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Everything posted by chipotle99

  1. Thanks so much girls! My own etsy shop?!?! Hmmm... If it didn't take me soooooo long to do, I might consider doing it as a side thing...hehe...I love that a wedding finally found use of my doodling skills previously only useful for entertaining myself during long phone calls
  2. AverageJane, I am so happy you're better too! Thank goodness for this forum and for having a heads up. So unprofessional of Dreams to do that, and they BETTER be giving you major discounts. I hear the weather is gorgeous there right now and I know it's going to go soooo well, good luck with everything and I'll be crossing my fingers that you get a free honeymoon suite for all of your nights there! P.S. For those thinking of the map thing to include in invites, I just finished mine if you need some ideas! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...2/#post1262187
  3. So proud of myself for completing this after being cooped up inside with illustrator all day...inspiration from gorgeous work done by LH Calligraphy on Etsy...unfortunately could not afford the $500 she charges, so here is my best attempt: P.S. We are flying from SF and most of my family is driving there from Guatemala...hence the details on the map P.P.S. Maybe I should include "map not to scale" since obviously I blew up the Punta Cancun part as that is where our hotel is...don't want to confuse guests! lol
  4. Here is the new link to the blog: http://daydreamsresorts.wordpress.com/ Not super great info though, interesting to peruse nonetheless
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by hunniebee724 Thanks for your concern. I was abbreviating cardiac electrophysiologist (CEP)....my cardiologist referred me to her because I needed to have a tilt table test done. I was diagnosed with neurocardiogenic syncope. I'm taking fludrocortisone. I was told to increase my salt intake to help keep my blood pressure up. Hey hunniebee, phew! Thanks for clarifying and again, I apologize as it is none of my business, but I couldn't help but worry! CEPs are just techs, they never went through med school, so I just wanted to make sure there was someone actually following through and evaluating you from a trained perspective. Neurocardiogenic syncope is really our medical term for "fainting" and the most benign, most common cause of fainting, so that is good to hear that you don't have any intrinsic conduction issues or problems with your heart itself. Sounds like you are in good hands then and I will butt out of your business! I seriously can get in trouble someday for being so nosy. Last time I overheard at Macys shoe section, some pregnant woman who was taking Tetracycline antibiotics...and much to my FI's despair, I had to go and butt in and tell her that a pregnant woman should NOT be taking that and stop ASAP....I hope she listened to me and went to see her OB....but she also could have just thought I was a lunatic at Macys.... anyway, sorry for diverting the topic. How excited am I that this has finally started! I too am 3lbs up from where I was last week...boycotting exercise does not work.
  6. Looks like maybe my dreams are coming true...Dreams REALLY is getting renovated! Check out the new paint job the lighthouse got! (first pic- Jan 2010, second pic- April 2010)...thanks to Juan Navarro's blog Average Jane and JT3, I'm sure the place will be gorgeous by the time you gals get down there in a week or so. Good luck! Please don't forget about us and do post pics of the new changes!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 Random question but does anyone have a picture they could post that shows what you see when you enter Dreams Cancun...The lobby i guess. I'm just curious because i've seem what Dreams Rivieras' lobby looks like & its pretty grand. Just want to know what to expect. Thanks Umm...it's not grand...at ALL... picture white walls, a vase with some tropical flowers on a table against a wall, and a 4 person brown reception desk. Dark brown and creamy white. No chandaliers (sp?) no grand entrance, but once you get out to the beach, that's really the beauty right there. This hotel if you take away the beach, seriously looks like a 3 star. Like Michelle above, I've seen so many better hotels, but it's the location that gets you! That gazebo and the water on 3 sides....the rooms themselves suck and the pool is pretty tiny too.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by hunniebee724 Thanks! The electrical system of my heart is out of whack, which causes my blood pressure to drop and major dizziness and tachycardia if I do any kind of cardio or if I stand in one place for too long. Not life threatening, thank God, just a pain in the butt and lifestyle changes had to be made. My cardiac electrophysiologist told me I have to increase my salt intake (yuck--I've never been big on salt), and put me on pills to help retain water and salt...totally NOT what I want when I'm trying to fit into a wedding dress in 4 months! I've been on the pills for a month now, have been feeling better and haven't had any of the swelling side effects, so I think I'm going to be ok as far as that's concerned. I see my CEP again in June, so I'm going to talk to her about exercising when I see her then....maybe I'll be able to get back into it again slowly. Right now, I'll be sticking with yoga and the Wii Fit balance games to keep myself semi-active. I'm a physician and what you said does not make sense....are you seeing a CEP instead of a cardiologist? I STRONGLY suggest you see a licensed M.D. or D.O. as soon as possible. Salt tabs can be very dangerous to your health (they affect your brain in a big way) and in the hospital, we only put patients on salt tabs if they have bleeding in their brain (ex. after a stroke). I know this is beyond the scope of this forum, but if you really have a condition that causes your blood pressure to lower to the point of getting dizzy and passing out, you really need to see a real doctor. I can't think of many cardiac arrhythmias that would do this, and the ones that would (ex. Atrial fibrillation) do NOT require salt intake or salt tabs for treatment. Sorry to butt in and I know you weren't asking for advice, but as a physician, what you said makes me concerned. You need a cardiologist or an internist. It seriously makes me cringe when people go to chiropractors or "naturopathic doctors" or other alternatives to real doctors when they have real issues like leukemia, cancer, or advanced cardiac disease, and unfortunately we see the consequences of this all the time in the ER, so I had to share my concerns.
  9. Yes Tammy, I understand. I'm just saying that not everyone realizes this forum is strict on rules at first visit. I created an account and posted on a thread of my interest before realizing there was a whole list of rules, but honestly I didn't know to read those rules first before even joining...I figured it out when I couldn't download anything... I see a lot of users asking to be emailed information, and I don't think they even realize they are breaking forum rules. No malicious intent here, just ignorance as to forum rules which I am guilty of myself....that was my only point.
  10. It was posted in the "vendor" section of the RM part of this forum (see the very top where the threads are listed), and on FB too
  11. I'm not sure it's bluff...I mean the gazebo is being TORN DOWN for remodel, so it seems plausible....and the forum rules Who reads those first anyway? I never posted as a "newbie" either! Oops! Why are they remodeling pretty things like the gazebo (and they are tearing down the terrace too I was told by my WC). Why can't they remodel ugly things...like the pool and lagoon! lol...or remodel the ugly rooms...who is their decorator anyway...
  12. omg...just had a minor heart attack.....anybody read that the gazebo is going to be changed now too? I love how they keep us totally out of the loop on these things....it'lll be finished 4/30...what happens with the current brides? surprise...no gazebo this is so annoying...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 I have just read that Dreams no longer offers 24hr room service....Does anyone know if there is any truth to this. WTF Read where? The dreams website still says there is 24hr room service!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsYak I chose the gazeebo because i was thinking it may be a little more private than right on the beach...I didn't want sun bathers in my wedding pics! lol I think the best thing to do with a DW is get over wanting privacy...I speak from being one of those persons myself! When I stayed at the Royal PDC, the gazebo was NOT more private than the beach, it was probably a lot less private! The pics on the website never show you the lay out.....about 10 feet from your last guest's chair is the ground level porch of a hotel room, 10 feet to the right is the first pool lounge chair, and 10 feet from your gazebo are sun bathers in speedos and hawaiian tropic...it's really not that private. That being said, I think it's better to embrace being the center of attention amidst a group of beach/pool goers, and for a short ceremony, it doesn't really make or break your wedding anyway. I just wanted to give you a heads up so you're not surprised when you get there. It is a gorgeous place though, really beautiful! Congrats and good luck!
  15. Thanks everyone! I love illustrator, turned a sketch made over a latte into an actual graphic edit: over *many lattes
  16. I like the way you think Carolina! Maybe I just need to get over the party all night wish...private party upstairs wouldn't be so bad
  17. This place called OFF Broadway Shoes in So. California, they are Kate Preston brand, I've looked it up, not sold on zappos, but I did see one post of laboutin boot look-alikes, so I think it may be a copy-cat brand? It's all good by me! $49 and sooo comfy thanks to the platform, they're great!
  18. I love pretty much all the shoes in this thread! The blue ones a couple of pages back...swooon...the pink petaly ones...double swoon.. And thanks girls! Yes, when you're 5'2" a good platform is a must
  19. My shoes! (please excuse sock marks and blurry self foot portrait..oops)
  20. I got so much inspiration from you girls, so I decided to get over my fear of internet stalkers and share! Magnet STD: MARIEL AND MANNY (this image was printed on a magnet using vista print) Website: www.marielymanny.com
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by barbiegirl_27 mine is wearing a tan linen suit......I tried to persuade him to wear a grey suit to go with our colours but he won't have it. I'm just happy that he likes to shop as much as I do, and had an idea of what he wanted before we even talked about it! omg...I also tried to get FI to wear gray...he said NO. He didn't want to look like "peewee herman," and unfortunately after googling peewee, he is ALWAYS wearing a gray suit! darrrrn it! p.s. I have the pickiest FI in the world, I know. p.p.s. I wasn't sure about my spelling and had to google this too: UK Grey travelled centre US Gray traveled center
  22. I wanted fuschia for the guys too but the other half said NO. Not even a pink flower boutonniere. I had to pick another color for the guys to wear... pretty ridiculous, I think guys in pink look hot!
  23. Ooooh--I can help you out! I've only been thinking about wedding stuff 23/7 since my work schedule decreased by 300% this month (1hr a day dedicated to thinking about everything else..lol) The reception longer price is $10 per hr per guest plus 11%tax plus 15% service. This includes the staff, and open bar for that time. Plus you pay an extra hour of sound system/DJ or whatever you need. DC is not the liveliest but this is a good thing...unless you are into white t-shirt contest spring breakers! lol... There is a club called Azucar which is next door, and DC guests get free admission and 2 free drink tickets there...though it's a late start and last time I went at 12am, people were barely showing up. Could be perfect though, like having a private party for your group if no one else is there, then at 12:30am a salsa band starts up. Other brides just hit up the lobby bar and bring their ipod for more partying.
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