of a rehersal? there is no cost for the actual rehearsal, per Cecilia...don't know why Claudia has said differently. if you want a "private" rehearsal dinner, then that's extra. Quote: Originally Posted by andim Hi all! I leave in 2 days!!!!!!...and I'm still not ready to go! I wrote my ceremony script but now I'm worrying that the whoever does the ceremony will basically stand there and read it. Is everyone else writing theirs? Also, anybody have anything they want me to ask/take pictures of while I'm there? There will be no sleep for me tonight!!!!! OMG....you're getting married in less than a WEEK!!!! congrats, you'll have a beautiful wedding! I would love to get gazebo measurements and details of the terrace re-model...i know i also asked peterpanpixiedust but just covering my bases
  3. you know...i never got into those when i first joined, but lately i've really been enjoying the planning threads. i think i'll start documenting things in a word file with pics so that when the time comes i can just post away btw...this is a little friendly BDW push...get on those invites, less than four months to go, chop chop, lol!!!
  4. we're staying at secrets maroma and i can't wait!! the pics and video on tripadvisor (i know we all hate it sometimes) are amazing!! good luck
  5. awww that is sooo sweet!! i love how he got you bridal magazines, super cute! congrats
  6. the pics are awesome. i love the one of you and DH on the beach, your dress caught the wind very nicely!! congrats mrs
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by hat0112 Ok, so a few months ago I had crazy baby fever. For about a month now it has gone away . I have now been worried about the actual expensive of a baby and it freaks me out! I have NO IDEA how we will pay for a child and it is ruining my baby fever! I want it back! Has this happened to anyone else Any way I can catch my baby fever again PS- Congrats Purpleshells! i think its completely normal that you have fears and anxiety about being a mother...it's gotta be the hardest job in the world, i mean you are responsible for another human!!! i've kinda lost my baby fever, because even though we're not trying trying, we're still not using any kind of protection and i guess part of me thought it would have happend by now. it's discouraging, but i know that i really want to be a mother soon so once we really start trying, i'm sure the excitment will come back to me. Don't stress out too much, your baby fever will come back! plus once you get pregnant, you'll be soooo excited that it will overcome the fear
  8. went to my first dress fitting today...it'll be ready mid-july!!
  9. i also thought i'd never do "fake" flowers. but i always knew i wanted to preserve my bouquet. well apperantly you cant bring flowers back through customs. plus we are arriving 2 days before the wedding and staying for a week after so that wouldn't work either. also, i didn't want to risk getting there and not liking my bouquet...especially since there will be a million pics of it! that's why i decided to go with real touch flowers. as for the cost, my wedding package includes my bouquet, and 2 bouts. we are using the flowers from my bouquet and turning it into smaller bouquets for my 3 BMs. i feel like the bride's bouquet is the most important so that's what i was willing to spend money on. good luck!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Lolita29 OK ladies it's official, I purchased my Sottero & Midgley dress yesterday for $500!! I got it at a steal. I am so excited and happy!!! Sottero and Midgley Wedding Dresses - Style VSM7012 it's GORGEOUS and $500?!? even better, congrats!!
  11. yay starfish bride!! i'm sure you'll have a fantastic time...can't wait for your review!! thanks peterpanpixiedust! can you please ask about the terrace renovation? when will it be done? what exactly are they doing? etc...ooo and also how tall are the gazebo columns (so i can bring fabric panels) thanks again!!!
  12. i say switch now...i switched TA's and it was one of the best decisions I made. Go with one of the TA's on this site, they have sooo much experience with DWs and great relationships with the resorts. We're getting married at Dreams Cancun and TA Jill has been great! Good luck
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust Well, that's great for baseball season, but crappy for the bachelorette party I was going to have. I'm getting so weary from all of these "surprises". On the up side, I leave for Cancun for my vacation/site visit in 12 days and stay at Dreams in 16 days! We bought our Bose Ipod dock today (on sale at Best Buy) to test out there, and I started buying my OOT stuff (is more than a year away too early?) 30 red and neutral colored jumbo tote bags ($1 each at Dollar Tree), and a bunch of sea shells to scatter around the centerpieces. I book in a few weeks for next year too.... OM gosh it's really starting to happen! not early at all...it FLIES by!!! when we got engaged, we had 14 months and now less than four!!! i went to get the flower girl's dress this week and had to rush it!! so excited about your site visit!! take lots of pics for us
  14. thank you!! i'm definately doing this...now i feel like i definately have more for the women than the men, lol!
  15. i love the women's sunglasses...which ones are they? there are sooo many choices on the website, lol!!
  16. the post is over 3 years old AND it was their one and only post...guessing this was not a real bride, lol!!
  17. that really sucks!! we all know that our weddings arent at the top of anyone's lists but our own, but you'd think that people would book when they said they would!! when we started this process, guests where upset that I didn't do a group booking & have set prices, but i did not want to deal with the stress of rounding everyone up when the time came, paying for unoccupied rooms, etc. now i'm really glad i didn't block rooms because there are SEVERAL key people who still havent' booked...including MY PARENTS, grrr!!!
  18. well that sucks! i printed all of the restaurants and bars, including Azucar, on our welcome brochure! oh well, i guess more "free" drinks will be nice after the reception. we'll either go there or to the loby bar where they have music as well....CANT WAIT!!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Shoesiesluvr thats crazy!! carolina how long were you guys engaged for?? I cant believe how fast time flies, my FI thinks im totally crazy, just this week i decided to change everything for our wedding...including theme, flowers, cake, centerpieces everything! lol we got engaged last july so almost a year now...and it's FLOWN!! you're changing everything?? holy crap, you're braver than me lol!! Quote: Originally Posted by TanyonL Hello everyone. Wedding venue. Check. Save the Dates. Check. Photographer. Check. Attendants booked. Check. AHR venue. Check. Send formal invitations . . . NEXT: Is it too early to send the invitations? I'm thinking about mailing them this coming Tuesday. congrats on all the progress! not early at all, i sent my invitations out 3 weeks ago, lol!! i feel like since people are traveling, you can never give too much time...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by mexbride83 Did you end up deciding to stick with your ring? For good or just till an anniversary? I have mixed feelings on this subject. Personally, I don't think it's the diamond that means something, but the ring. Therefore, trading up to bigger/better diamonds in the future doesn't change the meaning of the ring he gave you. My mother has the same ring that my father proposed to her with, it just now holds a much larger diamond in it. But it's still her engagement ring, the one in her wedding pics, etc. So I have nothing at all against upgrading. However, while I say that, I also did tell my fiance that I never want an upgrade, because I want to have a diamond that I keep my whole life and pass on to our kids. Therefore, of course, I wanted it to be big:) We talked a lot about ring shopping, and he knew what was important to me, then he did a TON of research on his own! He seriously became a diamond expert, the salesgirl has told me that she thinks he may know more than she does, haha. It means so much to me that he did all of that work, and I can't even imagine how upset I'd be if I found out that he didn't even NOTICE imperfections. When my FI gave me my ring, he was trying to show me it help up to different lights to show there was no florescence or to try to get me to find a flaw, etc. He was so proud of how well he'd chosen! And that is what I think the pride is that md2002 is talking about. If your fiance hasn't done that, I don't see why he would care if you paid for an upgrade yourself! On a side note, my biggest request was color, and that was the one area my fiance compromised in. I said I wanted D or E and mine is a G (this compromise helped him to bump it up to a 2.15ct, so I'm not complaining!). But honestly, I had no idea until he told me, months later. When you're not looking at two diamonds side by side, you'd never know what color they are in that part of the scale. So sometimes those scales mean nothing, it's how they appear to the naked eye (which clearly is the part you are unhappy with!). this sounds just like my FI!!! we went looking at rings early march and he bought the setting and wedding band right away cause we both loved it! then he had the store bring in (and send back) several stones until he got the one he thought was amazing! we didnt get engaged till july!! and when he gave it to me, he was so proud and had me look at it from different angles and lights, etc. i found out later that they offered him a bigger stone, but the cut and clarity wasn't as good so he turned it down because of the lack of sparkle I would never think about upgrading my ring, but that's because he really put time and effort into getting me an absolutely beautiful stone. the jeweler offers an upgrade where you trade in your stone and just pay the difference, but FI knows i wouldn't ever trade it in...I'd have the stone made into a pendant or something b/c it means a lot to both of us!!
  21. ladies my mom and I ordered my veil today!!! 6 to 8 weeks AND i just happend to ask about the flower girls dress that we want and the lady said sure it'll be here in 3 to 4 months!!! WHAT?!? it made me realize that we don't have 3 TO 4 months! holy crap! we had to rush order it...i can't belive that we've gotten to the point where we need to "rush" orders! it seems like only yesterday we got engaged, i can't belive how fast it all goes by!
  22. off topic but i just saw your countdown...sky diving!!! HAVE FUN!! my FI took us for my 25th bday and i can honestly say that EVERYONE should do it once...it's the most amazing feeling. make sure you get the video ok
  23. thanks for all the pics rachel, everything looked great! i think i'm gonna take your cake box idea greysgirl: don't really know but the dresses look like jcrew or alfred angelo, gorgeous pics!!
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