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Everything posted by meldal101010

  1. Ughhh...visable cut i guess Would you rather listen to nails scraping on a chalkboard for an hour straight or listen to a baby scream for an hour continuously?
  2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past - matthew mcconaughey (i can't spell his name)
  3. You ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck?" "Yes." "And the tiny hairs on your arm, you know when they stand up? That's them. When they get mad...it gets cold (The Sixth Sense) I'm not asking much. Just a token really, a trifle. You'll never even miss it. What I want from you is... your _______.
  4. You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition's given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Agent Starling? " (Silence of the Lambs) As you can see, Genghis very much enjoys _______ because of the excellent sugar rush.
  5. I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?" The Matrix I bet you've had a hard time walking into a room full of people on your own, right? Yeah. I know that. I know what it is not to feel like your in the room until he looks at you or touches your hand or even makes a joke at your expense, just to let everyone know... you're with him. You're ____.
  6. Personally i don't think there is a problem with the regular vaccines that children get if it saves someone the heartache of a child with menengitis or some other disease. I would never willingly put something harmful in my childs body...however that being said, I don't like the idea of giving my children something so new and unknown. I know the things i've heard about the reg vaccines risks(autism, etc...)and still continue to vaccinate my kids, but when there are unknown risks, thats when i think it becomes scary and will talk to my family doctor, whom i trust and have had for years, to see what his opinion will be. I know he isn't in it just for monetary reasons and will give me the best advice. That being said Married In Maui---I will def let you know what the doc says
  7. Ughhh....tough choice. i'd go with cat food because i hate fish Would you rather your $1000 wedding dress noticably rip at your ceremony or your $1000 cake crash to the floor?
  8. Dislike Like or Dislike - The Hills
  9. I think it looks so nice and flattering on you!! It looks a bit different then the original but thats to be expected with any knock-off. Its beautiful and the quality looks great Good pick!!
  10. Yeah there is over 10 years in age difference between the two, so it wouldn't suprise me. I just want to see a great knock-out and lots of blood
  11. LOVE STREET MEAT!! There is this place called Pizza Corner in Halifax that has the BEST steak on a stick...We call it Donkey D***, but it sure is tasty! Like or Dislkie: Cats
  12. Congrats & Happy Planning!! Enjoy the forum
  13. Only 47 more posts until i hit 150...WOOT-WOOT!! The first thing a cry-baby girl learns is, our bazoom's are our weapons (Crybaby) LOVE Johnny Depp Danny, you can't ___. You can't ___. You know why? 'Cause you're gonna be a father. You're gonna be a daddy. I wasn't supposed to tell you. You're gonna be a father.
  14. This is happy hairy hard on telling you to eat your cereal with a fork, and do your homework, in the dark." (pump up the volume) Marriages don't break up on account of ________. It's just a symptom that something else is wrong. Harry: Oh really? Well, that "symptom" is f***ing my wife.
  15. Super Hearing...Just think of all the juicy stuff you could here..lol Would you rather cry uncontrollably all the time or laugh uncontrollably all the time?
  16. oops...guess we did that at the same time Meet Joe Black - Claire Forlani
  17. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an after-funeral party to attend (Zoolander---FUNNY) “I have a question for you real quick. What did you think of my _____? Did you get it?†I was gonna listen to that, but then, um, I just carried on living my life.â€
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