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Everything posted by thefuturemrslutz

  1. I have heard all of the TA's on this forum are fabulous! I am using Wendy Hicks from the site...she has been super helpful and attentive! Good luck!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan I really like those floating candles too. What kind of flowers can go in the water? do you put fake ones in? I'm also wondering if the candles will blow out being that high in the holder. They might need to be lower because of how windy it is. I'm gonna look into doing something like that for centerpieces I think. Thanks for all who helped with posting pictures! Those were my EXACT concerns too...lemme know what you find out please maam. I guess we could not fill them up the entire way?!?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_08kHzN1800...400/CM_012.jpg Something similar to this, basically 3 different sized vases with submerged orchids. Green, white & fuschia - small tiny orchid, dendrobium . OHHH!! Those are very similar to what I had in mind too! (I will try to send these pics from my phone). I thought you were doing the branch type centerpieces...did you decide against that? I LOVE LOVE LOVE the flowers and candles floating in water...here are some of my inspiration pics: (obviously in pink) (in pink here as well) I would like to do mainly the larger ones, but I think those smaller ones are adorable!! And then I can use the hurricanes from Z Gallerie on the cocktail tables...I am also planning on doing a lounge type set up, so those short candles/floating flowers could go on those tables...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Oh, well it's more like a fascinator that I'm going to put with a cage veil: Oh I love it so much!!! Where did you get it again?!?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan What are you ladies all doing for centerpieces? I haven't quite decided what to do yet. I have not decided yet either...Amy (KH)'s centerpieces are gorgeous! I have a bunch of ideas saved on my computer...but I am not sure. My FI did get me these BEAUTIFUL rhinestone vase thingy's from Z Gallerie...I may put my bridesmaids' bouquets in those for some of the cocktail tables....here is a picture...I was VERY impressed he purchased these...Bling Hurricane | Candleholders | Accessories | Z Gallerie These are a lot prettier in person! I will post some examples of centerpieces I have liked...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart STARTING Monday, January 11th 2010 – ENDING Friday, January 22nd 2010 Alright ladies! Tell me what you got done and give me your new list of to-do's starting today, January 25th - February 5th Thefuturemrslutz (Lindz) to do’s: 1) Mail STD's 2) Tweak website 3) Try on more wedding dresses January 15th 4) Start looking harder for Bridesmaid dresses 5) WORK OUT!!!! 6) Pick out invitations 7) Order sample Real Touch flowers Thefuturemrslutz (Lindz) to do’s: 1) Mail STD's THIS WEEK!!! We had a slight problem and had to fix them. Better late than never I guess. I am just glad everyone already knows about it and has started booking! ha 2) Tweak website Pretty much DONE! I have a few sections to complete, but the main sections are DONE!!!! www.lutznlindz.com 3) Try on more wedding dresses January 15thDONE! Wedding dress picked out 4) Start looking harder for Bridesmaid dressesDONE! I may have found one from Banana Republic that is ADORABLE...Apparel, Handbags, Shoes and Accessories for Women and Men | Banana Republic (obviously withOUT tights) 5) WORK OUT!!!!DONE AND DONE AND DONE! I have started major hard core! 6) Pick out invitations not done... I honestly don't know where to start 7) Order sample Real Touch flowers"]DONE! Wow, I did pretty well..except for those freakin STD's! Those are going out ASAP! Yall let me know what you think about the website and the bridesmaid dresses. With the bridesmaid dresses, I am thinking hot pink shoes (to match mine) and hot pink flowers! They may be too hot for summer. They are VERY thin but 100% silk kinda scares me with sweating! On the website, I have not done the bridal party and some other random sections. I need to focus on finishing "what to wear" and "wedding weekend (as soon as we get it planned out)." Thanks ladies! New To-Do's: 1) MAIL STD'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2) Order wedding dress 3) Locate sizes for bridesmaids dresses (I may need your help here ladies!) 4) Start picking out our rings!!!!! 5) What else should I be doing at 6 months out
  7. Good luck!! Some resorts do multiple weddings in one day. I would ask if the date is available before you get attached to a resort, if that is your number 1 priority! You can do it!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz I honestly don't know...I would contact Wendy (or whoever else you are looking at switching to) and ask her those questions. I seriously talked to Wendy for about 3 days nonstop before I switched. A good TA will be honest with you about switching. It may be too late, it may not be too late. Those few people that have booked may simply stay booked with your original TA. I would just make sure you still get credit for those nights booked if you guys get free parties or free nights or discounts according to how many people have booked. All I know is mine has bent over backwards to answer ALL my questions and submit everything I have requested to her tour operator. Now that I have been using her, I am even more appalled at the other TA's I was looking at. I am in medical sales, and if I didn't get back to one of my physicians as soon as he requested something, I would have lost that account in a heartbeat!!!!!! Sorry for the rant, but I just don't understand these people that are making money off us but not providing decent service. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this...let us know if we can help!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ What if we've already put down our initial deposit with them? Can I still change? I already also have a few people who have booked with them. Will that stop us from finding another TA? I honestly don't know...I would contact Wendy (or whoever else you are looking at) and ask her those questions. I seriously talked to Wendy for about 3 days nonstop before I switched. A good TA will be honest with you about switching. It may be too late, it may not be. Those few people may simply stay booked with your original one. I would just make sure you still get credit for those nights booked if you guys get free parties or free nights or discounts according to how many people have booked. All I know is mine has bent over backwards to answer my questions and submit anything I request to her tour operator. Now they I have been using her, I am even more appalled at the other TA's I was looking at. I am in medical sales, and if I didn't get back to one of my physicians as soon as he requested something, I would lose that account in a heartbeat!!!!!! Sorry for the rant, but I just don't understand these people that are making money off us but not providing decent service. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this...let us know if we can help!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 OMG! seriously, what is wrong with people??!! I bet if he knew she was saying that he'd not want to go to something he wasn't really invited to anyway! I'd say something, so it doesn't linger. And I think what you've said there ^^^^^ is exactly what you should say to her - it's honest, straight and to the point. and add on the end, you're not adding to all your stresses with something that's ultimately nothing to do with you. Let us know how it goes, whatever you decide! Seriously!!!! You have to wonder about some people!!!!! I don't even know where some of the stuff comes from!!!! Geez!!!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B You are beautiful and you are going to do a great job at your own make up. Price wise its a little more than what I ususally pay for at MAC. I would say a eye shadow is $14 or $16 at MAC is $18 or $20 for Bobbi Brown. I ended up buying most of the eye make up and foundation just because I don't usually wear foundations and know I need to for pictures. Some of the other stuff I just happen to need to replinish anyway so it sorta worked out. I know I always think of make up as an investment and how long it will last. Like I know MAC will last longer even though gover girl is way cheaper. Of course I will be able to tell you how it worked on the sweat and tears in a few weeks. I have always been a MAC girl, but I have really been wanting to try Bobby Brown. Maybe I will go get a little "makeover" this weekend and see how I like it!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Unfortunately I've filed a complaint with management about 4 months back and they begged me to give him a second chance. After mistake, after mistake after mistake and my guests now wanting to book through Expedia I'm done with him and requesting another. My guests are waiting until the last second to book so I need someone who can keep up with the madness in these last few months! I know! They did the same thing to me...they begged and begged me to stay but I just couldn't handle their drama anymore! I lost $50 but oh well. Like I said, Wendy with BDW is wonderful!!! If you end up leaving DW for good, I would definitely call her!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart She can't force her BF upon your FI... It's rude of her to assume she can make you have your FI invite him to HIS stag when he's not a close friend. He's only invited to the wedding by her association anyways right? If they weren't BF & GF would he be coming? You don't need to explain yourself unless you feel you need to you but you can always tell her it's close friends only. I agree!! I wouldn't want a bunch of "randoms" at my bachelorette party. It can really affect the vibe of the weekend. I don't think anything needs to be said...if she keeps insisting, you can just explain to her that it is close friends and that your FI's friends are planning it. She should definitely understand! My FI has been in 7 weddings this year...I wasn't invited to the girls' bachelorette parties that were marrying the guys who's parties he was going to...that would have just been super weird. (wow, I don't even know if that made sense!)
  14. I guess it depends how "hands on" you want to be. If you are some what of a "control freak," you may be better off planning everything yourself and using the resort's planner. However, if you need someone to come up with the "design" of your wedding, an outside coordinator may benefit you!! Good luck!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelie11 You should first figure out if you want an adults only hotel or if you have kids coming to the wedding. Then try to narrow down an area that you like. I chose the riviera Maya..technically my hotel is Puerto Morelos. It is only 20 mins away from the airport but in more of the "jungle" of Mexico. Meaning it is not like downtown Cancun. However, I do love Cancun! I also needed a hotel that allowed kids. If I were you, I narrow it down to a few hotels and then brose their particular threads on here. Good luck! She is right!! Make a list of "must haves" for your wedding. I would definitely enlist the help of a travel agent. Once you do, give your agent your list of "must haves" and she will help you come up with some resorts. I would also look at trip advisor and this forum to come up with additional resorts. It's completely what vibe you are going for. Originally. I was against Cancun, because we wanted to be in the "jungle" like she said. However, once I came across "Le Blanc," I was sold! Let us know if you need any help! Good luck!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 Okay, so my hunt to find the bridesmaid's dress failed. In between my mom and I, we visited 18 Ross stores over this weekend in the DFW area trying to find the dress in a large. We have searched online with no luck either. So now I'm going to try and recruit you ladies If any of you shop at Ross, would you PLEASE look for the dress for me?! I will pay gas money and ship you the money ASAP!! I'm sorry, I am getting desperate, lol. I'll post a picture later with more details Hey girl! I will gladly do this for you! Send us the picture and style info as soon as you can. I will head out there this evening!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Danie, I agree with Meghan. I would do 40 max. Maybe think about the size you want the arrangement to be and then decide on # of cupcakes. 30-40 should be fine. They sound cute. Crista, You are 9 months out, I would really recommend changing TAs. I should have and I regret it now. I am going to have a stern talking to her on Tuesday with my concerns, but I only am waiting on 2 to 3 more people to book, so what else can I do? I really like Jennifer, the TA on this thread. She was so helpful and responsive. Call her and see what she can help you with. I agree!! 9 months is PLENTY of time! I am using Wendy Hicks (BDW)...she is great!!
  18. Your resort is BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for sharing! I am getting married at Le Blanc...one of VERY few!!!
  19. ok good!!!! I was planning on doing the same as you girls!! That's so sweet that your FI's are being traditional about that!!!
  20. Oh, and PS, of course my happy hour cocktail turned into COCKTAILS...I had to leave at 7 am for a meeting 2 hours away. Thursday was NOT FUN! hahahaha
  21. I wonder how strict the resorts are going to be on these "start times" and end times...I am having the same problem trying to decide when to do everything. Right now I am looking at 6:00 wedding...6:30-7:30 cocktail...7:30-whenever reception. Question: Are you guys taking all your pics before the wedding? Or are yall waiting to see your FI at the wedding and taking joint pics after the ceremony?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 oh I'm so glad you all have the same thing (not that you're all bickering but you know what I mean!!) probably doesn't help that not living together means we try and do wedding stuff on our own or over the phone during the week and then spend the weekend trying to look for a place to live! I've now started thinking...'what the hell are we going to talk about once we have actually had the wedding and have nothing to organise'?? lol but Fi did say today that he knows everything will get better once we are living together as we'll have more time together so we'll get to spend time just us, and then other time on wedding things hahaha I said the same thing!!!! We the hell are we gonna argue about and dress over after the wedding?!? It will be so quiet!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Yeah to be honest, if FI was putting in his 2 cents it would be worse, I'm the bossy controlling outspoken one in the relationship so if he challenged me on any of my ideas it would probably lead to an all out brawl. This past week we have bickered almost every day! I had a talk with him today at lunch (since we work together) and we agreed to have specific days to work on wedding stuff where he can't give me a million excuses of why he can't try on a vest for 30 seconds ha we are doing the same thing tonight! I cannot handle the arguing! After reading your posts about your Fi saying, "lemme run to the bathroom, wait I'm hungry; after my smoke...," I am beginning to think you live with MY FI!!!! hahaha maybe they should hang out!
  24. MAN!!! I am totally missing out on all the fun convos while I am driving all over the freakin state all day! oh well! This week has been HELL!!! (ie: work, FI not cooperating with wedding stuff...there's a shocker, huh?!?, etc etc etc) SO I am skipping the gym and heading to happy hour! I do NOT condone this ladies!!!!!!!!!! So, instead of burning 1000 calories, I will be consuming calories...IDIOT! oh well..I need it! I'll catch up with all these posts later on! xoxo
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