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Everything posted by cjb0arder13

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Hey guys - so my wedding payment is due today. Anything I should consider before handing over my CC # for copious amounts of money??!! You may want to let your bank know you'll be charging a large $ amount at a possible foreign merchant (I'm not sure if the charges will come from the headquarters in Miami or if they'll come from Mexico). I would hate to see the charge declined because your bank thinks it's fraud I work in the card services department at a credit union, just so you don't think I'm a weirdo handing ouy random advice. Other than that, good luck!!
  2. Awww...this is a fun thread! My FI and I were set up by a mutual acquaintance. She and I were at a friend's birthday party, chatting away, and I mentioned that I was sick of dating d-bags and asked her if she knew any nice boys. She told me she had a friend named Sean who had just asked her the other day if she knew any nice girls, because he wanted to find someone to be with long-term...sounds like we both had the same idea! Anywho, she told me his full name, I went home and stalked him on Myspace. I couldn't really tell which one he was, because all of his pictures were group shots with a bunch of his friends. Luckily, everyone I saw in the pictures was attractive, so I figured it'd be a fun surprise finding out which one it was The next day, a group of us made plans to go out to this seedy little bar in our hometown. We both knew that we were being fixed up, so he sat down next to me at the table, and we talked all night. Non-stop. Literally, until 4 in the morning (after the bar we'd gone to a friend's house). We kissed good night, and he was a PHENOMENAL kisser . He called me two days later, cooked me dinner, and we've been together almost every day ever since (that was 2.5 years ago)
  3. Hey Crista-Lee! Congrats! Come on over to Azul Beach and get married with me! My wedding date is 1/31/2011 I hear they have amazing baby supplies (my sister will be bringing her daughter, who will be 10 months old when we go). I'm sure AS will still have open dates for Jan/Feb next year, too. I'm so happy for you! Babies are wonderful!
  4. Amen Mischaka! I have lots to do, but I haven't really started any of it. Nobody has booked, other than my family...I think everyone's still waiting for prices to come down, so hopefully they'll start booking over the summer. Right now I'm just trying to focus on losing weight so I'll look great in my wedding dress (and in a bikini!)
  5. I'm asking my BMs to wear a dress/sundress, whatever they want. I'm not coordinating colors, I'm not making any requirements about fabric/length/anything. My wedding is gonna be super laid back and I just want everyone to have a good time! That being said, if I did decide on a color or exact dress, I would expect my BMs to pay for themselves unless one of them wasn't able to.
  6. Nicola, CONGRATULATIONS AUNTIE!!! That is wonderful news!!! Babies are so exciting. My sister just had her first (a daughter) 3 weeks ago and I was lucky enough to be present for her birth. It is so amazing to see the miracle of life. Lots of things to celebrate in your family next year!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by josietoms Question for you all so i know what everyone is talking about - what is a 'rack rate'? Here in the UK you have a brochure price from day one and that price doesnt change? Rack rates are the introductory rates resorts send out. Basically, they're "off the rack" brand new, usually HIGH. I don't really think they expect people to pay the rack rates, but I'm guessing they think it's worth a try A few months after rack rates are released, they start introducing specials to entice people to book and fill up rooms. THOSE are the prices most of us are waiting for Sounds like the UK travel agencies have a better way of doing things!
  8. I sleep like ca-ca without my FI next to me. Even when he goes on hunting trips at home, I basically don't sleep while he's gone. I can't imagine spending a sleepless night before the biggest day of my life So he and I will snuggle like usual, and I'll kick him out come morning.
  9. Mellyrobert, I think it's totally your call. I chose not to send STDs because my resort is quite small, and I just wanted to send invitations really early so my guests booked early, and not risk the hotel getting booked up. I hand-made my invitations (50 of them) which was a lot of fun and a lot of work. The website took me about an hour. It's super easy to do, and I think there are quite a few threads about websites in that section of the forum. I used mywedding.com because the layout is very simple, it's user friendly, it's FREE, and there's an RSVP section. Good luck!
  10. That's a tough one. I sent out my invitations (I skipped STDs altogether to save costs, and I pretty much knew who would be coming). Since we knew that rack rates were out and they were HIGH, I just said what the rates currently were, but that I hoped they'd come down. I honestly think that rates are going to come down quite a bit. My TA said rates (at my resort) for this summer were some of the lowest they've seen, and he's pretty confident that the specials will come out and it will be affordable for everyone. I wrote a panic e-mail to him about changing my resort after everyone started talking about how expensive it was, and he told me it's totally normal for prices to start out really high and come down. So I made the decision to keep my resort, but obviously if prices don't come down at all (very unlikely) I'll switch to a cheaper resort. So, long story short...if you really love your resort, and it works for you, I say send the STDs out now. Are you creating a wedding website? Make sure to tell people about that, too, and that you'll be updating it often. That way if for some reason you do end up changing resorts, you can post it on your website and then send out a mass e-mail a bout it.
  11. Hi JenK-I'm pretty sure the nightlife is quiet. AB is located near Puerto Morelos, which is a sleepy little town. It's about 30 minutes from Cancun (to the north) and I think about 30 minutes to Playa del Carmen (south). I had asked my TA about night time activities, and he said people normally just stay on the resort and do their activities. But you always have the option of getting transportation to some of the bigger cities for a more varied nightlife.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by debbmach well said! Ditto times a hundred!
  13. Holy smokes Taylorwd...I am so excited for you!!! Crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly and that everyone has a blast...I'm sure it'll happen! Also, can't wait till you get back and give the review . Azul Beach weddings are few and far between on here and I have lots of questions!
  14. Gah! Ladies, I have to do a vent. I think it's my first one so far, but most definitely not the last FI's sister (who is notoriously bad with money) is talking about staying at a "cheaper" resort in Cancun w/her boyfriend. Ok, fine...but that means we'll basically only see her the day of the wedding, and they'll have to pay a day pass fee to come to the wedding, etc etc. Now, I do understand that our resort is a bit on the pricey side, and it's a huge concern of mine (especially with the rack rates that are out right now). Now, FI's best friend and his girlfriend are ALSO considering staying at the "cheap" resort with FI's sis. Yet another couple that we'll only see on the day of the wedding. Honestly, what's the point of coming if you're only going to be there for the wedding ceremony and reception? I just don't get it! So now I'm actually reconsidering my choice of resort...maybe will have to switch to something more affordable so more people will be able to stay with us. I don't want to have to, as I'll lose out on my wedding deposit (only $200, but still...) On top of that, I had a little too much wine Saturday night () and had a heart-to-heart with FI. I asked him if he was disappointed that so many of his friends are not going to be able to make it (he has a TON of friends that he stays in touch with from high school) and he admitted that yes, he's pretty bummed that a lot of his friends aren't going to make it, but he said whatever makes me happy will make him happy. And then he said "I'll marry you on the moon, if that's what you want." Sigh...what a good man I'm marrying.
  15. This thread has made me super glad that I bought a halter-style wedding dress. Honestly, I didn't even THINK about tan lines when I went shopping, but now I'm realizing it won't really matter. I too plan on building up a base tan before I go, but I know I'll burn a little anyway (even though I try to be good about the sunscreen). I'm just Pale McPalerson all the time.
  16. Welcome Daily2011 and MrsC-to-Be...yay for us January brides! I can't believe it's LESS THAN 10 MONTHS till the big day for all of us. That is just blowing my mind!! And it's super weird how different wholesalers/resorts have their prices out at different times. My wedding resort has had prices out for over a month, but my honeymoon resort (Cozumel Palace) still doesn't have any prices out. It's all driving me nutso!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by josietoms My BIL ex who we are still friends with is a make up artist so am going to get taught bridal make up a few months before as well!! FI dad is a photographer as well who is coming. Thats 3 things i dont need to spend hours worrying about. Totally jealous, especially about the photography!!! That is amazing...you are going to be the most zen bride ever!! Quote: Originally Posted by Lindobride14 I was thinking of a half-up look with loose curls. Something like this: I'm wearing a veil, but I think I want some small flowers on the side too. Is anyone doing flower(s) in their hair and a veil? Too much? Thanks Lindo! I think that hairstyle is absolutely gorgeous. I also think a veil with flowers would be way pretty, especially if they're on the small side. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx cjb0rder13 and Lindobride14, They are the pix saved in my photobucket too.... Great minds think alike, I did have loads of pix but have narrowed it down to those to but leaning more towards cjb0rder13's pic as i intend to have a flower like that :-) xox haha that's funny! Great minds do think alike! Now, if only my hair looked like the models in both pictures, I would be happy! Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 You girlies are sooo lucky having your bridesmaids do your hair. That is great. I wish i was so lucky. I am going to have to put my trust in the resort hairdresser (Barcelo reviews are quite good of the salon so i'm OK with this) I'm going to have false eye lashes put on before we go and then just do my own makeup. I'm not really a makeup person so i dont want to pay for someone to do it really (without sounding to mean)! I'm sure it'll be fine...from what I've read, sometimes the language barrier can be an issue, so just bring a picture of what you want so there's no chance of mis-interpretation. Also...I think I'm going to be booking flights this week! Sooo exciting. Direct flights from Seattle to Cancun are super cheap through my TA, so I think this is the week to book! One more thing crossed off the list!
  18. Hi ladies!! I may be booking my flights this week, as direct flights from Seattle to Cancun are super cheap for my dates...y'all should check in with your TAs if you haven't done so and check on flight pricing. Really good deals right now!
  19. Michelle that hairstyle is GORGEOUS!!! Absolutely stunning. I'm spoiled rotten, in that my best friend and bridesmaid owns a hair salon. She'll be doing my hair and make-up. I've told her I just want loose, messy curls swept back behind my ear on one side, with a big flower pinned right behind my ear. Something like this: Except I want looser curls, for a "messier" look, if that makes any sense
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Lindobride14 Hi! Did you write a note or anything asbout rates should come down soon or whatever in your invitations? I've been putting off sending out our save the date letters because I don't want to scare guests off when they call our TA and hear the current prices! Now Im thinking that maybe I should just get them out though. Any tips? Yep! I included an "informational sheet" inside the invites. I basically said what the current prices were, but that I hoped and expected them to drop later in the summer. We are able to just put a deposit of $150 per person to reserve the room, which basically confirms the current prices, but if/when they drop lower the rates will adjust and lock in at the lower rate. Does this make sense? It's Monday, and I'm a bit ya know??
  21. Oh my goodness...I'm so sorry your family is going through this. My dogs are my kids and if this happened to either one of them, you would seriously have to tie me down to keep me from going ape**** on the kennel owners. I'm sending all my doggie mojo up north that Bailey comes home safe and sound. Get lots of extra cookies ready to spoil her when she comes home!
  22. Hey lovely ladies! I am booked for January 31st at Azul Beach in the Riviera Maya. I sent out invitations about a month ago (I know that's super early, but I wanted a lot of lead time since my resort is super tiny and I was worried about it selling out!). I have my dress...here's a pic: Definitely have to get it altered a bit, but I'm still losing weight (15 pounds down...another 15 or so to go!) so I'm going to wait until September or so to get it altered. I, too, am freaking out about prices. Our "rack rates" right now are about $1750 per person for 7 nights, without flights. Direct flights are about $500 pp, so we're looking at $2250 per person...eek!!! I was hoping to keep it UNDER $1700 with flight for 7 nights, so we'll see. My TA says the specials should come out in summer, and at that point we can lock in the lower rates. Right now we have 8 booked including FI and I; expecting at least 10 more. Other than that, I don't have anything done! I'm totally wanting a super laid back wedding. I'm not going to be doing center-pieces, or a wedding cake, or anything like that. Pretty much just the wedding ceremony and private dinner, then it's party time!!
  23. Forgot to add...we didn't do a group booking...we're booking individually because I have NO idea how many people are coming and I couldn't afford to put deposits down on a large number of rooms
  24. Barbiegirl...that includes flight, right? If so, that seems about normal for the prices that are out right now. However, my TA said prices "should" drop later in the summer, as the resorts start doing specials and making deals to get people to book. I have the ability to lock in the lower prices when they fall, which eases my mind a bit. Are you able to do that?
  25. Mischaka, are you using a travel agent, or booking directly through the resort? We're using a travel agent, and we are able to book now but lock in lower prices when they come out. It might be worth looking into if you're able...
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