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Everything posted by Jtswedding

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Laura22610 Under the Tuscan Sun : Sandra Oh Sandra Oh-Sideways
  2. Yes, Mom mom helps us out with stuff for the wedding all the time and he hates it He wants us to be completely self reliant. But it usually comes out in the end anyways we can't keep stuff from each other long. Not attend your son/daughters wedding if you didn't approve?
  3. Dude turn purple and have smoke come out of my ears how cool would that be Would you rather have the ugliest wedding dress in the world or have your dress at the ugliest venue in the world, and you can't fix up either
  4. I would defiantly order it in the size you are now. better to take in then be to small
  5. did you try ebay? they have a bunch of runners...also if its to light you can attach washers (yes like from home depot) underneath to make it stay if you need to
  6. Selling the first dress sucks, but I love your new dress, the flowers are so pretty!!
  7. Awww I'm sorry! Stay on them maybe you'll be able to get them to bend!
  8. like except for unexpected drops...NOT FUN Ohio state football?
  9. Speech....I can not sing!!! would you rather be deaf or blind?
  10. These are all Navy to teal from the bluefly bridesmaids collection more coming....
  11. Stub my toe.. at least you don't usually brake it!!! Would you rather sit in a tub of spiders or a tub of snakes
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MayaLove Julia Roberts : Pretty Woman Pretty woman-Richard Gere
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Laura22610 In her Shoes : Cameron Diaz Cameron Diaz-My Best Friend's Wedding
  14. AHW with all my friends and fam...my Fi kinda talked me in to a DW and I miss having alot of the people that won't be able to come. Would you rather have your cake collapse or your wedding dress rip?
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