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Everything posted by Jtswedding

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by azulskies The Texas Chainsaw Massacre : Eric Balfour Eric Balfour-In Her Shoes (great movie..Love the shoes)
  2. Maybe if I approved it..Is that really letting him pick it out? Would you ever let you husban have a Jessica rabbit type secretary?
  3. Love ketchup on everything!!!!! Iron Chef?
  4. I like this season so much more than last season already!!
  5. I think Chucks going to fall apart when his hotel flops
  6. Jessica Biel -The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  7. Congrats and happy planning!!!
  8. Welcome to the forum my suggestion is to take care of all the big things you want first, photogs, resort, Dress, florist, DJ, then start moving smaller and smaller, because if you don't get around to personalizing your cocktail napkins really is anyone going to know? Good luck!!
  9. I would say to make it match your dress or use one of your wedding colors. My FG dress is white with a champagne sash but my dress is white.
  10. YES!!! Would you ever let your FI buy a car by himself?
  11. James Van Der Beek -The Rules of Attraction
  12. As much as it would kill me never be able to eat the same thing twice... there's to much to try!! Would you rather be an insane bridezilla or not be able to have any impute on your wedding?
  13. Ashton Kutcher -The Butterfly Effect
  14. Tara Reid- My bosses daughter
  15. EWWW Bugs but gross!!! would you rather be stuck watching rambo or rocky 24 hours straight?
  16. If its on sushi...mm I'm hungry now coke zero?
  17. Julianne Moore-The Big Lebowski
  18. Depends on the kind but like. Sushi?
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