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Everything posted by diamondpooch

  1. So, I have two children from a previous marriage, and my FI wants to include, as part of the ceremony, a part where he addresses the children and let them know he will always be there for them, blah blah Does anyone know where I can find some "traditional" verbiage/wording/script for this type of thing to help him figure out what to say??!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Woodsylou no problems, that's great for you! where are you getting them from and how on earth are you getting them to Mexico?! My mom is the sales and marketing director for a large steakhouse in this area. She has a budget every year for Christmas decorations, so she told me she would just buy the vases I want for the reception for her decorations and then I could just use them for the wedding! So I don't have to pay for them! Nice! they are 20" tall vases from Michaels, but they are fairly thin glass so they aren't too expensive. We will either ship them down to the resort beforehand or we will pack them in bubble wrap and put them all in a suitcase. There are only 5 of them. I'm thinking I might be shipping these along with my towels down there because they are the biggest pains to get down there.
  3. I wanted to have centerpieces custom made (looked very similar to trees), but the price was too high. Much like custom making these tables would be. I have to believe, though, that if you did have them made that an event planning company or something of the sort wouldn't express desire to purchase them from you at a portion of what you paid so they could offer them to their clients. They will make their money back several times over throughout the years in rental fees.
  4. My TA is negotiating quite a bit. I don't know if she is doing it herself or if a representative from Apple Vacations is working with the wedding staff at our resort, but either way, I know she is negotiating an extra hour for the reception for me since I have 49 people coming as of right now.
  5. diamondpooch


    Congrats! I am getting married at the Palace too! I look forward to your review and some pics when you get back! How many people do you have going down?
  6. Such good advice regarding the "bottle" topic. A binkie works too. And be sure you use it during landing too, that's when the pressure gets really bad. Especially if your infant has tubes in their ears.
  7. Done: Dress Shoes STD's Invitations BM dresses picked and information sent to bridesmaids TA and block of rooms/flights locked down programs OOT bags Keycard holders Flowers Centerpieces Men's suits picked out and information sent to groomsmen Hair and Makeup trial done Still to do: Menu cards Place Cards Flower girl dress/shoes kids passports
  8. Thanks ladies! I'm almost done assembling the fans. My MOH is an expert bow maker, so she's in charge of tying these bows I ordered white finger starfish to make my place cards, so when I finish them I will post them! My towels come this week and I will be done with my OOT bags and I'll show those as well. I'm so ahead of schedule, but my mom, who is a wedding planner, keeps telling me the sooner I get everything done the less stressful my time is going to be, so I'm looking forward to getting it all out of the way so I can relax!
  9. I ordered my cups today! 100 cups plus screen printing set up and shipping was $105. Ugh. It all keeps adding up! Ordered my towels too, and that was about $280. I just have too many people coming
  10. Well, unfortunately, I have to take back my offer NOT because I wouldn't do it for you if you wanted in a heart beat, but because I found a way to get all my vases for free which means, the company I'm borrowing them from wants them back I wish you the best in your centerpiece adventure! I will be selling lots of things when I get back, so keep an eye out for the thread
  11. As far as I know the cake flavors are vanilla, chocolate, coconut and pineapple. There may be other options, but they are not included. It took me a few weeks to get official confirmation on my wedding. Don't stress!
  12. I'm not sure the exact room rate per night as our land and air and transfer were all bundled into the same price. 35 rooms is A LOT. Most people would not hit this. No matter what the menu or location, having this for free would be a nice rehearsal type dinner/welcome dinner to have for your guests. 35 rooms is a minimum of 70 guests and that is a lot!
  13. If I had known this was the case I probably would have done something else! How am I going to transport these things to Mexico without stinking up the rest of the bag? I hope this isn't an issue with customs.
  14. Okay, thanks ladies! I have them airing out right now and if after a couple days they don't smell better, I'm going to try the alchohol or bleach thing. Thanks I will report back on how it goes. Keep an eye out for my finished starfish place card DIY in my DIY thread in a little while.
  15. Those dresses are awesome. I personally like the second one the best! Good luck!
  16. One of my BF's got married at Carambola last spring and it was awesome. What's nice about that place is that it's likely that you will be the ONLY wedding there that weekend. Carambola is small so you get the feel of a boutique hotel. Just text my friend and she said the only other one is the Buccaneer, and that it's actually more expensive than Carambola, but very pretty. I hope you figure it all out!
  17. Okay, so I'm making my own place cards. A small card attached to a white finger starfish with a ribbon. Pretty normal thing. I ordered my starfish off ebay and they came today which is good. BUT.... they smell like crap! Is this normal? How do I get this odor off of them? I've been letting them air out outside all day and nothing is working! They smell like.....I don't even know what else smells like this, but it's grossing me out! Help!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by t&kJanuary2010 diamondpooch: I was told the samething about hair and make-up which I am TOTALLY not happy about. I have 6 BM who am I suppose to give it too...and both moms have short hair! Even if I could apply it flowers would be so great. As far as the 35 rooms or people I would like to know that information. I know we have that and we have not been offered anything for free from our WC. If anything we have been told we are too big and that is why they can't offer us a welcome cocktail with bartender for free. Please keep us updated on this. I can say that through Apple Vacations we got 1 person free for every 25 booked with them. But that was through Apple not Barcelo. All you ladies are so awesome!! I agree having answers quickly from you all is AMAZING! Thanks! We are through Apple as well and we are getting 1 free for every 20 ppl. You should ask your TA to do some work to see if they can get you the same deal. No kidding about the large group restrictions. You would think the more people you have the more the red carpet gets rolled out, but it seems the opposite. My TA is going to try and negotiate an extra hour reception time for free since we have so many people. DJ mannia's services come for four hours and my open bar is only for three, so I'm going to see if I can get an additional hour for free since I'll probably end up having over 50 people coming.
  19. I'm doing it in the US because getting married in Mexico is a pain in the butt. We planned on doing it the day before we leave for the wedding. Kind of a "kick off" to our awesome vacation. I think it will be exciting to go get married, have a nice brunch with our family and then go home and finish packing for our destination wedding!
  20. I'm thinking of buying these DVD's. My gym membership expired and I don't feel like paying all that money to renew it! Plus, it's a bunch of sweaty douchebags running around in there staring at girls, and I can do without that environment. So, can you lose weight on these videos? Is there enough cardio or is it all toning? I'm used to running for 30 minutes and then doing my weight training. Will I like this program? What accessories do I need? Dumbbells? Resistance bands?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by RaychelRae I absolutely LOVE your save the dates!! Would you mind me asking how much she charged you for them? If there is any doubt in your mind whether she is worth it, don't doubt it for one second. I used her for my invites and I'm super excited. Go for it!
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