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Posts posted by cjb0arder13

  1. The latest word from Claudia is that as long as they're a guest of the wedding, it's no problem bringing in an outside photog. So I guess you just have to pay for a night or two...totally worth it, in my opinion.



    Claudia just sent me the menu options for the reception. I'm having THE hardest time picking the same thing for all of my guests to eat! I'm a totally boring food person (I like to stick with chicken, bland flavors, etc) and so what looks good to me might not look good to my guests!


    I'm leaning toward this selection:

    Caesar salad

    Asparagus soup

    Pepper and Citric Crusted Rack of Lamb with Mashed Potatoes

    Luke Warm half-baked dark chocolate fondant


    And, of course, the cake: strawberry flavor.


    I figure, if anyone doesn't like the dinner selections, they can always go eat at one of the buffets after the reception! Gotta love an all-inclusive!

    Originally Posted by mexico_2011 View Post

    I also agree the new photographers seem about the same quality as the old ones. I am starting to think I might hire an outside photographer as well. What is the latest policy on bringing in outside photographers? I have heard some people say they had to pay the in house photographers a $300 fee, and some people say they have to pay for a night stay at the Barcelo so they are considered a guest. How much is a one night stay?



    Originally Posted by pina13 View Post


    i have been having crazy dreams about the wedding as well....

    The night before the wedding we are having a henna party, so all the ladies in the family get to have henna painted on them. I had a dream my henna was smudged allll over my hands and I couldn't take pictures so I had to wear gloves!


    oddddd. sooo oddd.


    That's such a fun idea! I love henna...think it's beautiful. But yes, that dream would freak me out! Last night, I dreamt that for some reason I had to marry a proxy instead of my FI, and I was just utterly DISTRAUGHT at the fact that Sean wasn't going to be there. Oh, and I was running SUPER late and had no time to do my hair or makeup, so I looked a right mess walking down the aisle.


    I guess this means I need to get my booty in gear and start getting stuff straight! Only a little over 5 months till D-Day!




    Originally Posted by nmurch View Post



    LOL - too funny i had one last night - and i've been having dreams about being pregnant - which woulnd't be a big deal normally - but i'm stressing cause i CANT GET PREGGO 4 months b4 the wedding. and i have dreams like i'm running around and i'm preggo in my wedding gown and doing last minute stuff!! lol




    That's SO funny...I've had a few preggo dreams as well. In fact, I've had them enough that I made a doctor's appointment this week to go back on the pill!! Too funny...of course, FI would love it if I got pregnant now, but I'm like "BUT I WON'T FIT IN MY DRESS!!!!" Haha. Men...they just don't understand ;)





    Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post


    OMG i've just had our confirmation through from the TA and they have the wrong ceremony time on it. When i questioned it they said the hotel had confirmed it was right. So i've had to dig out all my emails and find the one from Victoria confirming our wedding day and time and forward on. I really hope they dont change it now!


    Scary!!!! What time did they have you down for? Is it drastically different than what you wanted?


    I have us set for 4 pm ceremony time, and I really hope they don't change it on me.




    Originally Posted by Clean122 View Post




    I just emailed Claudia to have her for our wedding, but she isnt even available that day. :( Shes a bit more $$ but her work is sooooo beautiful. Im a bit scared to hire one of the other photographers off her site.



    I've actually heard really good things about her other photographers. Can you see if Erick Rodriguez is available? I know a few brides on here have used him, and had some amazing photos. Try doing a search for his name and you should find some threads on him...




    Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post


    No i found out through the unofficial barcelo maya forum! The hotel haven't said anything. Then i emailed FC and they confirmed they are no longer the onsite photog... Thanx. I would be nice to see more pix and and some reviews though. I will keep my eyes open....


    Wow! Wonder if they would have ever said anything if you hadn't asked. Thank god for these forums, eh??


    I checked out the new photogs' site. Definitely better than the old resort photogs, but not super impressive for what they're asking package-wise. I'd definitely recommend Ivan Luckie..he is an amazing photographer and his prices are actually really good for a whole day of shooting. I wanted to go with him, but I originally was going to get married at Azul Beach and they didn't allow photographers other than their "approved" list. So I went with Claudia Rodriguez, who is AMAZING, but her prices are a bit higher than I originally wanted to spend.




    Originally Posted by Clean122 View Post


    Hello everyone!


    My first post here but thought this was the right thread to do so! Im currently in the middle of booking for Jan 19- Feb 2. Our wedding day is Jan 24... Im so excited and I look forward to reading more posts on this hotel!





    Welcome!! We'll be down there at the same time! We're going 1/27 to 2/3, then moving over to Cozumel for another week. 5 and a half months to go!

  8. kristamarie I think we're twins!! All I want to do when I get home from work on Fridays is drink 3 beers and go out for some gooey pasta. I'm an angel during the week though! I've heard a lot of good things about Jilliam Michaels 30-day Shred...might have to order that. I just hate working out sooo much. Maybe I need to hang up a fat picture of myself in a bikini to motivate me :)



    Originally Posted by janapana View Post






    i know, i'm starting to panic cos it feels like i've got no time left to sort anything out, which is ridiculous really cos i still have 5 months, but i am the world's biggest procrastinator! the main thing i have to do is stop eating so bloody much! i wanted to be all nice and skinny for september for when i go for my dress fitting... i thought with summer being so hot, and being so busy at work that the weight would just drop off me! Maybe it would if i stopped drinking beer and eating all the time.....



    Haha...amen to that!!! I totally thought, hey, summer's coming...the weather will be so nice I'll want to be outside exercising ALL the time. Has that happened? No way!! I'm so lazy, it's ridiculous. I'm going to get my dress fitted in November, and I really want to be down the last 18 pounds by then, but I don't think that's gonna happen...eek!



    Originally Posted by josietoms View Post


    When are you all have your batchelorette (or as we call them here in England) hen party?  Mine is going to be at the end of November as Decemeber is a no go as everywhere has Christmas parties so they put the price up plus people spend money on presents and have work parties and in January no -one has any money - lol!!! x   Oh and what are you all doing?


    I honestly have NO idea when or what we're doing for my bachelorette party. Originally, I was going to do it in Mexico, but my sis-in-law won't be coming until the day before the wedding and I really want her to be there. So we'll be doing something in the States, but not sure what yet!! My sister is planning on throwing me a shower in December I think...can't believe everything is happening so quickly!




    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post




    I Know...that was the 1st thing I thought too...kinda like that old store 5-7-9...was that store invented just to leave everyone else feeling bad :)




    Oh my gosh I've never even heard of that store...thank goodness!!! I don't think I've been a size 7 since high school...although I can fit into a 9 as long as there's LOTS of lycra and Spanx involved :)





    Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post


    Thanks ladies for all the input on the dress.  I'm keeping an eye out still but this one is definitely a contender.  :o)  And Maggie, I know how you feel with the money that goes into just being in someone's wedding.  So, I'm trying to take it easy on them. 




    cjb0arder13 - It's from a site called 2cute2trendy.com.  I just did a search for turquoise dresses and found the site.  Good luck with the search!


    So I went to the site to look at the dress....they have a TON of cute stuff on there. BUT...they consider size 8 a "large". Talk about ego crusher!! No way no how could I squeeze my lovely lady lumps into those dresses. Sigh.


  13. Hey ladies! Just wanted to check in with you and see how everything is going. I have under 6 months to go now...ack!!!!


    We ordered FI's suit last night from www.studiosuits.com. I'm really excited/nervous to see how it turns out! Hopefully I did the measuring right. We ordered him a terry rayon suit instead of the more popular linen, but that's because it will be the only suit FI owns and I want him to be able to wear it to places other than just our wedding :)


    Kinda nervous as I still haven't heard back from my WC confirming our date, even though we've given her our booking number (twice!). I'd like to get the options for the reception/bouquets/etc soon so I can start making decisions!!


    And still trying hard to lose weight! Why is it so dang easy to put on, but so dang hard to get off?



    Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post


    Thanks ladies for all the input on the dress.  I'm keeping an eye out still but this one is definitely a contender.  :o)  And Maggie, I know how you feel with the money that goes into just being in someone's wedding.  So, I'm trying to take it easy on them. 




    cjb0arder13 - It's from a site called 2cute2trendy.com.  I just did a search for turquoise dresses and found the site.  Good luck with the search!


    Woo hoo you are my hero! Thank you!




    Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post




    Hey girls,


    Was looking to get an opinion on this dress.  I think it's the perfect color, totally cute, inexpensive, and to top it off it's ID number is the same as my FI's work ID - mean to be!  But, one of my BM's said it's not very beachy.  I think it looks like a BM's dress though. 




    I love love love this and MUST know where you found it! That's the exact color I'm looking for for my bridesmaids, so I want to suggest it to them :)






    Originally Posted by staceychris17 View Post


    Hi ladies,


    We are back from our wedding on the 17th. Our wedding was unbelievably romantic and out of control fun and dancing at the receptioncheer2.gif

    Any questions feel free to ask me. My advice is do not stress over the small things. Keep your details, gifts, favors simple. We did and spent more money on better quality items that our guests absolutely loved!! Another surprising thing, well it sure shocked me, Ms. Organized, we had planned on having our ceremony and reception at Coral Beach.  It looked beautiful in pictures, but when we go there, we were disappointed. Gabriella allowed us to change our minds. We ended up switching our ceremony to Playa Azul (highly recommend) and our reception was at the open air grill restaurant there. It was too windy to have the reception outside. I was nervous about the ceremony not being private, but the hotel has workers standing on each side of the reception and they stopped any uninvited guests from getting too close or ruining pictures. I am so happy we had the reception in the open air grill.  I highly recommend having a DJ and renting a dance floor...oh yes and ADD the extra hour for your reception!!!!


    Ask me questions:)


    So glad to hear that you had a great wedding!!!!



    So can I ask...what was the requirement for you to have your reception at the open air grill? This wasn't even offered to me...we're currently signed up for a banquet room but if I could move it to the open-air grill I'd love that!!!


  17. Haha...ladies, I thought this was kinda funny.


    My WC is Claudia. I e-mailed her the other day asking her when I'd start receiving all the info for my wedding choices (dinner, decorations, etc) and she said that she still needed the booking number for our rooms. I forwarded the email to my TA, and he replied back to us both with the number.



    Then, just the other day, Claudia e-mails us both back  asking for the "booking number" AGAIN...so my TA e-mails us both back AGAIN with the number, saying "I believe I've provided this to you a few times now".


    Hilarious. He's getting irritated with her, and so am I!!!


    Luckily I'm pretty laid back and have a feeling I"ll just make most of my choices when I get there.



    Originally Posted by murmel View Post





    Funny, usually we find way better deals from the states. FI and I drive to Buffalo all the time to get your prices! LOL! Have you tried Apple Vacations? I know we had looked at their prices to compare, and it wasn't bad at the time. Good luck.


    Nikki-love the blue shoes! I am still trying to figure out what to put on my feet...maybe I'll pass a window...cheesy.gif



    Yeah, I think for most things, US prices are cheaper. But travel for some reason is much more affordable for you lovely Canadian ladies....I am super jealous!


  19. Ladies, just as an FYI: Claudia's prices do differ depending on what resort you're getting married at. After we switched our resort from Azul Beach to Barcelo Maya Palace, she informed me that the new prices for the Palace were cheaper (woo hoo!)


    So it may be best just to contact her directly for pricing for your particular resort. I've found that she's awesome at getting back to me (usually by the next day, but definitely within a couple days).


    Good luck! Claudia and all of her photographers are AMAZING.

  20. So it seems to me, from what I'm seeing on this forum, is that you lucky Canadian brides get better prices than us US brides!! No fair! That's with flight included right Murmel? If so...I don't get it, because Canada is further away from Mexico, and  you have to fly farther, but prices are CHEAPER!


    I just need to move up to Vancouver. I love it up there anyway, and my parents live right over the border in Blaine, WA.


    Originally Posted by pina13 View Post

    Wow! Thank you so much for the pictures...they all look amazing.

    How do you pick which one to choose?


    Do you think it will be too chilly/windy in January? I don't want my guests to have to eat sand with their dinner....and have their hair blowing in the faces.




    Claudia (my WC) said that nights in  January can be chilly, so she recommended a banquet room for the reception. That's what we've decided, so hopefully it turns out well!

  22. Welcome Primavera!! So exciting to have new brides join us.


    Picking the resort was THE hardest part of the process for me. And in the end...we ended up changing our resort anyway! I was going to get married at Azul Beach, but found they were doing construction into 2011. Plus, it was a bit on the pricey side.


    So now I'm at the Barcelo Maya Palace. To me, a good price was under $1500 with flight for 7 nights. We've gotten very close to that (a little over). No matter what, pick what YOU like. There's always going to be someone complaining, so be prepared for that.


    My travel agent also had really good things to say a bout the Gran Porto Real.

  23. Ok, so this may sound CRAZY...but I am actually considering trying hypnotherapy to help with my weight loss. I know it probably sounds like I'm desperate (and I sort of am!) but really what I want is to learn to LIKE to exercise and LIKE good, healthy food.



    Has anyone ever tried this or know someone who has? And does it work?

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