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Everything posted by ashley1316

  1. Its from Buds and Blooms here is the link to her shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/CorrineONeill?ref=seller_info
  2. Just got married on July 8th. Here is a pick of my shoes in action that my friend took. cant wait for the professional ones!
  3. Here is my cake. We werent that picky, it was a huge thing for us. Simple. The flowers were sugar..
  4. yes wear the real thing! It didnt even get that dirty doing it. I wanted the real thing. Photography is huge for me. And thats what I am going to remember my day as, thru photos. I am never going to wear the dress again. And lets be honest. How many ppl actually end up wearing their mothers wedding gowns? very few. So even if it gets "trashed" its ok.
  5. Here are a couple of pics that my friends took at my wedding, with me wearing my etsy hair peice. BUDS AND BLOOMS
  6. I am MARRIED! Just got back from the honeymoon and my photographer has posted on her site a video teasier. I cant wait to see the rest! http://www.jillianbphotography.com/dean-mandzuk-and-ashley-simpson-get-married-punta-canada-style-cobourg-photographer/ Sunstarmoon, how was your specail day? I hope it was everything and more!
  7. I AM MARRIED! Just got back from my honeymoon, and my photogrpaher has posted a teasier video of some pics. Here is the link, I cant wait for the rest! http://www.jillianbphotography.com/dean-mandzuk-and-ashley-simpson-get-married-punta-canada-style-cobourg-photographer/
  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE this! wish i had thought of the starfish centre! great choice!
  9. GRRRRRRR Venting! so about 5 months ago i had requested a change in the dinner/recp place at my resort. originally at the garden grill. but then i found out i didnt like the layout of the room. so i asked to have it at the italian rest. the WC at the resort said it was fine. and she made the change. well yesterday i got an email from her asking for my menu choices for the GARDEN GRILL. After pointing out that it had been changed, she emailed me back saying that the italian is all booked and no avail. So mad!
  10. here are a couple of pics i have narrowed it down to. I have a large flower that i also attached a pic, thats going in my hair. the last hair pic is hard to see but if you go to http://thebeautydepartment.com/hair/page/2/ you can see it better. I am leaving July 5th cannot wait!!!!
  11. It is alittle large. I might trim it back a little. she can make to smaller sizes, but you will loose some of the colour. but yes i agree. its a bit big. but i love it and i will make it work some how. lol
  12. Here is my flower from etsy with proper colours
  13. ok i am really stressing because i have noooo idea what to do with my hair. I dont want it up as i dont like showing my shoulders that much. was thinking a side pony as my dress has one strap, then i thought just down some how. What are u girls doing? I will put some inspiration pics up later. as i am at work and cant at the moment. help!
  14. Sharon99, I am just at work, but when i get home i will post a pic. i just got my flower in the mail yesterday. or if u have facebook, look up Buds and Blooms. My flower is the pages profile pic. )
  15. this is my FI wedding band. white gold with black diamonds.
  16. CRAZY! my work just put out my schedual for the week of july 1st, and thats when i am off for my wedding! cant believe its coming so fast. just had to share, getting pretty excited!
  17. I am going to have to check out this app. My only thing is, i would rahter not have someone having to man it. does it just play a song then onto the next without having to click on something?
  18. look what came today!!!! BOARDING PASSES! i also picked these super cute bags up from walmart $2.50 going to use them as gift bags for the girls presents, then they can use them as beach bags as well.
  19. I purchased my hair piece off of etsy. this is a pic of it, but the black part is going to be fuschia and the middle rhinestones. this is the page on etsy for the designer http://www.etsy.com/shop/CorrineONeill she has some great stuff.
  20. i know 1 month....its scary lol. they should sell postcards at the resort....i asked my WC and she said they have them for $1USD.
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