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Everything posted by renee1811

  1. Katie, you look absolutely stunning in your pictures!! Some of my favorites are 8, 32, 35, 51, 54, 55, 69, and 91. But honestly, you look smokin' in them all, so your FI will be happy with whichever ones you choose!!
  2. OMG, my photog friend just messaged me wanting to see if we could do my first BD shoot this Saturday--I don't know if I'm ready!! I might do a crash diet for the next 2 days, lol. I'm reading all the posts for tips and poses. I might have to buy a bottle of wine Saturday morning, lol.
  3. here's the link: Sam Moon Trading Online online, they just have the necklace, but in the store, I was able to get a boxed set with the CZ earrings also.
  4. I bought really cute starfish necklaces with CZ in them at Sam Moon. I paid $7.99 for each necklace, and they came with a pair of CZ earrings also! Good luck
  5. Renee's Old To-Do list 1. Finish the menus and programs on the computer--DONE 2. Figure out my cake topper not done 3. Trial up-do with my veil/flowers DONE--I love it! 4. Take dress in for alterations (I need to get it hemmed and bustled) not done 5. Start working on ceremony script & vows FINISHED! I started tearing up while writing them, and FI loves it 6. Work on music selection started on this; have the major songs picked out 7. Lose 2 more pounds I gained one pound, but I am going to blame it on being bloated, lol 8. Ensure group payments have been made by our deadline of March 26 DONE!! everybody has made all their payments, woohoo!! Renee's New To-Do List 1. figure out this dang cake topper 2. set up appointment for alterations 3. lose 2 pounds 4. make final payment to Tiffany 5. take first dance lesson with FI 6. figure out music selection for dinner 7. start making plans for AHR (I am drawing a blank on this one right now...) 8. get flower girl dress ordered 9. decorate fans and bubbles for the ceremony with ribbons 10. get bridesmaid's dress altered if necessary
  6. Quote: 1. Work Out - Kicking asses and taking names! I've had a ton of compliments from people noticing I've lost weight and crazy visible body changes!! It's keeping me on top of my game! ChristaLee, that's awesome!! Congrats on all of your success; makes the pain and sweat worth it, doesn't it?! Quote: Yay yay yay yay yay!!! I just got my BD photos and they are out of this world! I'm sure for those of you who have yours already, you can relate to the shock of seeing yourself like that. Good for you Wendy!! I can't wait to see some; I'm sure you look awesome! Your FI is going to love that gift Quote: Right girls....I'm up wayyyy too late and am off to bed now. BD shoot tomorrow - 1pm and i'm absolutely cacking it!! excited as well though. Good luck Katie! You will be fabulous!
  7. Hey! I think your best bet is to think of the people you HAVE to have at your wedding--the friends and family that you couldn't imagine getting married without, and asking them. My FI and I only finalized everything 6 months beforehand, and we had been engaged 3 months before that. We checked with our family and closest friends, and they all swore they would be there no matter what. We have a group of about 25 booked, which is probably smaller than if we had given more time, but we had to do what is best for us. So if a DW in 6 months works best for you, just be prepared that not everyone might make it (but that is the case in any DW) Hope this helps some!
  8. I have downloaded the symbolic ceremony script that AmyB posted a few months ago, and after reading through it, it is NOT be and FI at all....can we do our own script, since it's just going to be symbolic? And will the minister still perform it?
  9. Quote: I got my proof pix for my real touch flowers: Amy, they are gorgeous!! Taylor, awesome job on getting so much stuff done--I need to start kicking it into high gear!! I understand what everyone else is going through. I had someone last night joke that they will need to take out a mortgage on their house in order to attend my wedding--I know he was just playing around, but it just makes me feel guilty, like I shouldn't have done a DW. But I keep reminding myself this is what I have wanted my whole life, and the people who come are super-excited about it.
  10. renee1811


    congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  11. renee1811

    RPRM Brides

    congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  12. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  13. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  14. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  15. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  16. renee1811

    Hello ~

    congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  17. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  18. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  19. renee1811


    congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  20. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  21. renee1811


    congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  22. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  23. aww, lolo, I'm SOOO glad to hear you had an amazing wedding!!! Congrats, and I can't wait to see more pics--you looked gorgeous!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Awww, thanks Nicole! This morning, waking up at what now is 4am, after tossing and turning all night, wedding nightmares and general bad sleep, I look like a zombie. Quote: I'm not sleeping great either me and FI have been at each others throats over the weekend and whilst things are generally ok, I think the stress of the wedding is getting to us both....wondered if maybe a common thing this close to the wedding? SOOOO glad to know I'm not the only one! I have started having wedding nightmares. The other night, I had forgotten to get my dress altered and it slid down during the ceremony, and last night, we forgot to book a reception place so it was at a greasy hamburger place Katie, I totally understand what you're going through! My FI and I have been bickering a lot more recently. The stress of everything I think has finally gotten to both of us. Right now, all we need is to fly down to Mexico and lay on the warm beach with a cold drink in hand!
  25. Quote: Okay ladies, beauty treatments are done! Mimosas are ready! Sexy lingerie is all packed! And I have to be in makeup at 7:15am tomorrow morning for my BD shoot. Wish me luck!!! Taylor, good luck!! Are you excited?! I was in San Antonio this past weekend with my FI and when I drove through Austin, I did a shout out to you, lol! Have fun at the BD shoot!!
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