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Everything posted by meldal101010

  1. Know it all because then i'd be able to have it all because i'd know how to get it all...lol Never eat at all or eat every 5 minutes?
  2. Ughh...tough situation! I feel horrible that you are going through this as I know what its like to feel like you do right now. Did he have an explanation as to why he still carried it around? I would def tell him that you have the right to ask these questions without him going on the defense. Is it possible for you to speak with the ex...pretty ackward but maybe thats your best bet. I really don't know what to tell you! I hope it all works out for you!! Good Luck!
  3. lol...thats a tough one because its all about personality right?!! I would go with the 'ugly' but try desperatley to help him with it...lol Would you rather to see a ghost or to see an alien?
  4. Thats unacceptable!! Its your special time and I agree with some of the other girls on here that your husband should talk with her. I would be so PO'd!! Sorry you have to go through this and I hope it all works out for you!!
  5. I think i'm going to go for a starfish necklace and a beach bag...i am buying the girls BM dresses from Victoria's Secret--at a steal, they picked them out $38!!--they are beachy and can definitley be worn again so that is part of the gift as well! Good Luck!
  6. I am having a jack/jill stag/ette party. A whole bunch of us are heading to British Columbia to go houseboating for a weekend in the summer!! Its going to be a balst. My FI is still having a men-only stag sometime but all of my GF's live on the other side of the country, so i'l be waiting till Mexico to do the girls night!!!
  7. Ummmm....jeez i didn't even know we were supposed to buy our FIs anything. I think i'll give him myself. ...lol...although the boudouir pics is a great idea!! I think i'll do that because i know he'll love them!
  8. I'm paying for my BM dresses and have decided (thanks to a post on here) to get the dresses from Victoria's Secret. The dresses are sooo beachy and the girls will be able to wear them again. I'm making it a part of their gifts. I already feel so guilty about asking people to save the money to come to my DW, that I felt I had to....which kind of sucks because i'm paying alot of money to have this wedding and then have to fork out more for the dresses, luckily the girls picked out a dress that only costs $38! Good luck with your decision!!
  9. Its so hard to decide these things. I also didn't want to hurt anyones feelings, as I have a couple very good friends that wanted to be the MOH, but i have opted out of the MOH thing altogether.I've decided to have only bridesmaids, that way nobody gets mad and everyone is equal. I'm not saying this is right for your situation seeing as how its a bit different. I do think that maybe asking if she wanted to be a bridesmaid is a good idea. Is she the type of person you could really confide in, because if so i would definitley tell her of your reservations...i would with my sister. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Good luck!
  10. My MOH & Bridesmaid live on the other side of the country so I didn't think i would be having a bridal shower, which was kind of a relief since i wasn't sure what the proper etiquette was for a DW bride....but my FI's mom is now throwing me one and i'm fine with it seeing as how its her planning it and iniviting everyone.
  11. No way...Its your day & the close friends & family that attend know your personalities so i'm sure everyone will just have a great time!!
  12. Swine Flu---although i don't know why. They both seem pretty rotten. Would you rather your car break down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere in the freezing cold winter or have the roller coaster you are one break down while you are on the top for 1 hour??
  13. Kim Basinger - My stepmother is an alien
  14. Hi everyone, I have searched the forum for monogram help, but am having a VERY hard time doing one myself. I guess i'm just not great a computer desining. Could anyone help me out? I want to get some stickers , etc. made up for our invites. If so, could you private message me or email me? Thanks for your help!
  15. Who are you engaged to? Dallas Will this be your first marriage? yes Will this be your fiance's first marriage? Yes Will you or your fiance want a pre-nuptial agreement? nope Are you going to have a Wedding Shower? Yes Will You Have A Bachelor/Bachelorette Party? Yes....in Mexico a couple days before the wedding Who did you tell first? FI's parents Big or small wedding? small-ish How many people are you inviting? over 100 How many do you think will attend? 50-ish Date to get married? Oct 10, 2010 Any people you will not allow to attend? Yes Song played walking down the aisle? Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillet - Lucky What time will your wedding be? 4 pm Where are you getting married? Dreams Cancun Where will reception be? Dreams What food will be served? Not sure yet What flavor cake and frosting? Probably chocolate What type of cake topper? Something funny What are your Wedding Favors? Personalized hot sauce Songs for dancing with parents? Faith Hill - There you'll be with dad Are you having an open bar? Yes What is your first dance song? Either Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton or we may decide to add some humor to the situation and play Total Eclipse of the Heart - The Dan Band (hilarious rendition done off of the Old School movie) Describe your dress? White Sweetheart trumpet or mermaid style Wedding Colors? Not Sure Describe your bridesmaids dresses? Strapless floy beachy Victoria's Secret dresses Do you plan on having any children? We already have 2 small toddlers What if your ex came running in and tried to stop the wedding? I'd laugh in his face and tell him to go swim with some sharks What if the groom's mom came running in and tried to stop the wedding? Same as above. __________________
  16. Megan Fox and Kate Beckinsale. They are both so beautiful
  17. I'm from Canada where there is no Popeyes....so i'll go with KFC (I do love the gravy) Would you rather go without your phone or internet for one week?
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