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Everything posted by Jtswedding

  1. This is going to be my bouquet This will be my FIs bout This in MY BMS but light pink and white
  2. I talked to my Dj an my Photographer and the both said not to included them but I feel bad shold I just do it anyways incase they decide the want to or honor there wishes?
  3. you are so much calmer than I would be. Good luck I hope everything works out!
  4. Welcome I don't have any resort recommendations but I'm getting married on the other side of Mexico and Love it. Good luck. I'm sure some one can help you there are so many girls getting married in that area
  5. I think im going to wear a nude thin thong with a spanks half slip on top so there are no panty lines and it can always come off
  6. I was browsing Light in the box and fell in love with this dress for my TTD I would rather find a used original if I can figure out who makes it...any clues?
  7. As long as it was a single stale with a locked door...oh and not skudzzy Would you ever have sex at your husband office?
  8. The michels by us has 4" Pearl letters in the dollar bins I got our cake topper for $3 dollars and the letters for bride to put on my do not enter sign
  9. we are doing 2 large x shaped tables which we will make a diamond in the center and putting a sweet heart table in the center. I love the idea of just my FI and I getting a little alone time during the night and still being close to our family and friends
  10. I'm really sad that I didn't take my legal day more seriously. I was in normal cloths and so was FI. He took the morning off of work after we went to the court house waited in line, got married, kissed and went to the dounkin donuts around the corner, then went on about our day. This is the way I wanted it because I wanted our "real" wedding to be the only one that was important. Now it makes me sad that we didn't celebrate at all. It feels to anticlimactic. Anyone think of a cute "redo" idea
  11. He's 6-2 and I'm 5-4 so I have 4" platform wedges for the ceremony and 4" heels for the reception
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Jtswedding OMG I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your dress!!! Who is the designer? Its an Ulla-Majia- Renae It came down to 2 dresses for me and they were both hers. Their dresses are A-mazing. But when it came down to it my dress was a lot more beach friendly than this one. Now if I was having a ballroom wedding that would be another story This was my second choice
  13. I'm on project wedding too and I love it I have like my whole wedding planned out on my bio its kept me so organized!!!
  14. Hi I'm late finding this site but getting married Dec 19. I feel like there is sooooo much left to do. Once I past that 100 day mark I started freaking. Is everyone else on track? Is it just me!?!
  15. Heres my dress It just came in this week so I will get to see it soon I can't wait to put on the dress that fits me(ignore the sample)
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