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Everything posted by SuzyQ76

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Thanks Ladies, I found real touch flowers at Michaels. It costed around $50.00 to make the bouquet. Thanks!! I'll have to check around at a few Michael's - I already checked the one near us and it didn't have any...but I will keep looking!!
  2. Meghan, first of all: in that little itty-bitty pic I can see of you in your profile you look fabulous!! I would kill for those shoulders and that tan!! lol Although my FI would probably disagree on me with this one - I totally wish I had half the "girls" I've been blessed with!! lol Not like they're gigantor or anything - but sometimes I would love to wear the nice slinky little summer tanks without looking like a Hoochie-Mama - especially with a kid on my hip!! lol I'm sure there will be a few Brides who would disagree with me on this - but I tell ya, I'd rather be able to add some with the VS ultimate cleavage bra then not be able to strap them in small enough!! lol They are the first place I gain and loose weight too! It's a pain in the a$$ I have different bra sizes for every day of the month!! I am pretty well proportioned, and no one can guess my weight, not even FI because I do carry it well and evenly all over! But I would like to be reacquainted with my collar bones again before my wedding day!! ;o) The girls are taking over! Haha~~ And Ladies - to keep it on topic....Back workouts, I'm not liking spillage!!! I need help!! Tight strapless corset = excess skin spillage that I'm sure came from the front! - It's not there when I'm naked!! lol
  3. I have to check out this Zumba - it just sounds fun!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Funny you should say that, SuzyQ, I've been thinking about putting a picture of my dress up in our (newly designated lol) exercise room for motivation! Thanks for the at work exercises- I'm at work now so maybe I'll give them a try. Hope my co-workers don't think I'm a crazy person (anymore than they already do, that is). Hahahaha, I should do that too, but the real motivation is hanging in my closet haunting me!!! FI hasn't seen it yet he has soooo much control it's ridiculous, I'm like a kid at Christmas, if I know there's a gift or something I haven't seen I won't stop until I find it!!! Funny story about my dress, at time of purchase it was too big...not way too big - but I want it TIGHT!!! lol Then I went on vacation back home for about a month and a half...When I got back I tried it on and I couldn't even zip the damn thing up - like nowhere near fitting in it!!! I am back in it now, but just! The girls are tucked in pretty tight! Breathing, eating, and sitting aren't really an option at this point! This, my friends, is my motivation!! lol
  5. Ok Meghan, on my way to do these leg extensions...then abs...then some elliptical...all while watching Sesame Street! Finishing my coffee first though!! Thanks for the motivation...I think I should try on my dress too! That should motivate my butt! )
  6. THEY LOOK AWESOME!!! But, SusieQ - where the heck did you find real touch flowers in Canada?? I want to make all my Boutonnieres, because I need like 20 of them! But I think I'll do real for me and FI and I haven't decided about my girls...I may want to make theirs as well, just little bouquets - My fresh bouquet and FI bout is included in the package.
  7. Awe I hope he's found soon, he's had a hard enough life already he needs lots of love and cuddles! Hoping and praying for a speedy and safe return to his foster family! )
  8. Anything for a fellow Albertan!! lol Well I'm a fake really - have only lived in Calgary for 2 years, originally we both came from Nova Scotia - where the beer is always cold and the seafood is always fresh!! lol But our little one was born in Calgary, Bred in NS ;o)!!
  9. Shannon - your little boy is adorable!! I love His name and the future name! Perfect! What woman wouldn't love those names! Tonya - I totally think they should have named their second milk! that would have been hilarious! Meghan & Tonya - I haven't really done anything with my website, I just did one up quickly on the weddingbells website but I don't like it so I haven't even sent the link around to anyone. Tonya I LOVE your website/homepage it looks awesome! I think I need to re-do mine when I find some time!! lol I should probably work out too!! lmao
  10. WOW, congratulations!!! You are totally ready to go and just in time!! lol Everything looks fabulous and your dress is absolutely beautiful and looks great on you!! Have a great time and I can't wait to hear all about it when you're back and see all the pics!! BTW, you guys look too cute together! ;o)
  11. Haha I'm totally for #2 too!! It's softer looking and a nice balanced shape, the netting & feather looks higher quality and my last reason: and this is totally personal preference, I personally don't like the big feather (which is what everyone else liked) it's very 40's Vegas-esque to me! which might work too! lol But they both are beautiful and I'm sure whichever you pick you will look stunning!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten I'm gonna say I'm in for the Get Fit thread, but I am really lacking in motivation. Maybe this will give me the kick I need. I've lost three pounds so far just by eating differently. My MOH has convinced me to do this Walktober thing where I track my daily steps (the goal is 10,000 steps per day). Haven't hit 10,000 steps yet though. I also have the Hip Hop Abs videos that I need to get back into. my dosage is pretty low right now -- I take Cytomel -- but I have noticed my nails are a little more brittle. I'm having my blood rechecked on Friday as it's still new for me - I'm also on a very low calorie diet (with the doctor's help) so I am losing the weight about a pound a week. I can post the diet on the get fit site if anyone is interested. Hey a pound a week is awesome, so that means by April...that's approx 28 pounds give or take a few!! That is the healthy way to do it...and jerseykitten, I'm lacking a lot of motivation as well - but I know I don't want to be pissed when April comes and nothing has happens to my body and my A$$ still winks at me in the mirror! Clothes on I'm fine...I can rock it with clothes on, butt...and I mean butt...a bikini is not going to hide my cursed winking butt!! lol I'm on Synthroid, and I don't know if my dosage is low or not - .088 mg?? all I know is that it isn't working and I have a requisition for more blood work and pee tests but it's been sitting on my counter for months and I haven't been able to find the time or fast the 12 hours, lol, to go and get it done!!! I hope you get yours all figured out quickly!! I know I hate being this tired all the time, especially with a baby! (
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 I tried a different combo of thyroid medication several months ago, and although it helped the weight come off, my nails became very brittle and my hair started breaking off. So, the doc scaled back my dose and my hair and nails are better, but the weight is back! So frustrating. My Doc still hasn't quite found the correct combo of thyroid meds for me either, I think it's mostly trial and error, which sucks. I haven't had the brittle nails or hair breakage yet, my hair looks like crap and so do my nails - and although I wish I could blame it on my thyroid (along with my weight, lol) I think this one is all due to my negligence! I do need to get the meds adjusted again though, I can feel it happening; fatigue, headaches, burning eyes, no energy, crankiness...I could prob go on and on!! lol My weight has always fluctuated, and I'm pretty tall so I can hide 10 - 40 lbs pretty good! lol I also gain evenly all over my body - but since my thyroid gland decided to give up on life I find it really really hard to loose even 2 pounds, and I get discouraged even faster! When I was younger I could drop 10 lbs in a week by Friday just in time to hit the bars for drinks on Sat!! I don't know if the docs need to scale back my dose or double it but hopefully we'll get it under control - and I hope you do too!! ;o)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by NewYorkie If this was a contest, I think I'd win the first place. My fiance and I are together since HS so that is about 12yrs, finally taking the plunge after 4yrs of being engaged. Congrats!! It's about damn time!! - if you don't mind me saying! lol We've were engaged at about 7 years 2 months together and will be married at 8 years 4 months together just to start back at 1!!
  15. Training!! HAHAHAHAHA - Been waiting 8 years and mine still isn't trained!! Lol But I love him - sometimes fiercely, and he can make me melt in 2 seconds flat no matter how mad I am! SusieQ (good name btw ;o) I'm with you! Good thing they're cute! and know when to suck up when they need to! lol bride2b10 - I think that is soooooo funny, at least your man got it to the mailbox, mine would have never found it's way out of the car!! Keys, phone and wallet are the pains in my side daily, we're on a perfect routine... He walks in circles and then starts with "Hey Babe, you seen my..." every time he leaves the house. Sometimes I don't answer him because it's funny to just sit back and watch - it's not like he listens to my answers most of the time anyway...but that's a whole diff story!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth Where did you find the printable puzzle book?? I'd love to use that! Ok so if you search "printable books" in the forum search bar you will get a few threads...not that many. The template is in the: "How do you set up to print double sided? For a puzzle book for OOT bags...LisaW" thread! Sorry for the backwards way about it I don't know how to make it any easier!! lol But she has the template for the poolside puzzle book that I cannot attain because I am not worthy yet...just under 100 to go!! lol maybe 80... ) cannot post fast enough!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth Where did you find the printable puzzle book?? I'd love to use that! Ok so it totally took me what felt like hours to find the original post that I seen the printable puzzle books in...it's a really old post(last year) and I have no idea how to transfer the info to this post keeping all of her links clickable! (I'm a copy and paste gal) Also I don't have enough "POSTS" to download the template so I'm patiently (not!) waiting. There are lots online - I just googled it but didn't really look into the format or anything to see what they looked like once printed. Here are some: Free Custom Crossword- EclipseCrossword - the fast, easy, and FREE way to create crossword puzzles in minutes FREE Printable Word Search Puzzles FREE Printable Sudoku Puzzles She has an attachment for a poolsize puzzle printable booklet which I really want - but this whole # of posts thingy is limiting so maybe if you do a search on the forum it will come up - like I said it's a post from 2008... Her profile name is LisaW...I think! Hope this helps a bit!! )
  18. Meghan - bottle up that motivation and I'll buy it! I'll even pick it up! lol This is it, I'm tired of my A$$ winking at me in the mirror ;o) Elliptical here I come! Thanks Gals, this is what I needed! Been doing hot yoga & P90X for a while...but they are really time consuming and I don't have a lot of time!! lol
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk i am all about getting fit while retaining a sense of sanity! if it drives you crazy and makes you miserable, you'll never stick with it! by the way suzy, your baby is ADORABLE!! Thanks ebredhawk!! He is the center of our universe!! and he's soooo fun, and keeps me soooooo busy! We had him first just so he could be our ring bearer!! lol bholthof - congrats on booking your Big Day!! Such a relief once you know your day is secured! Now the real fun starts!! I just ate a ton of cantaloupe and honeydew so I think I'm going to go and do some lunges now, or squats while the baby is napping! I believe I have enough caffeine injected into my body to maybe work out a little! Chat to you gals in a bit!!
  20. I definitely need some Butt work!! I don't know about the rest of you smokin' hot Brides-to-Be on here, but I'm not getting younger and weight loss is getting harder and harder!! Toning is the big thing, as I've been aging I've come to terms that I will probably not be the same size I was when I was 25 - I could be, but that would just take way too much effort! Being a Mom has relaxed my obsession with being thin, lol - although for anyone planning on having a family in the future - Breastfeeding is the BEST DIET ever!! Just don't ever stop lol!!, I need all thighs and butt work, I was lucky enough to be spared any stretch marks and my stomach is back to being flat! It's just hard to find any amount of time in the day to give to my workouts! Mostly if I get a free moment I choose a nap instead!! lol
  21. Tracy - that's the same booklet I'm using!!! I think I'm just going to print it on cool paper and add a ribbon or something! There is also a printable puzzle book I'm going to do too! I still don't know what I'm going to do for bags...working on that one!
  22. Tonya - Your new love of your Life is Super cute! Congrats! Meghan - I am so in for an April Brides get-fit thread...I am the only one awake and I'm looking at my elliptical trainer right now and thinking, naw I need this quiet time!! lol So if you're talking about motivation - I NEED IT! But first I need coffee ) SO LET'S DO IT!!! I was doing hot yoga for a while but then I went on vacation...then I was tired...then the baby wasn't sleeping well...now I'm going back on vacation lol I could give you a thousand more excuses!! jerseykitten - kijiji is totally like craigslist! Enjoy!! )
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Kijiji?? Details! Kind of like ebay, but mostly used and gently used items, and you can localize it by your city so everything can be checked out in person and then picked up!! I'm addicted! There is a Kijiji USA - well there was one when I googled it - but I'm not sure how popular it is! Good luck and have fun )
  24. Everything looks fabulous and your girls look like they had a ton of fun!! Where did you get the starfish necklaces? and have you already posted a pic?
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