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Everything posted by thefuturemrslutz

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Yes I went to Le Blanc on Katherine's recommendation!! I forgot to thank you for that, I am so in love with that place I can't wait to go back! Maybe we can take a joint anniversary/birthday trip next year!!! July 2011!!! Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Hey Ladies! I've been away for a few days and as usual, you Ladies are moving full steam ahead. I needed to get away and not do any wedding planning because I was beginning to get stressed out with the family drama around me. I cannot believe I am posting this on a public forum, but I am having issues with my Mother and she has been making this wedding planning a nightmare as opposed to something fun. I'm her firstborn and only daughter and I guess my expectations of her involvement were/are a little higher than her perception. Anyway, I'm channeling and processing it all and working on beginning to accept that although she has the funds, she just might not be at or involved in my wedding. It hurts, but it is what it is. I just never invisioned my wedding day without my Mom being front row and center stage. Lots of lessons to be learned in life. Moving past the drama and resisting the urge to emotionally dump here....and back on to weddings!!! We got our STD's back and out in the mail. I will be honest and say that I was on the fence about them and almost hesitated to send them out. We found an awesome seller on Etsy and while I loved all of her other work and samples, I don't think my idea translated over well via email. I wanted something very natural and organic. I love raffia and we are using Burnt Orange as our main color with sand brown and white as accents. After seeing our STD's, I am starting to think we might need another bright accent color. I am a tomboy and not a big fan of pink, so that color is out, although I have seen other weddings and I think those two colors are beautiful together. Any suggestions of an accent color to go with burnt orange that don't give off a "fall wedding" feel are greatly appreciated. Because I know how much we all love photos, my STD's that I sent out are below. We placed thins self-adhesive magnets on the rear so that people could place them on their fridge if they chose to. Any ideas for a pretty accent color?? I am soooo sorry to hear about your mom, but I love your attitude! Ok, i regards to the STD's. I know you said you are not a girly girl, BUT a dark fuchsia would look gorgeous with burnt orange. Just hints of it. Look at Kittenheart's accent color in her flowers. That would be gorgeous. Also, as crazy as it sounds, I think lime green would be a fun "pop." And lastly, and maybe my favorite...turquoise (like a deep turquoise)!!! That would look amazing!!! Any jewel tone will look pretty with burnt orange. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps I'm going to try to post a link to the pictures from my bridal shower. I had a ball. The Sex and the City theme turned out great!!!!!! Danielles Sex and the City Shower pictures by daniepps1128 - Photobucket LOVE THIS!!! Your friends did such a wonderful job...so happy for you! Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...te-them-61406/ ANy advice would be great I agree with everyone's advice here! Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I know you B2B's don't want to stray from wedding talk but if you don't mind indulging me, what do you all do for work? I know what Amanda does but that's about it! I work in medical sales for a division of Johnson and Johnson called Depuy Mitek. It is a Sports Medicine company. I absolutely LOVE my job!! Obviously, it is still a j-o-b, so it is not perfect. But it is very flexible. I am able to run it like my own business...no micromanaging, etc. My boss is great too! It's nice working for a small company within a huge company. If I could have any job...I would be in fashion and graphic design. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fashion and design and everything that comes with it. Unfortunately, living in Alabama is not conducive to having a career in fashion. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Oh I should probably post what I do... haha. I work from 6am - 5pm or later (as of late) at a Software Manufacturer in Corporate Sales for the Northeast US. My husband works about 7ft away from me in the same department as a Corporate Sales Manager for the North Central US. He travels, I don't. I used to be a branch manager for Wells Fargo...my hours were very similar. I was technically salary, but they would divide it out hourly and pay me overtime plus bonuses. It was a great experience, but I am definitely appreciating my flexibility now. Quote: Originally Posted by gingerlover36 That was going to be next post. So after a crazy 2 weeks and investigating close to 15-20 hotels and analyzing their wedding menu/packages, reviews, etc. I decided....to stay at Azul Beach! My fiance spoke at length for 3 days with Fabio who is FABOLOUS. Totally honest...no BS and got the info we needed. We know that there is a chance there may be some construction going on but no bulldozers etc. We hope its all finished but there is a chance it won't be. He said ti will be the interior of the rooms. We are just keeping our fingers crossed for the best. We are also going to most likely plan ANOTHER trip there before the wedding to check out the progress. So as of today 39 rooms booked and TA is working on getting 2 more if possible. Hooray...now I'm off to party plan - my sister is due in 7 weeks and I am planning her shower with my mom (poor mom has lots of showers/parties to plan this year) I am soooo happy for you!!!! I am so glad that you got everything worked out. When I was still debating between AS and Le Blanc, Fabio was so wonderful. And 39 rooms booked?!?!?! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! You may have the biggest destination wedding ever!!! haha I thought my 26 was a lot! Quote: Originally Posted by beaz2be I'm a lawyer ooooooooo so is my FI!!!! What kind of a lawyer are you? Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps Thanks!!! I actually saw the dress in David's Bridal when I went to have my wedding dress altered. I think it was supposed to be a prom dress. It looked very Sex and the City-ish to me. I'm a Parole and Probation Officer. I keep trying to get myself motivated to go to law school but I end up putting it off every year. I'm shooting to start in September 2011. How fun!!!!!!!!! That seems like such a cook job...where are you applying to law school?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz We are arriving Wednesday before the wedding..A couple of people are arriving Wednesday, but most people are arriving Thursday. We will have events Thursday and Friday night and the wedding on Sunday. We are staying at Le Blanc til Wednesday. We thought about switching resorts, but it was my favorite resort in the Riviera Maya/Cancun area, so I thought, why switch?!? Then, we are going to VEGAS for our legal wedding I meant to say wedding on SATURDAY!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 And another question How long are/did you stay in Mexico for your wedding? We are planning 14 days...7 for wedding and family and friends...7 just for us....did all of you stay in just 1 resort? Or did you go to a different place? We are thinking of maybe going to Cozumel for the second week...but still totally up in the air.... We are arriving Wednesday before the wedding..A couple of people are arriving Wednesday, but most people are arriving Thursday. We will have events Thursday and Friday night and the wedding on Sunday. We are staying at Le Blanc til Wednesday. We thought about switching resorts, but it was my favorite resort in the Riviera Maya/Cancun area, so I thought, why switch?!? Then, we are going to VEGAS for our legal wedding. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 My Save the Dates came yesterday...does anyone think it is too soon to send them out? My mom thinks it is too early..but I think the earlier the better...it gives people longer to save and plan, right? I do not think it is too early. HOWEVER, I would stay in CONSTANT contact with your guests that express interest, whether it's a "thanks for rsvping" card or a "before you leave packet," etc...That way people will not back out. I sent my save the dates out WAAAAY late. At 6 months. But we had sent an email out right when we got engaged...then 2 months later, I asked my bridesmaids to be in the wedding and told them the logistics. Then, we talked the resort up for a few months. Then sent out the save the dates. So, basically everyone knew for a year, but we kept the communication constant! Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda That's so funny! Go Maryland! OK, so I finished my planning thread. It doesn't really flow but whatever, I could only look at it for so long - plus I wanted to get it done before I got my pro pics - b/c then I have to write the wedding review. Phew so much to do So, here it is: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...wedding-61350/ Have a great day! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!! May have to steal an idea or 2. OH and I LOVE your Old Bay favors...presh! Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart We stayed for 12 nights and it was the perfect amount of time! We arrived on Monday, had Tuesday & Wednesday to chill out, meet with the coordinator, test our signature drinks, scope the property, practice our first dance by moonlight up on the Skydeck (snuck up there one night), prepare all our OOT bags & fill our little bags with Jordan almonds etc. By time everyone arrived I was ancy and couldn't wait for them to arrive. Thursday were our bachelor/bachelorette parties in Cancun, Friday we had rehersal dinner and ceremony rehersal (once again in the dark which was hilarious) and then a Mojito welcome party with everyone. Saturday was the wedding, Sunday most people left and the last left on Tuesday which we then moved to another resort in Cancun until Friday. Moving to another resort for 4 days was HEAVEN and such a great decision. It was the resort I originally wanted to have my wedding at and it was definitely more pricey than AS. The food at this place was just unbelievable and it was so gorgeous. We just slept, relaxed and did a zipline/cenote excursion one day. It was the perfect trip, I wouldn't change it for the world. Then we had Saturday & Sunday to relax after going back to work on Monday. I didn't know you had considered having your wedding at Le Blanc?!?!?!?!? We are seriously separated at birth I think. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 And the deposit has been paid for the hotel...we have a wedding date and a hotel confirmation I am as planned as I can be right now. I decided to stay with destinationweddings.com TA...she has been so helpful and has gotten us so much information...I couldn't justify switching to save $10 a person with all the work she has done. And I assume that if I do hear of someone getting a better rate, then my rate can be matched Good for you!!! I agree...service is everything!!! If she has been helpful, I would stick with her! Quote: Originally Posted by beaz2be By the way ladies - I found my dress!! Got it on the first day shopping! I'm sooo excited. It's not ANYTHING like I had envisioned I would want however, so now I'm starting to rethink the whole image of the day/BM dresses etc. I'm over the moon in love with it tho. Can't wait to see it!!!! CRAP, gotta go to the gym...be back on tonight!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Yes I went to Le Blanc on Katherine's recommendation!! I forgot to thank you for that, I am so in love with that place I can't wait to go back! You can go back Aug 5-8th!!! hahaha
  5. Hey girls...I went to BCBG this weekend, and they have $3 leather passport covers!!! They are absolutely adorable...perfect for OOT bags or bridesmaids gifts. They come in hot pink, silver, orange, yellow, etc. They were listed at full price for $10 (which is great) but marked down to $3. They also have the matching luggage tags. Hope this helps someone!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart LOL! I'm dumb... Amy+ Daylen+Vegas - Chris Schmitt Photography - Chris Schmitt LOVE!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaahah looks like my kind of party!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Oh that's weird, I watched it a few times and it had no problems! We did have the best time ever Thank you!! Thanks girl!! Oh, I just thought that was the end of it?!? Does it end after you guys are taking shots?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe We met while traveling and we both knew that we wanted to get back on the road some day... I started saving $ for this years ago, before even talks of a wedding. Now we just call it a honeymoon because of the timing! There's no plan to work during our trip, but who knows, maybe we'll fall in love with some place and want to stay longer! Crashing in on the May 2010 brides again! haha I just wanted to say that your blog is precious and your wedding pictures are amazing!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Sorry to jump in with nothing helpful to say! My photographer made this video with stills, video he took and music for my Vegas reception, made me crack up! Hope you like Amy+ Daylen+Vegas - Chris Schmitt Photography - Chris Schmitt THIS IS AHHHHHMAZING!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it ALL!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 Technically...yes. If you went with the group contract (which we decided to NOT do)..then it was our name on the contract which basically stated that we had to put the deposits down if the guests didn't by the due date. So...we decided to wait and not do the group agreement..because there really aren't enough people coming that we get anything worthy of the group agreement.... So...now I just have to be patient and I HATE patient...I like booking and planning and obsessing..... So....if anyone has ideas of all that I can do now...I would LOVE suggestions (Not ready to buy a dress cause I have a million pounds to lose, and I don't really want to buy OOT stuff yet because no clue how many people are coming....) How about DIY Save the Dates and Invitations...I did BOTH myself and they were definitely a labor of love...because they were tedious and TOOK FOREVER!! BUT it was sooooo worth it!! You could start working on those...or researching decor...or researching dresses...soooo much you can be googling right now...I could sit and do that for HOURS!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps 24 days to go and I feel like I still have everything to do!!!!!! I've pretty much ordered everything, just waiting for it to be delivered so I can start organizing everything. Maybe once everything gets here I'll feel like I've accomplished more. I am looking forward to my bridal shower this Saturday though. It's going to be a Sex and the City Theme. We're going to wear stilletos and sip Cosmos! I totally understand how you feel...I have lists for lists for lists!!!! I am going to try to knock out 99% of everything this weekend. That's so cute about your bridal showers...can't wait to see pics!!!!!!! SORRY for all the posts...I didn't think there were that many, so I didn't multiquote. 30 days til I get married!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr I'm thinking we're gonna do both. We've started getting things for the OOT bags and I have to say that we've lucked up so far and everything was only $1 (except the Spanish for Dummies - $1.50) So I imagine we'll be spending like $10/bag. FI wants to stop it there and I may agree later on but I wanted to give out a small photo album to have them put pics from the wedding in. "Capture the Moments" Mini Satin Photo Album Since we have less than 50 guests coming I wanted to take the time out for FI and I to take a pic with each family and send that photo with our thank you cards. I liked the white too but my fav was the pink! Very sexy! I was!!! I was running around the house cause I thought he was somewhere hiding and waiting for my response/reaction. I ran everywhere opening doors and screaming. Lo and behold the last door I opened was the guest room and there he was looking like "what's going on"!!! Hilarious! So we started calling everyone and his cousin asked, "Did she say yes?" He looked at me and was like I don't even know! He told her, "I assume it's yes she's running around with the ring on her finger." Definitely not what I always imagined but priceless all the same! That's so cute!! The photo books....hmmmm maybe I will add that too! hahah Our OOT bags are OUT OF CONTROL!! Oh well. Thanks dear!! My favorite "outfit" was the sequin boy shorts...I only had one picture in there from them though. Oh well. hahaha thats hysterical!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb Hi Ladies - First off I should say that that there has beena lot of great back and forth happening here and looks like a lot of fun is going on. I have enjoyed seeing Lindz and BigBop's BD pics and Meghan, I loved looking at your wedding pics on facebook. Looks like you guys had a great time. You got married at AB, right? OK....so sorry to cut that short but I just recieved an email from my TA that my WC has been replaced. So not that I was the biggest fan of my AS WC (Tiffany) but now I am worried that everything that she's confirmed is going to get lost somewhere and I will have to spend hours digging through emails and such to catch my new WC or prove that I deals that I've been able to negotitate with Tiffany. Maybe I am freaking for no reason, but you ladies all know how it is. I am sure one of you will tell me not to worry and that's exactly why I came here first! So thanks in advance! I also wanted to see if anyone has worked with or is working with my new WC, Carolina and what your thoughts are about her. Please share if you don't mind. Thanks so much! You will be fine!! they have a detail list of everything. Just make sure you keep ALL your emails, so you can reference anything Tiffany told you, if necessary. Maybe this one will be better than Tiffany!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 I have more questions (shocking I know ) My sister's friend got back to me with pricing and at this point can only save us about $10 per person because it is so far out from our actual wedding date. How far in advance did you book the resort...I have the wedding date confirmed and the deposit for that is already paid..so that part is taken care of. The new TA is saying it might be better to wait a little while to see what kind of deals and promotions might be available. Help Please Are you talking about booking the resort for your guests? We waited as long as we could...Our rates started out a lot higher than we ended up getting them for. A lot of negotiation took place!! I think we sent out a "must book now" email back in April...so 4 months before.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Lindz, LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the book!!!!! Holy smokes you are HOT!!!!! I absolutely adore that cute white outfit in the first couple pages! hahaha THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! You're so sweet!!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda I had menu cards on the tables and then these cute felt bags with candy in them and a note that a donation was made in our guests honor to the American Cancer Society (FI's Dad died of leukemia). It was cute but I don't think it was all necessary. They decorated the table with nice plates and fancy napkins, so that with the centerpieces and the table numbering and I had hot pink table runners, it really would have been just as nice with out it all! Felt Favor Bag with Flower That is SO sweet!!!!!!!! Thank you for the feedback about the tables too!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Lindz, I went to hobby lobby and bought clear containers with Lids and hot glued a hot pink bow(my colors) on it. The container was for each guest to take home sand in. I love going to my friends house and seeing their little sand jar, soo cute ohhhh that's super cute!!!!!!!! Maybe I can leave those at check out?!!?!?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by beaz2be I plan to do OOT bags. Having a larger wedding it might end up getting pretty costly, depending on what goes in them. So we'll see what actually ends up going in them in the end. I'm DEFINITELY going to do either beer koozies or stadium cups that have a logo on them so that everyone can sort of "recognize" who's there with our group. also, we're planning to copy amykh and have the cigar roller so we might have matches done up, with the same logo as "favours" for everyone's table setting. Marla and Miriam GREAT WEBSITES!! They're both wonderful. Congrats on all that hard work. Ok thanks!! Right now, I am just doing OOT bags...and they are FILLED with crap. Wasn't really wanting to fork out more money for favors. And we are leaving straight from the reception to go to Coco Bongo, so I was thinking people would just leave them behind anyways.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart How exciting!! You'll get it all done, don't worry Miracles happen in the last month I'm telling you! Your shower sounds like so much fun Lord, let's hope so!!! Cause I need a miracle at this point!!!!
  20. ok thanks girls!!! I appreciate it! I was trying to think of something to put on their plates. Maybe I will do a little something like that.
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