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Posts posted by cjb0arder13

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by meghan View Post
    No, you do not have to pay extra for the food. I am doing the same private reception as you, but mine is $12 pp instead of 14 because I booked almost 2 years ago when prices were cheaper. That amount includes the food, plus everything else you listed.

    Sweet glory hallelujah :) That is wonderful news! I was going to have to reconfigure my whole budget to try figure out how much this thing was going to cost! This was me ----> smile41.gif

    Thanks for easing my fears Meghan!

    Taylorwd...I'm SO glad things worked out the way you wanted them to. They were seriously going to have a riot on their hands with all us AB brides! I'm ok with our reception being "semi-private"...we'll be the life of the party anyway wink.gif Everyone else can just leave us alone! Hehe.

    Lolo...good luck on your wedding! I am sooo jealous you get to go to Me-hi-co in just a few days. I hope it's sunny and beautiful and the alcohol is flowin'!

    AmyKH...yay for your dress coming in!! I'm sure you'll look gorgeous in it...feel free to post pics cheesy.gif

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post
    Oh My Gosh.... What have I missed??!!??
    Yesterday was the first time in.... Well since I joined this site that I wasnt on.....

    Lets see....
    Were (at the moment) using a TA. But to be honest after reading things people on here its making me think... but yes, as mexbride83 says they do all the comunicating for you, a few weeks ago I was going in to see them with all my millions of questions about blood tests, photog, hair & make up etc.... and they were great, but one or 2 things are making me think whether to book the wedding package direct.... and the hol seperatly... I think I will see waht happens when the prices are out and decide that then!!! I will see how you ladies get on aswell in the mean time. Watch this space coz as soon as weve done anything you lot will most definatly be the first to know!! :-)

    skadow... Massive congratulations on booking.. how exciting, im getting a tiny bit jealous (but in a nice way) of you ladies one by one confirming and booking your dates :-)

    How much has everyone got planned so far? Is there things anyone is stuck with other than choosing a resort? Im hoping Ive thought of everything but just having a bit of a wobble i think......

    See what happens when you go away from the board for a day? Chaos ensues!

    I have never second-guessed booking with my TA. Honestly, I feel so much better knowing that he's taking care of all the communication with my guests. Plus, he has contacts at the resort we picked, and was able to get us some "perks" on the wedding package.

    I'm experiencing some slight drama with our resort...apparently they just raised the prices BIG TIME on the private banquet dinners...like, up to double the price they were before. I'm kind of freaking out that the costs of this wedding are going to just balloon out of control. But...we'll see.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ahollo02 View Post
    No on the rings yet here. I'm not sure what to do. My engagment ring is a band of 5 diamonds. I wanted a band because I am a dental hygienist and I wear gloves all day so a big diamond was out of the questions. But for the wedding band, I'm not srue if I should get a smaller version of my engagment ring or get a plain band or go with nothing. Any thoughts?

    Pics of my engagment ring:

    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    That ring is gooorgeous! It looks really similar to mine. I'm like you...I didn't want a big diamond sticking out catching on things (plus, I'm klutzy so I know I'd get it caught on EVERYTHING or poke my eye out with it or something).

    What I think I'm going to do is get a really thin diamond eternity band on either side of it. I have to try it out to see how it looks, and I haven't decided if I want the diamonds to go all the way around or just to where they stop on my engagement ring, but I think it will make it look like a wide® diamond band.
  4. Gah I'm so confuuuuuused! Tiffany had said that I could do a private reception for $14 pp, Tiffany says "This dinner event includes a private area, private service staff, and private international open bar, round tables that hold up to 7 people, eating/drinking utensils and chairs with white covers/white bows."


    So does this include the actual DINNER, or just the private reception (meaning drinks, tables, UTENSILS-gee, thanks!, and chairs)? Do I have to pay above and beyond that for the actual FOOD?


    Pleeease help :)

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

    How many guests do you have? If it's less than 50, I guarantee they are going to try to move it. I want you to be prepared!! Apparently, they're running at occupancy now and since the Terrace seats 80, they can't afford to close it off for less than 50 guests. It overloads the other restaurants is their claim.

    Not to harp on this for everyone out there that this doesn't apply to, but it just blows my mind that they're doing this. And so close to the date.

    Initially, our options were 1) The beach up to 50 guests 2) the Wave Lounge as long as it's under 25 (We have 28 and they refused to fit a seated dinner in the Lounge b/c we were 3 guests over the limit) or 3) the Blue Terrace.

    Now, it's 1) the beach 2) the wave lounge with the same restrictions, or 3) a semi-private dinner in the Blue International Restaurant.

    So, anyone that wants a private reception with over 25 guests but less than 50 is totally screwed, unless you want your reception directly on the beach!!

    OMG, I'm sorry I'll stop ranting until I have an update on the situation...

    You have GOT to be kidding me. I would be livid too!!! Tiffany JUST e-mailed me yesterday, and said we could have a private reception for $14 per person, which includes a "private area, private service staff & international bar"...I didn't even bother to ask where this would be, since I just assumed it would be inside.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post
    cjb0arder13..... Your dress is stunning... So perfect for a beach wedding :-) Thats fantastic that your all booked... makes it "real"..... Cant wait to get to your stage.

    Whilst cjb0arder13 had a wee flash on here i may aswell flash too ... I did post it earlier in the thread but i was messing with photobucket and it disapeared, so i'll be sneaky and show it off again!!!! embarrest.gif Dont want to steal your thunder but i do love to show off when i can.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Michelle2011... I am so dozy!!!!! doh.gif ofcourse (I Know) prices arent out yet!!! Doh, coz thats exactlywhat im waiting for!!!! Whoops. But I totally get what you are doing and after what you have said this is something certainly worth concidering :-)
    Let us know what WC says, hope this is maybe in just selected resorts? and you get to keep your date.

    CeeCee76... fantastic news, Its all go now :-)

    Oooooo.... I love this thread, its all go go go at the moment

    Ohhh thank you so much! Yes I totally love it. My only problem is that I'm a little TOO generous in the frontal region, so I'll have to do some adjusting with the front to make sure I don't flash anyone. Trust me, it's not something I'm happy about...I feel a bit tarty! smile41.gif

    And I'm so glad you re-posted your dress picture. It is sooo beautiful! I love that style.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
    hi celina

    What made you switch to AB? I am going in 2 weeks to Azul Sensatori and Azul Beach to check them and two other hotels out. Can you tell me what you really liked about AB?

    thanks and congratulations!!!!

    ~ Meghan
    Actually, I got a new travel agent (my old one was terrible) and he recommended AB because he said it's very "boutiquey" feeling (read: small and intimate) and they only do one wedding per day. He didn't have anything negative to say about it. He said the beach is fantastic, the food is superb, service is exceptional, and they have a good kid's program. That sealed the deal for me! I love the fact that it's small, and should be easy to find my other guests.

    It may be a bit more expensive than some of the other resorts, but I honestly looked at TONS of resorts and was so happy to pick AB. I don't question my decision at all.

    You'll have to let me know what you think when you get back!!
  8. Hi fellow 2011 brides-to-be! I know I posted back when this thread first started, and I had said that we were getting married in Puerto Vallarta...but, well, we changed our minds and are now getting married in Puerto Morelos at Azul Beach! Our wedding day is 1/31/2011 (a Monday) so we'll probably head over the Thursday or Friday before, stay 7 nights at Azul Beach, then go to Cozumel for a week for our honeymoon.


    To say I'm excited is an understatement! I'm so glad to be booked, and our wedding day is less than a year away. I know it's gonna flyyyyy by. Lots of decisions to be made still.


    Oh! And I bought my dress in October, too...it just came in last week. I'm so in love with it. I want to lose at least another 20 pounds (though 30 would be better) but it's a corset back so I should be able to tie it up tighter if I reach my goal.


    Here it is: Click the image to open in full size.


    Looking forward to reading about all your wonderful plans!

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
    I got the free wedding package - it had everything I needed. And you get upgraded as a wedding couple.

    Yes, I ran out of rooms for my wedding so have your guests book early!

    They ran out of rooms 3 1/2 months before my wedding!!!
    I'm so sorry Amy...I read about your struggles with the place selling out, and the hotel giving you the run-around...that is so LAME!!! Actually, that inspired me to send out my invites super early to avoid that same situation. We're not booking a block of rooms either, because honestly I can't afford to put a big deposit down for that many people, but I AM going to emphasize in my invites that people should book early. With my TA (who is great, by the way) all that's required to hold a room is $150 deposit per person, which locks in your dates. Then when (if) the prices go down later in the year, he can adjust and lock in at the lower rate.

    And if people choose to ignore me and wait until last minute, I'm not going to stress about it. I'll make sure to include in my informational letter that if they don't book at our resort, they'll have to pay a fee for a pass for every day they want to hang out at our resort, including the wedding day.

    I'm really going to try for as stress-free an event as possible. We just want people to come and have a good time, drink, swim, tan...all the good stuff! I really, really want to do the donkey cocktail hour after our ceremony...I think that would be a blast! I told my fiance about it and he was like "SOLD!" haha.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
    While I haven't personally been to the resort yet, two different people went and checked it out for me while they were down there and they just raved and raved! I have never heard anyone say that AB is not beautiful!

    I am not getting married on the beach. I'm getting married at what they call the "Sky Garden Gazebo" location, just above the beach. We wanted grass instead of sand, and I'm pretty sure that we raised such a fuss (looooong story) that they created this location just for us! It's now one of the options they offer to all brides, I think. If we get down there and don't like the location we'll just suck it up and get married on the sand.

    Like amybermuda, I too am doing the Free Wedding package. I priced it out and it made more sense for us than the other packages. We're also getting the upgrades as are our guests. However, our guests are getting the upgraded rooms b/c of the contract we negotiated and not b/c of the resort's promotion.
    I didn't even see/notice the Sky Garden Gazebo location...I'll have to ask about that. Is it listed somewhere on the website? I've heard the beach can be a bit windy, esp in the time of year I'm going, and I don't want sand being flung in people's eyes...that would be a party foul for sure.

    I do think a lot of the "add-ons" are pretty expensive, but I'm guessing that's the case for most resorts. I'm going to try to keep things as simple as possible to keep costs down. I'd love to just get a bunch of wildflowers from a market in Puerto Morelo for my bouquet and my bridesmaids, since the cheapest one from the resort is like $60...but I don't know if they're even available.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
    Congrats on picking the resort! I think you picked the best one, but I may be a bit biased wink.gif

    Go you on your invitations! An early start is good.

    We used to have an AB thread, but it mysteriously disappeared a few months back. So now we're pretty much just on the AS thread, like the other girls have mentioned.

    I think of the current brides on the thread, I'm the next up at AB. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
    Oh my gosh that's so exciting! April will be here before you know it. I hope everything is as beautiful as they make it look on the website. Are you getting married on the beach? Did you get the "free wedding" package??
  12. Hey ladies! I'd love to join this group. I've got another 30 pounds to get to my goal...although I'd be happy with 20 :) I've been doing Weight Watchers for 12 weeks, and have lost 10 pounds, but I haven't done any exercise. Honestly, I'd rather set myself on fire than exercise.


    My goals are: drink LOTS more water, start exercising!, and get back to tracking regularly.


    I wish all of you beautiful ladies luck!!

  13. Hello all you lovely ladies! I have spent almost the entire day reading through this thread...I'm home sick from work today wink.gif I'm getting married on January 31st 2011 at Azul Beach. Tiffany (uh oh) sent me all of the paperwork/dinner/ceremony options today and I was immediately overwhelmed so I ran straight here to get some insider info!


    I'm sure there will be many frustrations down the road, but I'm a really laid-back bride, so I'm just going to try to remember to enjoy my day. I want a big, fun, sassy party for all my friends and family.


    Anyway, hello from a newbie in Washington State!! I have a feeling I'll be here lots cheesy.gif

  14. Thank you everyone! I will definitely join that thread.


    @Exadiussgirl...I'm guessing we'll have about 20-25 people at our wedding, so fairly small (which is how I want it!). My travel agent recommended this place because it's really intimate...he says the service is top-notch, has a great beach, and great food!


    I started making my invitations yesterday. We're sending them out waaay early, but since the hotel is on the smaller side, I don't want to worry about people not getting enough notice to book their room. I'm sooo not creative, but I went to Michael's craft store and they have so many beautiful things it was hard not to get inspired!

  15. Thank you Maureen. That's a lot of really helpful information. I don't think she's ever really done a DW before, or if she has it's been awhile!


    And I kind of had a feeling about prices not being out yet, which is totally fine...I just hate getting the run-around and being told one thing and then not being followed up with. If she just told me in the beginning that prices would probably come out in March, then I would be ok with that...I'd continue my research on my own end and just wait until that time.


    Do you think I should send her a check for her time spent thus far, and find someone else to work with?

  16. I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. My parents have a travel agent that they've used for lots of family trips in the past (especially cruises...apparently they're her specialty?). She's become a sort of a "family friend"...I've personally never met her, but my parents think she's the greatest. I thought...awesome, I'll use this travel agent because she's done so many great trips for my parents and I thought she'd really take good care of me while planning my DW.


    Simply put, I think I was very wrong. I first got in contact with her back in September, when I decided on a DW in Puerto Vallarta. Bear in mind, I've never used a travel agent and I have no idea what's "normal" or not when dealing with them, which is where I need some help.


    My wedding is January, 2011. I knew when I first decided back in September that prices wouldn't be out back then for 2011, but my TA assured me that they'd be out in January of this year. She sent me some recommendations for some places, and I started my research.


    January rolls around, and I haven't heard from my TA. I'd been in e-mail contact with her in the interim, asking the odd question here and there about the process, and let her know that I'd like prices as soon as they come out so that I can get my STDs sent out to allow guests to save up $. Three weeks ago, I e-mailed her again to ask about prices. She said she would get in touch with her wholesalers, and get back to me early the next week. Well, the next week rolls around...Friday comes...so I e-mail her again and ask if she'd heard back yet. She calls and tells me that she forgot that she was supposed to get back to me, and that the rep at the wholesaler suddenly had to leave town for a family emergency, so my TA passed the details on to this rep's coworker to get a bid. She would have something for me by Monday.


    Monday comes and goes...so Thursday I e-mail her again, asking if there was any word yet. She called me and said that she still hasn't heard back, she's waiting on three other wholesalers, and starts this long spiel about which wholesaler is picky about flights, etc etc etc. I really didn't understand a word of what she was saying because she was talking about these companies as if I was familiar with them, which I am very much NOT. Basically, at the end of the conversation she tells me that she'll definitely have prices by the end of next week.


    So here is where we are. I feel like she's a bit of a flake, in all honesty, and I'm scared crapless that she's going to flake on some big detail and my wedding is going to be affected. I've told my mom about this, and she admits that the TA is a bit of a "ditz", but she makes it happen in the end.


    Am I wrong to be nervous?? How do I get myself out of this awkward situation? I don't want there to be any hurt feelings or friendships ruined, but I also feel like I deserve a great wedding and to feel confident in the person helping me arrange it.


    Your thoughtshuh.gif Sorry for the novel...I'm naturally wordy cheesy.gif

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sunshine9587 View Post
    Hi ladies! I think I'm going to be a 2011 bride, so thought I'd join in. I was considering Dec. 2010, but it doesn't look like it will work out ~ so we're leaning toward January. I'm considering Dreams, but we're not booked yet, so I am taking some time to research other options. Your ideas & opinions on different All Inc WD in PV would be great! Thanks : )
    Hey Sunshine! Welcome and congrats! Where in Washington are you from? I live in Marysville :)

    I swear, every time I think I've found "the" place, I hear something about it that makes me change my mind, or it's too expensive, or...you get the picture. I'm hoping to have prices next week, and I think I'll make my decision at that point *hopefully* and stick to it wink.gif
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandy Canada View Post
    We are planning for April 2011 and the group bookings contact at selloffvacations.com said the prices dont come out until Summer 2010? I am going to contact a travel agent friend to confirm this as that seems a little far away. Most of us are comming from Vancouver Canada.

    This is the most frustrating thing ever, isn't it?? I want to know the prices now!! My travel agent said she might be able to get prices from some of her wholesalers this month, so I am on pins and needles until they come out.
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