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Everything posted by meldal101010

  1. Angelina Jolie...I think Would you ratherkeep the job you have now for the rest of your working years or quit and pursue something you love and be financially unstable for 2 year?
  2. Rosanna Arquette - The Whole Nine Yards
  3. Micheal Moore for sure....and i wouldn't be excited about it Would you rather go out for a nice romantic dinner with FI or have a huge party with a bunch of friends?
  4. Maybe at the beginning of the relationship after copius amounts of bevvies were consumed...but 6 years later...nope Would you ever dye your hair a really whacked out color?
  5. Ignorance is bliss----especially in that situation Would you rather be stuck on a dester island with Carrot Top or that guy with the annoying voice who plays the parrot in Aladdin (sorry i don't know his name)
  6. meldal101010

    Hi :)

    Welcome to the forum & Happy Planning!!
  7. Welcome to the forum & Happy Planning!!
  8. Welcome to the forum & Happy Planning!!
  9. Welcome to the forum & Happy Planning!!
  10. meldal101010


    Congrats & Happy Planning!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Like but only if it's raspberry beer. mmmm. Back to commercials, what about the Telus one with the goats? hahaha...don't you find that you can be watching something at a normal volume, but a Telus commercial comes on and its sooo loud...lol Sorry, back to the game...dislike cottage cheese Like or dislike: Video games
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 Mel - I really liked these dresses too!! I'm sitting down with my BM's tonight (one lives out of town but is here for a visit) so that we can go through these. We'd been looking at the loose fit convertible dress otherwise. I'll see what they think though because I'd really rather have them buy something they can wear again - that's why I'm now in love with VS dresses!!! I'm buying all the shoes for both my bm's, FI and the gm from Dessy Accessories and you can have the girls flip-flops custom coloured to match your dresses, or at least accent them in whichever colour you want. There are three calgary bridal stores listed that they work with so you could probably check with one of them to see if they have the colour swatches in store to compare? I don't know that for sure yet though but will have to check myself once we know our dress colours... Thanks!! I'll check it out
  13. I'm Canadian & I don't think we have that commercial...I'm going to go with Dislike, because I hate all commercials--except beer ones Speaking of beer...Like or dislike??
  14. My confessio....hmmm...I think I may be addicted to this forum as it is midnight and I have to be up at 6 am for work...on that note...Goodnight!!
  15. Haha...My FI is always shaking his head at me in disgust because I LOVE it!! Like or Dislike: Hockey
  16. Love....wish we had the time for date night more often!! Like or Dislike: Guys who look like they spend all of their free time at the gym...'Mr. Gym, if you will'
  17. Depends what kind...like sour & gummies Like or Dislike: Early Mornings
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth I agree with classadiva. Put the ball in her court, but make your expectations clear at the same time. That you want to have people standing up for you who are going to be supportive of your marriage. If she chooses to accept the role, you can hold her to that agreement. I agree with you...and btw, i'm seeing your posts all over the place and everytime i scroll past one i get all freaked out. Soooo petrified of spiders, especially massive ones, you have one brave little niece!! lol
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