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Everything posted by Jtswedding

  1. Maybe if I was drunk but not normally would you ever eat something if you didn't know what it was?
  2. Drink snakes blood Would you rather be stalked by poperatzi every day or be a shut in?
  3. can go either way they kinda scare me cooking?
  4. The bucket list-Morgan Freeman
  5. Somethings gotta give-Jack Nicholson
  6. Jack Mulcahy-Scent of a Woman
  7. Mabey now to pay for part of the wedding but under normal circumstances no way Would you ever stay in the ice hotel?
  8. Hot and cold... not for every day but it can look good with that perfect black gown. wearing dresses?
  9. yes!!! Would you ever start your own business?
  10. Hell ya!!!! would you ever take a night shift job?
  11. No I work from home so I would have a problem driving 10 min to work. Would you ever want to open your own hotel?
  12. Dan Akroyd-The Blues Brothers
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