It sounds like your TA is trying to take credit for giving you something that your GROUP already deserves. Usually cruise lines give incentives to all their guests. For example I am using NCL. My TA told me some of the incentives that may be available. I am not sure of the exact details, but usually the incentives that are available are caluculated by amenity points based on how much the ship sales. Going back to the actual incentives that are given: - 1 hr. cocktail party - cold or hot Hors d'oeuvres, onboard $$ credit, off shore excursion, gift basket, and many many more options based on the number of amenity points for that specific cruise and sail date. Along with all those fun amenity options.....for every 8 cabins=16 passengers you get a free berth. Which means that you can have an additional free passenger (just pay taxes) or roll the savings to everyone so that their ticket is a little less expensive. I would definitely check with the cruise line to see what options you may have. And then talk to your TA so that you get the incentive you want. Good Luck.
Before I had picked a TA to take care of our bookings. I had called NCL and talked to Group Reservations. I spoke with someone very helpful. Every cruise line may be different. But I know that you can deal with NCL directly and book your group.
The only thing is... I don't think you can pick when to take the free hour. They might be accomodating, but otherwise they will tell you when you can have your free hour cocktail or party that you choose.