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Everything posted by cjb0arder13

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by gingerlover36 Amy - I remember this!!!! Thank you for the kind words and advice. I am going to PM you. I feel better today - I am going to do what I can but not go bananas. My WC already responded and apologized and promised I would have answers on all my emails today. I'm glad you're feeling better!! However...now I am freaking out! My wedding is two months before yours and only 4 rooms have been booked (all my immediate family). So now, of course, I'm thinking that the resort is gonna book up for our weekend too... ...Off to e-mail my TA!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by *Meagan* heyy! Which meds are you on for PCOS? I have PCOS too. I'm on 2000 mgs of Metformin per day. I totally notice a difference in EVERYTHING...and the last two months I've had perfect 28-day cycles (whereas the year before that my cycles were 45 days or longer). My sis also has PCOS, and she just gave birth to my niece about 3 months ago...so gives me hope for my future fertility!
  3. I would say...have a full blook work-up (if possible) and get tested for both Vitamin D deficiency, and possible PCOS. Either one could explain your lack of energy. I have PCOS, and was diagnosed about a year ago. Through the medication and sensible eating, I've lost over 20 pounds (since December, when I got on a good dosage for me). Like you, I had tried eating very healthfully and exercising, and lost very little weight. Do a search online for PCOS symptoms and see if any of them fit. Good luck! I know how stinkin' frustrating it is to do what you think you need to do to lose weight and get healthy, and have it just not happen.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay I am inches away from putting the deposit down on my resort. Azul Sensatori on May 30th 2011 Hoooray! Great choice!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Mischaka I want to shop for my OOT items and chair sashes..but I don't know how many people are going. lol My FI is telling me not to even do the OOT bags. But I just think it's a nice touch. Yep, this is a major peeve of mine, too. There's so much I want to do and buy and get ready, but most of it I can't do until I know how many people are coming...and I doubt I know how many people are coming until, like, December or something. Nobody has booked except my immediate family, and only 5 other people have RSVPd. Grrr.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KathyW Hi ladies, I am new to this forum but just wanted to add that Im getting married on April 6th 2011 at The Royal Playa Del Carmen. I look forward to this whole planning process, I wouldnt be able to do it without all of you and this amazing forum! Happy Planning!!! Oooh welcome and congrats! You are the first other Washingtonian I've seen on here....where in WA do you live? I'm in Marysville!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 OMG we are finally booked! I am sooooooo excited. Finally after all these months of waiting! Whoop!!!!! I am sad to say i have to say goodbye to my date twins for the 28th May though as we couldn't get the flights to have this date. So we are now trying to get the 1st June confirmed! Very excited!!! Oooh congrats to you lady! FINALLY! And I think June 1 sounds like a FANTASTIC date
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz I sent out an email to everyone that said they MAY go, insisting that they go ahead and book. With my group deadlines, we had to have people place deposits, etc, so we did not lose the rooms. I will be glad to send it to you guys. We got 90% of our rooms booked within 1 month of the email!! Oooh pretty please! I think I'm being too nice...I need to let out a little bit of my inner bridezilla!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by barbiegirl_27 Ah Gingerlover36......Glad to know I'm not the only one out there with a ginger!!! We should form a club! I have one too! Although he's always saying..."I am NOT a ginger! I don't have freckles!". Yes, he does. We're totally gonna have little red-headed babies (I was a red-head when I was little, too...I don't actually know what my hair color is now!)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay Thanks for all the feedback ladies!!! You guys are wonderful. I cut and paste alot of what you guys said and sent it to my TA. I am sure we will get this worked out but I got a little stressed over it. Right now I have 25 verbal yes so I am sending out an email to say look people once we do this you need to BOOK ASAP! I think I was more concerned with coming up with $7500 on the front end. Again THANK YOU LADIES! Your the best! Maggie...just FYI...don't be surprised if people don't book right off the bat, no matter how persuasive you are I sent out my invitations a few months ago with a very nicely worded (if I do say so myself) instruction sheet that explained the importance of booking early because of the resort's size. Four months later...I only have four rooms booked, and it's all my immediate family. We still have plenty of time so I'm not freaking out, but once October rolls around and we STILL don't have any bookings, I might have a hissy fit. I'm hoping peeps book before then, though. So just wanted to let you know that it's totally normal if people don't go right out and book (GingerLover is an exception to the rule!) so don't panic
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda I think you Gazebo decorators need to check out Lomas's website. The exotic gazebo is $220 and includes 4 sheets of fabric. Point your WCs to this website and say this is what you want!!!! Exotic Gazebo 4 poles with sheer fabric, 2 large hanging corsages with 25 pastel or tropical flowers each one, and petals from 48 roses. Category Gazebos - List of products - Weddings in Cancun & Riviera Maya by Lomas Travel Ok, I must be a total doofus because I've had all of the Lomas information and completely forgot about it. $220 for all of that isn't too bad! Much better than $300 for 2 pieces of fabric, with NO flowers...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by beaz2be Celina, would love to know how this works out for you, with cost; fitting in suitcase etc. as I'll probably consider the same. I will definitely let you know! If it comes down to it, I'll just leave the fabric down there for your wedding...I'll have to dig a hole and bury it in the sand, though, and then draw you a treasure map to find it. If I left it with the resort, they'd charge you $300 to use it, even though I was the one who bought it
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Celina, 40 yards of fabric should be plenty for the wooden arch. How heavy is it going to be and will it fit in a suitcase? That's the million dollar question...I'll have to e-mail the company and find out. They also sell it in 100 yard rolls...I'm hoping that since it's such a light fabric, it won't be too heavy or bulky. I just don't understand the cost they charge ($300? Really?!) for such a relatively small amount of fabric. You'd think it was lined in gold or something!
  14. I'm considering for the arch/gazebo decoration, just bringing down a huge bolt of white tulle or similar fabric...you can find 40 yards online for $20. I would think a couple of those would definitely be enough to decorate the arch...right? Or am I way off base? I'm the antithesis of creative, so please help me if I'm leading myself astray....
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx WHOO WHOO... as you may remember a month ago i told you the crap news that my FI may be getting made redundant, well today we have had the best news.... he gets to keep his job :-) so the wedding is deffinatly still on :-) I am so HAPPY... finally get to sleep tonight xoxo Holy shmagoly...this is the best news EVER!! I am so happy for you Nicola! Now, back to shopping for wedding stuff with a quickness! (and no guilt!)
  16. AmyBermuda welcome back!!!! I have been thinking about you practically every day since you left (not creepy though...don't worry you don't have a stalker or anything). I'm so so so glad that your wedding turned out beautifully...you looked so gorgeous (and so did your hubby) and I love how your BMs wore different dresses! Everyone looked so fantastic!!! With every great AB review I get more and more excited to go down there and get hitched! Can't wait to see your pro pics! Claudia is my photog too Welcome home!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by prettypigpig hahahaha..Size 14 isn't oversized (average size for women in US is 14), but it will look "oversized" next to a no chest bamboo stick. It is all relative. Ok..I removed the "oversized"..heehee Sometimes I wish I can have a bigger...errr..top half! ....LOL Hehe no offense taken. I usually feel pretty darn good about myself until I catch a glimpse of me next to a size zero girl But then again, I'm 5'9" so I generally feel like Shrek...most women are shorter than me too!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by prettypigpig Maybe, different style of dress, but in same color will help in this situation. It is hard to find a style that would look great on a rake and on an oversized hourglass at the same time. Ahem...I (was) a size 14, with a large..er...top half, and I wouldn't call myself "oversized". Just sayin'...
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Lindobride14 Although the Mexico is probably the most fitting, there is something about Shanghai that I just love! Yup, I am with you...I LOVE Shanghai! So pretty, and exotic. The other two are pretty as well, but this one just jumps out at me!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by josietoms When you mentioned a year today - i thought 'only a year thats great' - then pooped my pants as realised mine is 8 months away!!!! This made me laugh out loud. And I'm so with you...on Monday, we'll be exactly 8 months away...time is flying! Gotta lose that last 20 pounds!
  21. Lindsey...fantastic pics!!! My fave one is 5255...love the light coming through. It totally sucks that your photog is being pretty sketch. All of that shadiness would worry me, too. If it continues, I would look into doing a dispute with your credit/debit card company (if you paid her with a card) to see if you can get some of your money back, for services not rendered.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd For you AB ladies, I was just reading on tripadvisor that AB is about to start construction in August. More than what I just mentioned about the spa. Apparently they're revamping the rooms and expanding the resort to bring the total count to 128 rooms (adding 30 rooms). I think it said Aug-Dec 2010. Most of our AB brides on here don't have weddings until 2011, but Sara's (dirtymartini) is in November this year. Ooooh thanks for the heads up Wendy! My wedding is barely into 2011, so we may be affected by this (honestly, how often does construction end on time? Rarely!) but that's pretty neat that they'll have more rooms available and that the current rooms will be re-done.
  23. Our colors are aqua blue and lime green...no special significance, I just like the way they look together And I don't have a date twin on ANY of the threads yet. I think it's because my wedding is on a Monday and that seems to be pretty rare
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Okay, I'm at the ledge right now so to speak! LOL If you don't mind me asking, who is your WC or TA? I'm not 100% pleased with mine and am searching for a new one. I was assigned Tiffany from Karisma as my WC...I know a lot of the girls on the Sensatori thread have had some "interesting" experiences with her. I can honestly say she's been pretty good with me...she's very quick to respond (within 2 business days). My only issue was about the photographer, and that really wasn't her fault...it's a corporate policy. My TA is from TripGuy travel, and he's really great. I know that the TAs on this site are amazing as well, and have a ton of experience with destination weddings, so feel free to give them a shout out as well.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach I'm so glad that someone understands my frustration. I know other brides have felt this way in the past.....but I haven't caught up enough on this thread yet to sense it. :-) I'm still on page #116 and they are still all concerned about the grand opening. :-) It is just BEYOND frustration and I am a very free spirit and don't like to be restricted. I understand the need for insurance, liability, and work permits, but these restrictions are over the top. I can tell that they weren't made in our best interest but rather to maximize the profit of the resorts and hotels. I am by no means looking for a hand out or for anything free, and I am more than game to pay for all of the other ammenties of the resort, but the whole photographer thing just has my feathers ruffled! I won't be taking a DJ, a reception dinner, the flowers, or the centerpiece home with me.....but the photos, I will. So let ME pay for whom I choose. Grrrr.....it probably doesn't help that I'm totally PMS'ing. LOL We read our contract and it states that we must pay $500 for an outside vendor. However, the photographer we love is not in the area, so we must pay for an overnight stay for her if we intend to utilize her services. It's a double edged sword that I must build a bridge and get over. Just not this afternoon. :-) LOL We are contemplating relocating to another resort and forfeiting our deposit. I've been jumping around here and have read that MANY of the other resorts are imposing the same or similar fees, so we might just have to take this one on the chin and find positive energy in the other special selections. We can support each other on this one. :-) Heck to the yeah! I am so with you. It really, really got under my skin that they were trying to tell me who I could or couldn't use to take pictures of my wedding. In my opinion, pictures are THE most important part of the day, because like you said, they're the only thing you take with you. I, too, considered forfeiting my deposit and switching to a different resort. I actually posted about it on the Sensatori thread...read about 15 pages back and you'll see the other Azul Beach brides talking me down from my ledge In the end, I'm glad I didn't switch resorts, because everyone that has been married at AB just RAVES about their day, and the service, and the beach...to me, it's the perfect resort. I would say...make a big fuss with your WC. Point out the specific section of the contract. Ask to speak with a manager. Do whatever you can. In the end, my situation was satisfactorily resolved...can't go into details, as my wedding coordinator asked me not to, but I'm happy with the photographer I'm using.
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