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Posts posted by cjb0arder13

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post
    cjb0arder13 - OMG absolutely stupid policy!! What a joke. I would be as mad as you about this..... There must be a way around it. How about saying he's a family friend? Lol, i know Barcelo are stricked but loads of brides have got away with having an outside photographer. On their forum on here hardly any of them have used the resort photographer. Some have just taken a chance and booked them a room and as they are then classed as a "guest" they have authorised it. Bit risky but i know ppl will do whatever it takes to have what they want on their wedding day! It is so silly though. I feel mad for you!! I hope you find a way around this!
    Yeah, it really is a bummer. I'm going to try my hardest to remain positive about it. The resort has two choices. I really am not "in love" with either of their pictures. The first is better, but the "affordable" packages only cover 1 and a half hours, MAX. I'm not even looking at the 5-hour coverage, because if I'm going to spend that much money on photography, the pictures better be amazing!

    The second photog never got back to me after I e-mailed him 2 months ago. GREAT service, real impressive! They don't even list the prices on their website.

    Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post
    Girls i honestly dont think any of you look like you need to lose weight but i know how you feel. I think as i have been smaller if i gain weight even if it's half a stone i feel big. So it is down to how you feel personally. I am the same, pear shaped. I hold ALL my weight on my butt!! And the frustrating thing is i have tiny boobs and waist and when i lose any weight it comes straight off there and my butt stays the same! WTF.... Where is the justice in that, lol
    Well you don't need to lose any weight, either...girl you are GORGEOUS! Your FI is a very lucky man :)

    I mostly just want to lose weight so I feel better in a bathing suit, considering I'll be spending most of my time in one in Mexico. Got to get rid of these love handles and chicken-wing arms! Hee hee. I'm so lucky, FI tells me every day how beautiful I am, but it's all about feeling good about yourself, and I have a ways to go yet on that!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post
    Oh it is a tough time isn't it! Its so horrible. I think this is his 3rd pay cut in under a yr. It is worrying. 7% everytime and it's amazing what a difference it makes. We will really feel it this time! I just am hoping and preying he gets another job with a more stable firm! Hope your job will be OK. I too will now be watching the pennies like a hawk! Bargain hunting it is for me! Still we are both lucky ppl are helping where they can. Like the cake! They are expensive to buy so that's saved us a few quid! :o)... do you know what one your having yet?
    Yikes Michelle I am sooo sorry! That really is sad news. These past few years have been really scary with the economy TANKING, so I absolutely feel your pain. We've been blessed to remain employed, but I know that at any moment that could change.

    Just blame America...we're the idiots that got the world into this mess!

    Is there any chance you could do Mexico, and maybe delay the AHR until the following year? That's kind of what we're doing. We're not having the AHR until the summer after we go to Mexico (summer 2011) but I may push it back if it starts getting expensive. I'm just thinking, with all the stress you guys are going through, you DESERVE and NEED a vacation!!!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
    I am flying in a friend who is professional photog and shooting for me. I am putting her up for 3 nights and do not have to pay the $500 fee. (It is almost the same because I think the 3 night room rate is like $469 or something like that.) But Tiffany is my WC and she's fine with that. Already marked it on my detail sheet and everything.

    Sometimes I wonder how much Tiffany and the other much hate this forum. I find out such useful information on it and armed with that info I often go back to her and push the issue. She's got to know I am referring to the girls on this forum when I say I "talked" to other brides and they were approved for XY and Z. Ha. Sometimes I wonder if they come on here and see what we are posting. Ha. I doubt it...too busy with all the weddings I suppose but funny to think about.Oh well.
    Haha yeah...they HAVE to be irritated with this forum, but honestly I would go insane if it wasn't here! I learn so much from everyone.

    Honestly, some of the rules and stipulations they have just plain don't make sense to me. They have to be making an arm and a leg from every wedding, not to mention just the normal $ they make from people staying at the resort...they could probably book a LOT more weddings if they changed some of their rules.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by meghan View Post
    Amy, where are those beautiful photos?? wink.gif

    That's so sweet of you to want a good photographer so your FI will be proud of his photos.

    You will love your photos either way and they are not bad photographers...you can always have something better no matter who you get. Keep thinking of the positive that you will be saving a lot of money and you will still have beautiful photos in the end.

    You are so sweet, and very right. Here I am complaining about photographers and you had to change your entire wedding day, and go with a different photographer because of it! I need to stop being such a whiny baby and try to be positive. Thank you for the encouraging words :)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
    Lots of luck!! We tried, too, to say that our contract didn't mention the 3 night stay, only the $500. They didn't bite. Maybe they will with you! The more complaints they get about their ridiculous policy the more likely they are to budge.

    Tiffany, btw, couldn't give me a good answer as to the why's of their policy. It took asking the resort once we got there.
    That is such a big bummer! I guess I won't hold my breath. Luckily it worked out for you though...like I said before your pictures are so amazing :)

    I guess I'll just have to try to get more comfortable with Caribe. At least I'll save some money...silver lining, right?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Afrommert View Post
    UGH, I know excatly what your feeling.., this was totally furstrating for me. I ended up using Caribe photography. They ended up doing a great job, so I do recommend them. however< i will say this, its nothing like claudia and some others that I have seen in comparison.
    Is there anyone getting married same weekend as you that maybe you can work out a deal with for a good photographer?
    I'm glad to hear you were happy with Caribe, because that's who I'll go thru if they are sticklers on this rule.

    The reason I want a good photographer is because my FI *hates* having his picture taken...he says he's really un-photogenic and that he "ruins" every picture that he's in, and I want someone who will make him change his mind. I want him to be PROUD to show people his picture, and I think it'll take a good photographer to make him see.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
    I hear ya Celina! Not liking their two choices is why we ended up flying one down even though it wasn't in our initial budget. It was well worth it and we'd do it again in a heartbeat, but yeah it can cost a lot. The policy is the outside vendor fee or a 3 night stay. With Andrew we lucked out b/c his family has a house down there, so we only paid the vendor fee. Mind you that wasn't cheap, but it is cheaper than a 3 night stay.

    I'll give you what they say their reason is behind not allowing any other Mexican photographers: They say that they've worked hard to negotiate contracts with those two photographers. Not only do they need to protect their business partnerships, but it wouldn't be fair to those two if their local competition got to come in and undercut them. They would lose their incentive to partner with those resorts.

    Karisma's vendor policy flat-out sucks and they went on and off my shi* list many, many times. Hang in there!!

    Thank you so much for explaining their "reasoning"...I actually e-mailed Tiffany back asking that very same question, but I'm not holding my breath that she'll get back to me.

    I just looked up my contract...it says nothing about a minimum stay, only that it must be pre-approved by the hotel, and I must pay $500 per day for each day they are there.

    I'm asking my TA to get involved. Honestly, if I can't get the photographer I want, I'll have to go through Caribe, because I just can't afford flying someone in sad.gif.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by roxmysockz View Post
    Same!!! My pic is old + i'm bottom heavy + i wanna be super slim ready for the beach ekkkkkk bikini in front of everyone!!!!!!

    Girl you're singing my song! I'm a darn PEAR shape...all thighs and bottom...I've lost about 20 pounds since December but I have 20 more to go, and I've stalled a bit recently. Now that the weather is getting nicer, I'm going to commit to working out after work every day at the track near my house. Gotta rock that bikini so I don't burn anyone's retinas!!

    hee hee
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by roxmysockz View Post
    Same!!! My pic is old + i'm bottom heavy + i wanna be super slim ready for the beach ekkkkkk bikini in front of everyone!!!!!!

    How long ago did they change it? before or after you booked? x
    Well, I brought up my contract, and it says

    "Outside Vendors including Photographers and Videographers not booked through the Hotels wedding coordinator will not be allowed inside the Hotel unless pre-approved by the Hotel in advance. The Hotels reserve the right to deny access to the property to any unauthorized photographer or videographer. Outside photographers and videographers approved by the hotel will incur a $500.00 USD photo fee per day"

    ...so, it sounds like they need to approve the photographer before they'll let them in, but charge $500...yet the WC didn't even ask me who it was, just said "No photographers from Mexico".
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post
    Vent away.......

    That is so stupid, whats the difference if your photog is from Mexico or not?
    Sorry i really dont know what to say, but like you say that is the single most ridiculous policy EVER!!! Never heard anything like it!!!
    Are they flexable with this @ all? maybe worth emailing back just to see if there is any way they could bend the "rules"


    Thanks ladies, don't know what I'd do without you all!

    I e-mailed Ivan to see if he was familiar with this policy, and see if he had any "sway" with Karisma resorts to get around it. I would e-mail the coordinator about it, but she's kind of a flake (I've heard from other Karisma resort brides) and something tells me she won't be that responsive...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by roxmysockz View Post
    Oh nooooo!!!! thats not good!! I've heard of a few hotels requiring you to book rooms/pay a fee but never that they must come from outside mexico?!
    Yeah, super stupid. Why would they be ok with someone from the US but not from Mexico? Don't you think they'd want to support the local economy?

    They used to let off-site photographers come for a $500 entry fee...apparently, no more. I am beyond mad about this, simply because it doesn't make any sense to me.
  12. Arg ladies I have a vent! I just heard back from the wedding coordinator for our resort. Apparently, their policy for off-site photographers is that they must come from outside Mexico, and they must stay a minimum of three nights.


    So, not only would we have to pay for the package, we'd also have to pay for their flight and room stay. This is the single most ridiculous policy EVER. Why on earth would they require someone from outside Mexico?? The resort photographers are not really that great, to be honest. I REALLY like Ivan Luckie, and think he would be amazing, but according to our resort we can't use him!




  13. Grrr Tiffany is so frustrating. I'd asked her about the policy for non-resort photographers. I'm really interested in Ivan Luckie (love his pictures) but according to Tiffany, we cannot hire a photog from within Mexico, we have to bring one from the states, and they have to stay a minimum of 3 nights.


    I honestly do not understand their reasoning behind this...it's not in our budget to fly someone out there and pay for their stay PLUS the photography package, and I am really not a fan of the two photographers they use.


    Ugh! Karisma is kind of on my shi* list right now.

  14. I couldn't have made it easier to RSVP (on our website) and I still have only had, like 5 people RSVP. We do still have almost 9 months to go, so I'm not freaking out or anything, but it is kinda frustrating. I've had people tell my FI that they definitely can't make it, but they still haven't RSVP'd as such on the website.



  15. My darling future sister-in-law told me a few weeks ago that she invited one of her friends, "Angela" to come along to the wedding.


    First of all....no. She's not invited. The reason being that I've met her once, wasn't a huge fan of her, AND she and my FI had a "fling" back in the day. Heck to the no.


    It's just amazing to me that people take it upon themselves to put that kind of burden on the bride.


    Now, on the other hand, my cousin asked if she could invite a couple that she and her husband are very close with. They've never been to Mexico and have always wanted to go. She said, right off the bat, "Of course they won't come to the wedding, but I was hoping it would be ok if they stayed at the resort?" Now THAT is how you do it! And of course I said they can come, and are welcome at the wedding, because she had the decency to run it by me first. I say the more the merrier, as along as I'm involved in the decision!

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post
    I hope they dont read it at our wedding, i really hope that it is just one of them that gets used somewhere but we can choose?!!

    Can i please ask why do some couples from the USA/Canada (probably other countries too) get legally wed at home first before going to their destination?

    Hope you dont mind me asking?

    Not at all! I'm doing the legal thing here vs in Mexico because it's quite simply a pain in the butt to do it there. Have to arrive 4 business days early, then get blood tests, then get the license translated...it just seems like too much work. Plus, it's more expensive...I think an extra $600 at my resort for all the documentation. A license up here is around $50. Plus, it will be beneficial for us to get married before the end of tax year this year, as my FI will be making over the cap income which will put us in the next bracket. If we file taxes as a married couple next year, we'll save a lot of money.

    We're not really going to count our "official" wedding day. We'll celebrate our anniversary on the day of our Mexican ceremony.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by roxmysockz View Post
    As before this isn't my original document I have only added two photographers kudos goes to RaychelRae for this.

    I have removed some annotations from the document.

    I found it very useful giving me an idea who was in my budget, even with the prices being out of date. xx
    Boooo...I have to get 38 more posts before I can download attachments sad.gif Maybe I'll go comment on everyone's thread with just a smiley face to get there...ha! just kidding! I did e-mail Ivan Luckie though, and he has ALREADY e-mailed me back (literally 10 minutes after I e-mailed him) so hopefully will know prices soon. His photos are AMAZING! And he seems like such a nice guy!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by roxmysockz View Post
    Who have you looked at so far? theres some fairly affordable ones out there, We booked with Ivan Luckie and compared to most you get alot for your money and his pictures are fantastic!!

    One of the girls also posted a photographer comparision a while back with what you get for roughly what price which I found quite useful I still have the doc with a few additional that I added myself if you want to have a look?

    That would be so awesome of you! Can you e-mail it to celinadrake at gmail.com? Thank you!
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