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Everything posted by Jtswedding

  1. House Bunny-Beverly D'Angelo
  2. the proposal-Ryan Reynolds (LOVE!!)
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JT3 I would rather have boobs.... Cuz i really dont have much now LOL.. Would you rather have a long distance realtionship with your love (seeing him once a year for the rest of your life) or settle for another guy that will be there everyday Long distance with my love....Love is Love sedlings just not the same would you rather break your hand or your foot?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Boob job. Went for a nose job consult and they told me that it wouldn't work. What?? Would you rather eat 1 dirty worm or a gallon of chocolate pudding? Chocolate pudding!!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 Benjamin Bratt : Miss Congeniality Miss Congeniality- Sandra bullock
  6. If she really deserved it(more likely I'd tell my FI to talk to his brother and get her in check) would you ever want triplets?
  7. Violet- I'm afraid of Drowning Would you rather be Britney spears or Lindsey Lohan?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by finleys7 Laura Harring - Love in the Time of Cholera love in the time of cholera-Benjamin Bratt
  9. All ways a bit hungry...I am always a bit tired now and it sucks!! Would you rather be in the middle of a tornado or a hurricane.
  10. No I hate the cold Would you ever lose 20 pounds to fit in a bridesmaids dress(had a friend who may have lost more....Not for mine!!)
  11. Naomi Watts-Mulholland Dr.
  12. Courage under fire-Matt Damon
  13. whitney Houston- the preachers wife
  14. the matrix-Laurence Fishburne
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Ethan Hawke: The Newton Boys The Newton boy-Matthew McConaughey (oh la la)
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