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Everything posted by thefuturemrslutz

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Do any of you ladies have recommendations for wording for our invites. They're a little formal so I'm thinking the wording should be formal too? Let me know what you think. A Little Bling Wedding Invitation by LesliesCardart on Etsy[]=tags&includes[]=title Hey, I am about to post my invitations and you can see my wording. I just kind of took a bunch of different things I saw, and made something up. It's cute!
  2. In case you are interested...my pre-travel mailers... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...mailers-61643/
  3. Hey guys...I thought I would share my "pre-travel mailers." I printed the brochure through Vistaprint. I uploaded my own pictures and chose the fonts and colors. The luggage tags were two-sided business cards from Vistaprint. The luggage tag holders came from Luggage Tag 1840-620x Colored Molded Rigid Plastic. I have 55 left and am willing to sell them for $25 (including shipping). Let me know if you are interested. Enjoy!! (pics are in 2 posts)
  4. This lady is FABULOUS!!!! Her handwriting is gorgeous and her service is impeccable! I highly recommend her for addressing your wedding invitations. She is very reasonable as well! Turnaround time was just a few days! Calligraphy Envelope Addressing Discount by ArtfulCelebrations[]=tags&includes[]=title
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by gom4good Greetings from a Very excited Newbie! I have recently booked my Wedding at the Sensatori, Mexico for June next year! 20 in group so far booked!! I searching at the minute for a local photographer if anyone has any suggestions? CONGRATS!! And Welcome!!! We have an entire Azul Sensatori thread...come join us!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr I just wanted to point out how much I learn on here.... I was watching Top Chef Wednesday and saw the seasoning that AmyB is using for her AHR! Never heard of or saw it before this. I think it's because I'm from NO and we have our own local seasoning. Who knows? And, I watched Big Brother Wednesday (or maybe it was Tuesday) and one of the houseguests was trying to spell journeyman to win a challenge. I was like "I know what that is now!!" It's sad how the silly things make me happy these days. Old Bay is DELICIOUS!!! WE cook fish almost every night (due to our wedding diet)...a little salt, pepper, old bay, and lemon juice makes it taste soooo good!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by chong hmm.. how do you add avatar picture? I am using photobucket and every time I upload the picture, it says INVALID! so frustrating!!! For my avatar photo, I just uploaded it directly off my computer. You don't have to use photobucket like you do for your siggy pic...
  8. GOODNESS you girls are busy!!! I will catch up this weekend...just got home and headed to a bday dinner with my lover!!
  9. Hey girl!!!! Oh, it has been ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!!! I can't wait til you get to deal with Diana...she is truly amazing!!!!! She answers ALL of my questions...and IMMEDIATELY!!!! And is so talented. You will be so happy that you chose a resort that is so willing to accommodate all your desires! How is the planning going thus far? Watch for my planning thread and wedding review over the next month. I think it will help you a lot! But in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ As much as I complained about DH not being involved in any of the wedding plans, I would have gone crazy if it were the other way and he was in my face with his opinion all the time. masmarmar, I like both... matching or different colours!! I say go with what you like. I really don't think you can go wrong Oh apparently to vote on the fb pic you have to "like" the photographer to be able to "like" the pic..... that's the word anyways lol. Yes, this is true. After I added you, I still needed to "like" MTM Photog...so, ladies, add Nicole, "like" MTM Photog, and then "like" her photo! haha
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Hi ladies! How's everyone's planning going? Hope none of you are driving yourselves crazy!!!! Wondering if you ladies can help me out? I'm in a photocontest. To win you have to get the most votes on fb. Here's the link: Moments that Matter Photography's Photos - 2010 $100 Favorite Photo Contest | Facebook. Click like on my pic (Nicole & Curt). Or if you don't like it, don't vote for me!!! Thanks ladies!!! xoxo I just "liked" it...great pic and GOOD LUCK!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by beaz2be I practice civil litigation. Basically anything that requires going to court other than personal injury and criminal law. I tend to do a lot of family law and a lot of stuff involving real estate (construction/builder's liens, strata & co-op disputes that type of thing). It's a pretty general practice. One of the things I'd like to change down the road is to become a bit more specialized actually. Your FI? What's he do? Me TOO!! All this Le Blanc talk has made me put it on the list for my TA to try and figure out pricing for us for our "honeymoon" (right after the wedding, heading to another hotel). So far it's really between Le Blanc and Royal Hideaway Playacar. But I'm no where NEAR ready to make a decision on it. ... not til more of the wedding stuff is done I don't think. Fi is a trial attorney...he does plaintiff's work...he basically sues medical/pharmaceutical companies! haha That may be a conflict of interest since I work for Johnson and Johnson?!?!? He works his ass off, but he loves it!!!!! OHHHH I vote for Le Blanc! I will give you a full report when I return! Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart You girls have been chatty! Really?? What do you do? Well we were salary, doing crazy hours and then they realized it was illegal and we went down to 8 hours a day and it turns out this job isn’t an 8 hour a day job, it’s a MINIMUM of 10, 12 even better. Sad. SO freakin’ excited for you it gives me chills! You can eat for free at ANY of the Palace resorts with your wristband, cool feature but once you go to Le Blanc, you won’t want to go anywhere else. It’s VERY anti-spring break… when you walk in it feels like you’re in a giant spa. The music is sooo calming and the vibe is super chill. Lindz, check out the giant iguanas at the giant chess board & giant Jenga, D and I played both and had a blast, especially with the fearless iguanas at our feet! I would say AS one up’s Le Blanc ONLY in the fact of the swim-up suites with large patios. You just can’t beat them, they are unbelievable and my favorite feature of the hotel. LeBlanc has a 6inch balcony maybe, it’s pretty much nothing. We got the Honeymoon Suite on the 8th floor that came with a 24 hour butler. The suite is nice, smaller than AS standard suite but nicer in the fact that the Jacuzzi is better, there is a fridge with booze and snacks and better tv channels than AS, not like that matters  I’ve always wanted to see that in action in person, what a rad job! Seriously, I have only been gone a day and half and have a million posts to go through!! haha You girls are great! I am getting chills thinking about it too!!! Ahh, we are so excited!!! Thank you for being so excited for us! haha And thanks for the recommendations! Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay We now Have Faye as well! My TA likes her but i haven't had a dealing with her yet. I just found out today. OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Deep Breath Long story short - I had reserved thru Cecila May 30th for my date but not put down the $200. My TA and FMIL were going back and forth between 2 resorts AS and The Royal Cancun. Unfortunately when you accept other people's $$ towards paying for the wedding you have to play nice and my FMIL being a former TA wanted to make sure we got the best deal. (She really did get us an awesome rate). Well for one reason or another that I do not know nor care at this point. All the dates for Memorial Day Weekend and the weekend before are now booked for AS. I lost the 30th. Cecila is gone. This all went down this morning. I had a minor freakout (possibly due to the fact that I am control freak and felt like things were out of control). After calming down, talking to the FI, Talking to my mom, talking FMIL I have a new WC (Faye) New wedding date (May 15th 2011) and feel back to normal. I really wanted May 30th but oh well. This morning was basically throw money at the 15th and see if it sticks. I will know for 100% sure in 24 hours. My FMIL and TA got Fabio on a call and basically got it done. AS was really understanding of my problem but booked is booked. It's our own fault for not putting the $200 down in the first place. WHEW - Thanks! I just had to get it all out and type it to feel better. NOTE: Ladies of Memorial Day weekend 2011 - I am sad we won't get to do that shot together. Also a word of warning. According to Fabio and Faye Thursday May 26th - Mon May 30th are BOOKED Solid with brides. They also said that there were some big groups. I would make sure your TA's and guest know that resort is going to be full that weekend and it's probably a good idea for guests to book ASAP. Again I am hearing this 3rd hand from my TA but might be something to be aware of. Is Anyone else getting married on the weekend of May 13 - 15 2011? Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited! Well, sorry you had to go through that stress. Those days are the WORST! You think you have everything heading in the right direction and you find out one thing that throws it all out of whack. BUT good news is that you got it worked out and have a fabulous new wedding date!!! YAY!! Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach I'm right there with you! I'll be eligible for retirement when I turn 46 and I'm already pondering the courses I will be taking in photography and graphic design! I plan to go back and get another degree and possibly even go to law school to do pro bono work for abused women. It's really sad that I am already thinking of retirement, but it is honestly the only thing that gets me through some days. :-) How exciting!!!! I got excited for you just reading your sentence!!!! I'm sure you have bubblies all in your belly!!! (In a good way, of course! ;-) ) Thanks for sharing! Those bad boys went FAST!!! Geez, at the expense of cheering Maggie up, you all are starting to make me feel bad about the Memorial Day weekend. Hurricane talk, cheaper flights, better prices.....Debbie Downer here. LOL Thank you for being so excited for me!!! Yes, I bubblies all in my belly!! Excitement, nervousness (about hurricanes), and lot's of LOVE for Ryan!!! Can't wait to be his wife!!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb Thanks ladies....well here it goes. Let me know what you think: I like the 1st one better but we'll probably use the second for chapsticks and things like that. PRECIOUS!!! I may even like the 2nd one better!! Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 Question for everyone.....what did FI do during the planning process? I like being involved in everything ( I like making the calls..emails...the forums...looking things up) but I am NOT Type A at all...the other day he asks what he can do...and I was kind of t a blank...I let hom start looking for clothes for him and GMs...what else are "safe" things for him to do? Ok, let's talk about FI's "roles" in the planning process. He has been on opposite ends of the spectrum. Either SUPER AMAZING or SUPER TERRIBLE! haha He has helped me with a ton of stuff. For example, when I was doing the invitations, he stayed up for HOURS with me helping me construct the invites, stuff them, and stamp the envelopes. He has also said "do NOT worry about a guest book (I was going to do a polaroid camera and have people take pic of themselves and write a little note on the white part...I will just do this for the Thursday night party on the beach) for the wedding. He says he is working on something super awesome for us. HMMMMM. I am kind of nervous...with my type A personality, I have not delegated ANYTHING! haha And have been such a micromanager through this process, so I hope he comes up with something cute! So, we will see what he comes up with. He is also helping his mom with the rehearsal dinner and planning our entire Vegas trip. He obviously had a big decision in the resort and is doing a lot with the menus for the weekend. He did several other little things here and there. Ok, so now for the bad part...stuff he doesn't care about, he DOES NOT CARE ABOUT! haha Like OOT bags...he thinks they are a waste of money. SO whenever I mention something I bought for them, he argues with me and says it's stupid. SO ANNOYING! So my advice to you...pick your battles and only involve him in things you think he will take interest in. It is SO weird with FI's...They could careless about a lot of the wedding, BUT when they find something they want to do, they will be ALL about it! It's best just to let them have their moment. Quote: Originally Posted by mmc1105 Ladies I need some advice! I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA I didn't even look at photogs in Mexico,because I am flying mine in. BUT i have heard Elizabeth Medina is AH_MAY_ZING! Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Does anyone know if I can request this guy?! I've heard nothing but great things about him and STILL haven't heard what's going on with Cecile. Here is Fabio's email: [email protected]. When I was still looking at AS, he helped me a TON!!! I would just email him or call him and voice your concerns and request him!
  13. Hey guys...here is a great OOT or BM gift find...thought I would share. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...recious-61348/
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 Only 3 weeks away...I'm so jealous...I have FOREVER! I love the planning...but all the planning makes me so excited to just DO I was looking at the website and saw that promotion..that seems like a great deal..I think I read you can also use it for the trips/excusions (I could be wrong I was looking really fast) What room are you in that is $685 per night...that is A LOT..I know it's our honeymoon...but I'm not sure that's possible...$230 is way more reasonable..but if the room for $230 is "less" than the room we have at Azul..I don't know that it makes sense to switch....We'll see what my TA says.... It will FLY by! I can't believe I have been engaged almost a year! Well, the trips/excursions are ALL included in my package, so I think I got the best of both worlds. Ok, to clarify...the base rate for the basic room right now is $685 per night. We researched and researched and negotiated and negotiated with my TA...and got it down to $460 per night ($230 per person). We also booked 25 rooms, so that helped I'm sure. There are only 2 types of rooms at Le Blanc...Royal Deluxe (ocean view and lagoon view) and Royal Governor's Suite. We upgraded to the Royal Governor's Suite because it has a bigger balcony and a bigger area (Ryan and his groomsmen will get ready in here). I think the look of the room is exactly the same though. EXCEPT, the balcony size...I think there is basically no balcony. That is why we upgraded...AmyF can give you all the details though. She and KatKen. I am just going off pure speculation. I am not sure if the rooms are as nice as AS or not, but I have heard the food and drinks are amazing. I think it is true gourmet food. Once again though...pure speculation! Even though trip advisor sucks, they have some great pictures of Le Blanc from guests. I think there are like 1500 or something. Another cool resort I loved was the Banyon tree Mayakoba. It is so fabulous, but I do not think it is all inclusive.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Thanks Lindz! I've got no choice but to put on my big girl panties and suck it up. But as for your color suggestions, I love the concept of intergrating lime green, so I'm going for it! I'll give it a try and let you all know how it come out! I'm glad I could help! I think it will be very cool!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Yes I went to Le Blanc on Katherine's recommendation!! I forgot to thank you for that, I am so in love with that place I can't wait to go back! Maybe we can take a joint anniversary/birthday trip next year!!! July 2011!!! You two totally made me email my TA and request info on that resort as maybe our 2nd week switch...as of right now we have decided to stay in one place...and FI doesn't really want to go to Cancun (I don't know that I for sure do either) All I think is Spring Break and craziness...convince me I'm wrong I am getting married at Le Blanc in 3 weeks! AHHH so I will let you know. FI and I were TOTALLY TOTALLY TOTALLY against getting married "in" Cancun...we preferred the Riviera Maya. BUT this resort is so fabulous (from what I have seen)...and they supposedly treat you like royalty there. If the wedding coordinators are any proof of that, then this place is going to be amazing. They have gone over the top to help me with the wedding. I will let you know in 3 weeks how it is. From what I have heard, the resort is "anti-spring break"...very relaxing and serene...We will be there with 50 super wild friends (haha), but I will let you know how it is when we stay for a few days on our own. I know they are also running a special right now where you get $1500, basically in cash. You can use it at the spa, at the casino at Moon Palace, on wine upgrades, etc. We had booked too early for this promotion, but the resort and our TA was so nice...they surprised us with it in our travel documents. It is VERY expensive ($685 per night), but you can definitely find a deal. My guests are paying $230 per night, per person. I will report back to you in 3 weeks. You also get access to all the other Palace resorts. I think they have more nightclubs and stuff like that. SO it will be cool to venture out to the other resorts at night....and drink for free!
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