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Everything posted by swankster77

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Patourn I haven't heard from her either! And I don't want to lose out on DJ Bijan...he's telling me it's ok to go ahead and book him but I'm afraid to do so!! I don't have anyone else to contact! Have a great time ladies!!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you all get back! I would tell him that you don't feel comfortable making a deposit until you've received the 'ok' from Jazmin or someone at the resort. I know what you mean... they've been okay letting some brides use outside vendors and not others... best to get approval first. Have you tried contacting Paloma?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Patourn Hi Swankster, Have you by chance heard anything from Jazmin lately?? NO! She's totally MIA. I just looked back and the last email I received from her was on April 2 regarding chair covers! I had sent like 4 urgent emails with apostille/translation questions I had as well as asking to switch to a symbolic ceremony - totally time sensitive stuff - no response! I finally got desperate and contacted Paloma. She has emailed me twice since I last heard from Jazmin. Has anyone else heard from Jazmin lately? To you ladies leaving this week - Yay - have tons of fun
  3. scroll to the bottom - similar anyway Straw Hand Fans, Raffia fans, Paper fans, palm leaf, bamboo wedding fans, Natural Straw Fans for wedding guests and Outdoor parties
  4. Facebook invite? Not a real invite if you ask me... I'm in agreement - NO GIFT!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by HereFishie A quick pic... we just got married last night!! Will have a review in a couple days Congrats!! You are a beautiful bride!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by katelynn a week to late for me...will have to wait for the next coupon If I get another I'll be sure to post!
  7. Ok it was much easier to find than I thought. This is a direct quote from Jazmin regarding DJ Bijan and day pass: Perfect, for us in the hotel is fine If you wish to request Bijian´s services for the music and no day pass is necessary
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 Do we have to pay for a day pass too? Congrats, Cheryl! I don't think so... I think I asked this... I'll go thru my old emails from Jazmin and get back to you. But I'm pretty sure not.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Patourn I'm positive that's what she told me...I have her emails at home...I'll check and let you know for sure. The DJ you were planning on using....how does that all work?? Does he bring all his own equipment and stuff for that price?? And you go over what music that you want?? I’m thinking that might be the better way to go now And how do you arrange that all with Jazmin/Karla?? I got the 'ok' from Jazmin before booking Bijan.. but before that he assured me he'd worked with Jazmin before and that it wouldn't be a problem. I contacted Bijan via email. He wrote back asking a few questions. I responded and then he was able to give me a quote. After we agreed to the cost/services he sent me a paypal invoice for $100 deposit. The rest is due the day of the service. He recently sent me a questionnaire asking for special requests (microphone, mc service, music requests - wants me to give him a list of 20 songs so he can get a feel for the type of music i want, etc). He also said he uses a laptop, nice sound system, and some lights. he said he has a more elaborate light set but it's overkill for the poolside reception and requires additional fees. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I got wrist corsages for my mom's. It really is hard to pin a normal one to a sun dress. So they did wrist ones. I had roses and orchirds in mine, so they were kind of expensive actually. $30 or $40 a piece. MUCH cheaper if you just do roses. Trish you've got to be kidding me!! I wonder if the wrist corsage costs more than a regular one? The price list i have says $16, $24, $50... I was hoping mine would be the least expensive (called 'tropical'). I'm just going with simple gerbera daisy's and lily's. I really can't spend that much on corsages!! Yikes!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Patourn $210 really....I just looked over the info that Jazmin had sent me and she quoted me 190/hr...for the sound system and music on our ipod. I actually have it in a recent email from her as well, maybe double check with her again?? Interesting... Jazmin told me they did not offer a sound system for an iPod!
  11. Question about flowers: I have a few people that I'm getting flowers for that aren't in the wedding party (Mothers, readers, personal attendant, etc...) When I emailed Jazmin I called out corsages... but she keeps suggesting wrist corsages... has anyone had either and which is preferred by people in general. She kept saying the corsages were heavy to pin onto a sundress... I asked to see pictures but of course she has yet to respond (in fact I haven't heard from her in over a month). Can anyone give advice? Thanks!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KRama Yay Midnight! You're married!! Congrats! It sounds like it's hot hot hot there! We just had a freak snowstorm on Saturday so I'm looking forward to some great vacation weather! Question for those that recently had or are planning to have a DJ - what price were you quoted? Karla just quoted me $210/hour which is quite a bit more than I've been reading on here! Now it's got me questioning if it's worth it... Ouch! Looks like the price went up... Jazmin quoted me $190/hour. I decided to go another route. However my wedding has not happened yet so I might not be much help! I am using DJ Bijan (MayanVibes - Wedding DJ in the Mayan Riviera - Home). He quoted me $250 for the first 2 hours. Our total is going to be $300 for 2.5 hours (8-10:30). He was recommended by DJ Bob which people have given good reviews... So far communication with him has been quick and clear... and apparently he is from Canada!
  13. An acoustic version of "Heaven" by Bryan Adams.. it was between that and "In Your Eyes" by Jeffrey Gaines (acoustic).
  14. I also would prefer to NOT stay in the same room the night before... but my wedding is not until 4pm the next day.. so I wonder if I'll be able to make it the whole day without running into him. As for where he'll sleep... I was thinking he would stay with one of his groomsmen who is single. I never considered the idea of asking the resort if they'd have an extra room for him for the night... I think that's a great idea.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsMiller2b Wow! Our clocks are really ticking!!!!! I'm a June 19th bride in Freeport, Bahamas. I'm really starting to get a bit overwhelmed because it seems I have sooooo much left to do. I have my dress but it's a lot of small, important details left. I have OOT bags but nothing to go in them yet. I need to get busy....quick! Welcome to another June bride I was also feeling a bit overwhelmed but forced myself to get a few things done this last week... bought my bridesmaid gifts, bought a new swim suit, bought stuff to make my program/fans... not too much left to buy... need to find a cool sand ceremony kit and think of something for our guestbook... finally I'm making progress! The OOT bag contents shopping was the most fun!! Good luck!
  16. For any of you who used the vistaprint window decal sticker for your OOT mugs... My mugs are a bright orange color with black handle and lid. Ideally I'd like to print my stickers with white type or white background with pink type... is this possible? or do the white areas come out clear? Should I stick with black? Also, are they easy to cut/stick onto the mugs? Thanks!
  17. Discountmugs.com is having a 10% off sale on everything Thursday-Sun April 22-25. Use promo code: DMPROMO
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Patourn Swankster....did you ever heard back from Jazmin NO!! Not sure what's up with her but finally Paloma wrote back yesterday saying I am all set with the symbolic ceremony (was legal). Phew! What a relief!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege The fourth song is for while you sign documents. It takes awhile, so you can fit at least a three minute song in there. Thanks Trish! Was there any music while the guests arrived/were seated? It seems odd to have nothing but maybe I'm over-thinking. Do the songs have to be in the order you want them played? Quote: Originally Posted by Erica_Bellerive I just added a few extra song to the CD so Karla can play them when ever she needs to fill space My extra songs are: Jack Johnson- Better together Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am Bob Marley- One Love This kind of goes with my above question... if we put extra songs on, are we guaranteed the right ones will played at the right time?
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