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Everything posted by shae

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ I have bought these celebration confetti poppers. You have to twist them and they pop.. multi colour bio degradable... I bought them at the dollar store in he party section i was thinking of using biodegradable confetti too. am a little worried that i'll have trouble getting it out of my hair since the pieces are so small. did you have a problem with that?
  2. hi! who is glenda? does she have the ultimate pashmina hook up or something?!?!
  3. i would totally use this song for something if i had access to a piano instead of a guitar! YouTube - William Fitzsimmons - "After Afterall" from The Sparrow And The Crow
  4. that is such a cute idea! i'm gonna find a way to incorporate this into my wedding even if i already have favors!
  5. that's a keeper! if you're worried about the dress not being traditional then consider accessorizing with traditional details (e.g. long veil, simple white pumps, pearl jewelry).
  6. nice! i like both of them. you might want to move the P a little to the right since it's too close to the V.
  7. 1 hour of jogging/walking. it's the first time i've exercised this year! i diagnosed myself with seasonal affective disorder now that it's spring and sunny i have so much energy again!
  8. great start! i think all the different borders are a little much. would lose japanese dots or the drop shadow/beveled look in the inner circle....or both. it also looks like the circle is slightly oval.
  9. shae


    hey moe *waving back*! welcome and congrats
  10. excellence was my first choice as well but i realized that i needed to consider children. you should consider dreams cancun. it's a family friendly all-inclusive resort, great location and has a ton of great reviews here on the forum. good luck!
  11. shae


    congrats on making the hardest decision for your wedding...setting a date and location!
  12. i think the design is great! but i feel like the black background doesn't really call out destination wedding. also, not sure if this is the final wording you're using but i would change five o'clock in the "afternoon" to "evening".
  13. shae


    welcome! i'm from nor cal and it's beautiful...and wine country is REALLY beautiful!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Thomasjsgirl I travelled with Sunwing and split up the decor and OOT bag items among my immediate family members. Regardless, I ended up spending almost $700 on extra weight charges! $20/kilo adds up very quickly. No one asked me for receipts, either in Toronto or in Punta Cana. My advice - if you have a lot of items, split it up amongst MANY of your guests so as to lighten the load. There isn't anything I regret bringing, and my guests loved the OOT bags, I just wish I had split up the load better. holy moly! how many bags did you have
  15. i'm doing something similar to this (below) but towards the back of my head. adding a veil just for the ceremony (to make my mother happy) then removing for reception. http://daily.wedshare.com/wp-content...th-feather.jpg
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lalanyc I am planning on giving mini tequila bottles (to make absolutely SURE everyone uses their favor!!! haha). Still trying to figure out how to best attach the escort card to the bottles though.. hmm. i think it would cute if you removed the band at the neck of the bottles and in it's place print out labels with your guest names. it'll look more personalized!
  17. i think this book is great and have recommended it to friends. but i always tell them that the book isn't as superficial as it seems and the title is geared towards marketing the book. i haven't eaten red meat in about 16 years since i never really liked it and because i love animals. but the book made me realize the ill effects of dairy. i stopped eating dairy and noticed a HUGE difference in how i feel. on the rare occasion that i do have dairy i notice it triggers my asthma. i'm not completely vegan, vegetarian or pescadarian (sp?). i simply do my best to eat sustainable foods and to be an informed, responsible consumer
  18. andim - not sure if this is what you were looking for but here are a few options Dreams Cancun Resorts & Spas: Wedding Extras
  19. post a link to your website here! i'm pretty curious of what it looks like
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