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Everything posted by thefuturemrslutz

  1. Hi! Like the other girls said, just do a search on the site. You will find girls that have gotten married there or will be getting married there. Sometimes it does take some time for them to respond. I will tell you that the Palace resorts are pretty quick in responding. I am getting married at Le Blanc...she always responds within a couple of hours. How exciting!!!! Good luck! Keep us posted!
  2. My group gets $20 off per person, per night if they book by April. SO, I am just going to hold them to that! If they want it cheaper, they have to book by then. Gosh, this is going to stress me out I know!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart CHECKING in for our to-do's - Friday, December 11th 2009 – ENDING Friday, December 25th 2009 Thefuturemrslutz (Lindz) to do’s: 1) Print and mail STD's!! Not done! FI's dad had to go out of town...his company is printing. Pretty much all of our guests know the deal though. These will go out ASAP!!!! 2) Put deposit down on rooms at Le Blanc (instead of booking my trip as deposit. DONe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3) I have added a lot to my website...just need to complete it! STILL WORKING! ugh, this is annoying to do! 4) Try on 3 wedding dresses again! DONE!!! I think I have decided! She is having 1 more trunk show on Jan 15th. I will decide then! Thanks Amy! See mine above...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Andrea & Amy - how exciting!! I sometimes feel like I won't make it (mentally) to see my ticker get that low You are both going to have amazing weddings! I'm so excited already to hear all about them. Lindz - 7 - 8 months away you should definitely have your dress purchased if you haven't already done that. Here are a few other things if you haven't planned for them yet: Flowers picked out, decide real or real touch Invitations - do you know what you are doing already? Start planning that out. Ceremony/reception venues picked out - I don't know what you have done on this but if they aren't secured/guaranteed by the resort I'd make sure you lock that down. Photographer - do you have one picked out and reserved? Are you doing engagement photos, a BD shoot & TTD? Those are a few things to think about Thanks so much Amy...those are great suggestions. Here is what I have done in regards to those items: Flowers picked out, decide real or real touch I know what type/color flowers I am using. I need to decide on real or real touch. Will she send me a sample? Invitations - do you know what you are doing already? Start planning that out. NO! I sure don't!! GREAT idea! I will get on that ASAP! Ceremony/reception venues picked out - I don't know what you have done on this but if they aren't secured/guaranteed by the resort I'd make sure you lock that down. I have my resort booked and rooms blocked off! I know which venues I would like to use, but I do not think I can secure these until 3-4 months before the wedding. There is only 1 wedding per day, so I should be ok here. Photographer - do you have one picked out and reserved? Are you doing engagement photos, a BD shoot & TTD? I have my photographer booked, deposit paid! I am doing all three. I need to schedule my engagement photos and BD shoot. I will add these items to my next to-do list!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by randp8910 Hi Ladies! I am so glad this thread is growing! We just got back from doing site inspections at Riviera Maya, and I'm sad to say I feel like we are starting over :-( Our top choice resort was awful...ugh...Dreams Puerto Adventura was not at all what it looks like on the pictures. We did really like Adventura Cove Palace, but it is pretty expensive. We are now considering the hotel that we actually stayed at for our trip haha go figure! So, I am trying to figure out when to send out save the dates and invites...can you just send them together...or is it too soon? I want to give our guests as much info as possible right away so I thought maybe I would just send the invites now. Thoughts? Hi! You can definitely send out both now. However, if you do not have all your information yet, you can do what I am doing. I am sending out a passport STD now, with the name of my resort, travel agent, passport info, flight options, etc, etc. Then, in about 4-5 months, I will send out a formal invitation with ALL my information (wedding weekend information, etc etc). You can also send out a wedding brochure to the people that RSVP from your STD's. It just depends how much time you are willing to invest in all this stuff! Hope this helps!!
  6. Yay! We are getting married August 7, 2010! You have time!! let us know if we can help you!
  7. Ok, girls! It's time to get serious about the wedding, working out, eating right, etc! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!!! I am about 7-8 months from my wedding. I am mailing my STD's out this week. Besides that, what do I need to be focusing on? I don't want to get too far behind.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Andrea, can you belive we'll be in Mexico in a little over a month!!! Cant wait to have a drink with you!!!! OMG!!! It's so close!!! You ladies are going to have to check in next summer, so I am not freaking out alone! haha
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Ok girls, this is weird! I too broke up with FI for about 6 months, I block this out of my memory I think. It was the most miserable six months of my life! He even had planned a Valentine's Day for me way in advance and we were broke up on V-day and he told me he still wanted to take me and it will be our "farewell trip" our breakup wasn't messy really because we were still such good friends, it was just painful. He was working in New Hampshire that V-day for an hour each day for 2 days, so he flew us out there first class, got the fanciest hotel he could find on the water, treated me to the best meal I've ever had and we played in the snow the whole week (us CA kids really love snow!)the snow was so heavy that year, all of his appts got cancelled! I being at the airport alone (he went up to Canada for a week directly after that trip) and just sobbing and wondering why were were breaking up to begin with. =) Amy! I bet you were devastated! But it's like the girls said, maybe you guys needed time to grow and realize how much you loved each other. AND not take each other for granted!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Hello ladies I have been reading but haven't been able to post. I work with mutual funds so the end of the year is super busy; it puts a damper on the holidays. Anyway. I everyone's stories about how they met their mates. I find it interesting how we all have different stories and journeys but all end up in the same place. Jason and I dated in college for 3 years and when he started talking marriage after graduation I bolted. I know that's terrible, I got super cold feet and couldn't imagine myself being married, I was only 23. We didn't talk for almost 5 years and one day friend of mine started talking about him and she dared me to email him. Jason and I both work for the same company so I knew where he was at.... working in London. Full proof plan not to run into him. Well we ended up talking again and of course before I new it I was having an email phone relationship with someone on the other side of the pond. We did this for 6 months before be moved back to the states. We have been back together for over 2 years since that email. Over all we have know each other for 10 years. When we started telling people we were engaged, they would say "its about time. " :-) WHat a great story!!! SO glad you waited until you were ready! That takes a lot of courage!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo hey girls!! i am sooo excited I got my "new" engagement ring today!!!! I will post pics soon. I love it. The ring my FI gave me was a family heirloom ring and was a bit smaller than he hoped, so we looked and looked and looked and I finally found one!!! I am so picky I can't believe it. At least my FI knows exactly what he's getting into before he marries me LOL!! Merry Christmas everyone!!! YAY!! How fun!!! Post a picture ASAP!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 wow, a liver cleanse sounds rather shitty (no pun intended, lol). hahahaha good one!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Oooo a liver cleanse is a nasty thing. It basically flushes everything out, gall stones, liver stones, fatty deposits and waste. I haven't done one yet, I did some research in my desparation to look good showing my bare stomach and started taking pills to do a parasite cleanse which you do first. The pills are natural supplements (fig powder actually) which kills off parasites. That I just take on an empty stomach every day and I can feel a slight difference, nothing to be nervous about. The liver cleanse on the other hand is olive oil, grapefuit juice and epsom salt. Yikes right? So you do this for 24 hours and go through it, it's not eay or fun or comfortable but my friend did it before her wedding and dropped 10lbs. You're also supposed to follow it up with 1 - 3 colonics. Sorry girls if this is TMI... I am having trouble even thinking of attempting this, trust me. On the up side, she said that she's never felt healthier and cleaner and slept better in her life. So I figured what the heck... I am going to attempt it. If anyone wants me to send the instructions for the liver cleanse or doesn't want to continue this convo here, just email me [email protected] I will email you about this! Anything to make my tummy small and my abs show!! haha
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo That's definatley the way to go. Try them all on. I dont understand some that try 1 dress on and know it's the one. I tried about 80, my mom was about to strangle me because I dragged her out of the house almost every sunday for 6 months. But I am absolutley in love with my dress, so it was all worth it. See! That's what I am talking about! haha Yes, you gotta count them all out, just to make sure.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart HAHA, really?! Normally when people find that out they freak out! We moved fast though at first, a little background... We met at an art show through mutual friends, 3 months later he told me his company was hiring and put in a good word for me, I tried to give him my number so the company could call me and he refused my number... I shrugged it off and woke up the next morning to a text from him (he already had my number somehow) I got the job and we were dating two weeks later officially. 2 weeks into our relationship he asked me to move out with him and I accepted, then a few weeks after that he told me he loved me. So we've been living together for over 5 years and together 5 1/2 years now. Live and work together... we're best friends though so it works No you're not being thick! Maybe it's not an international game yet It's a party where everyone wraps a gift of a certain amount ($20 for our party) and you don't mark who it's from so it's annoymous. Then after some drinks and fun we all count how many of us there were (23) and we put numbers 1 - 23 in a hat, pick numbers and that's the order you go in. Number 1 goes and picks a gift and it's normally something silly or terrible and then number 2 either can steal the gift or pick a new gift. A gift can only be stolen 3 times before it can't be stolen anymore. Once you get a gift stolen from you, you must pick and open a new gift from the pile. It's a lot of fun but FI ended up with a tacky heart shaped necklace he prompted put on and sported all night AWWW I love that story!!!!!!! SO SO cute!!!!!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 well it doesn't sound like moving fast was a bad move!! what a lovely story ) I was the opposite!! me and my FI started 'seeing each other (you guys probably call that dating lol) in Dec 06, had THE best month ever, and then he got cold feet. turned out he'd been in a long term relationship and got very badly hurt and he didn't know what he wanted or what he could handle. we stayed talking for a month and then he ended up calling me some pretty nasty things one night and I stopped talking to him for about 4 months. we ended up running into each other on a night out organised by a mutual friend and things started up again after he had some time to miss me....and here we are! took nearly 10 months for us to get together 'officially' but things are so great between us. both having come from long term relationships before, we were both upfront with our downfalls as well as better off for a lot of lessons learned. we have a VERY honest relationship are careful not to take each other for granted. ah man, that's made me miss him loads!! I can't wait to marry him That sounds similar to Ryan and I as well. We started seeing each other VERY casually for about 6 months. Then, we went on a trip together (I was sooo nervous...we had never spent that much time together!). AND we fell in love, and I moved in 4 months later! Then, we were engaged 5 months after that. YAY!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 wooo how exciting! sounds like you're nearly there now! (and why doesn't it surprise me that you need to eliminate others first, rather than just falling in love with one straight away?! lol) !! hahahaha that's definitely my decision-making style. Count everything else JUST to make sure I am choosing the right option!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart lolo - exactly how I feel, I hate it but love the results. I don't think I've enjoyed a workout LESS than I do Insanity. It is quick results though and my ab definition has NEVER come so quick so it's worth it (especially for the Boudoir photoshoot in 3 weeks) Doing P90X is so easy now compared to Insanity, I did an hour of plyo last night and barely sweat. Do you think even I can get abs with Insanity??
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Happy Friday indeed! Our department at work is having an ugly Christmas sweater contest today so at least things are slightly interesting. I work with my FI (he sits about 10 feet away, I can see him now!) and he's wear a woman's button up cardigan, lime green with candy cane trim on the wrists and neckline with puffy santas and sequins on the front (bought it for an ugly sweater party 2 years ago and he won) I unfortunately shopped for 2 hours last night and couldn't find a single sweater!! Finally at Target I found a men's large t-shirt, bright green that looks like a fake sweater vest with a decorated reindeer on the front and I'm wearing a red sweater underneath. So I look ridiculous because it's huge. Then tonight I have to run home workout and go over my BF's house as we're having our annual White Elephant party tonight, we always cook a feast (none of which I can even have) and the do the gift exchange, should be fun! Sorry, more rambling! I went to 10 stores looking for a damn sweater today!! What's the deal?!?! Have fun tonight!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 I can't decide if I should start Insanity or P90X! My fiance and I have been weighing the options, and for right now, he is leaning more towards P90X...what would y'all suggest? AmyKH has done both!! She is the expert!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by BagLover21 hi there, i worked with destinationweddings.com and negotiated a discounted group rate b/c of the size of our party. single rooms are $671 total and double/triple rooms are $520 per person. guests are booking their airfare on their own but flights from atlanta to cancun (where i am) were $260 last week. so i would say on average they're paying around $1k. i hope this helps! That's not bad at all! I assume that's for three nights? I am going to suggest my guests drive to Atlanta and fly out (I live in Birmingham). That would save them a lot! Your resort really is awesome! I know how you feel though...I have gotten cold feet several times. But obviously. all your guests loved it too!!
  22. ahhh It's Friday! Thank goodness!! I went and tried on some wedding dresses yesterday evening. I think I MAY have found the one. I still need to look at some others to rule them out. It was exciting to say the least! hahaha catching up on the posts make me laugh. You girls crack me up! Well done you!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 it was just now! (it's 10 pm wednesday night in the UK) and I've just got in.... my instincts and gut feeling were spot on. after I'd got over the shock of her text, I said to a few people 'knowing her as I do, she's done it as a text as she bottled calling me and hates confrontation; somethings made her rethink mexico and she added the other things about our friendship etc to justify it to herself (and me I suppose) and she didn't get me after because she just put her head in the sand.' and I was 100% correct. she couldn't believe it when I said it to her that that was what I thought because I'd got everything spot on! but we talked, and she explained it all and everything in her life that's contributed to it. I still stuck to what I said in my email and explained that it wasn't her not coming to mexico that upset me, it was the rest of what she said. she apologied for saying them and said that I was 100% right in what I said in my email to her and she understood everything I'd said. She's got a lot of crap going on atm and had just got to the point of just everything getting on top of her...sent the text...and then thought 'what am I doing? I need Katie now' but after she sent the text she was too scared to ring me because she knew she'd upset me and didn't want to hear me crying and making her realise what she'd done to me. hey, i could go on for ages, but big smiles all round and a HUGE relief from me and she wants to be involved in the rest of the wedding too. but just as importantly (get the tissues out)...I do genuinely want to say a big thank you to you all. you were all sooo supportive at a time when I felt really rubbish and you all helped me keep my hopes and head high. I won't forget it. xx <3 xx awwwww yay!!! That's so awesome!!!! I knew it would work out!! We are always here for ya! Geez, yall have been listening to my indecisiveness forever!!! hahaha
  24. Congrats on getting 70 people booked!!! That's awesome!! If you don't mind me asking, how much are your guests paying to attend, including rooms and airfare?
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Alright, here is a completely different option: Tulum Hotel - Beach cabanas in Tulum Mexico This hotel looks AMAZING!!!! I photographed a trash the dress session at the beach here and it is breath taking. From what I've read, the hotel is prefect for a honeymoon. Very NOT family friendly. WOW!! That place is SO cool! Does it have 9 rooms? Even better! So chic!!!
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