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Everything posted by thefuturemrslutz

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by kortneysmith Hello Ladies, My name is Kortney and I just confirmed for 5:00 on October 23, 2010 at Azul Sensatory. I have been reading some of your post and think it is awesome how you have all become sort of a little "family". I have so many questions and so little time. I noticed that there were a few post regarding fees for bringing your own things to decorate with. Did anyone get the final word on that? Cecile is my WP. Has anyone worked with her? Also, I am thinking of doing the pearl package and just adding on. I tink that might be the cheapest way to go. I have also debated doing the silver ir gold but just do not know if they are worth the extra money. You girls seem much more informed than I. Hope you do not mind all the questions. Thanks in advance, Kortney CONGRATS Kortney, and WELCOME!!!! These are girls are a-maz-ing!!!! Let us know what we can do to help!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Hey Ladies, Just got finished catching up. Wanted to let you all know that I found my dress !!! We went all the way to Atlanta to find it (there are only 2 retailers in the entire south). The whole way there I just kept hoping the trip would be productive. Could you imagine driving 7 hours only to go back home and buy a dress?! The best part of it all was my mom paid for it!! She initially told me all she could contribute was $500 and the dress was much more than that so it was all totally unexpected and greatly appreciated. On top of finding my dress I also found the BMs jewelry @ Macy's One Day Sale. This was a big deal because I got hooked on necklaces that I found months ago. I finally purchased them to find they looked horrible in person! Amy - I would like to add my to do list please. I've been trying to sick to a list like you suggested, but I got help from an unexpected place. Since my BMs fell off with helping me because they all seem to be going through stuff right now, FI's cousin has stepped up to help me. It all kinda threw me off my list because she has many great ideas, but I needed the help. So, hopefully, now I can make the list and stick to it. dstinationdrmr (Meredith's) to do list: - pick a photographer already!! - finalize FI/GM suits and ties - buy gift for officiant - buy his ring - finish compiling addresses - set up pre-marital counseling - order sample bouquets - update website for BMs Also, are any of you familiar with bloom boxes? If not look it up. FI's cousin actually told me about them. I'm thinking it may be a good alternative to renting the resort's $20 vases or packing them. Let me know what you all think about them. Congrats on finding your dress!!! WHo is the designer?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I almost forgot! Respond with what you complete and your to do list for the next two weeks! Katie, it's CRUUUUUNNNCH time for us girl!!! STARTING Monday, April 5th 2010 ENDING Friday, April 16th 2010 We will check in with what is done either as it’s done or every other Friday and start a new list KittenHeart (Amy) to do’s: 1. Have 4th dance lesson and practice at home 3 times per week - DONE 2. Find out about boat/jetski rental for TTD pictures – Will find out there 3. Know final number of people coming and have them book flights if need be - DONE 4. Have 2nd dress fitting with all accessories – DONE 5. Have hair trial and find amazing hair style with all hair accessories - DONE 6. Make final payment for wedding!! - DONE 7. Make Vegas wedding invites – Not done 8. Lose 2lbs & eat 500 less cals per day – Ummm kinda 9. Pre make ribbon wraps for Pashminas - DONE 10. Complete list of must play songs/do not plays and songs for DJ – Not done 11. Find out vase sizes and buy floating candles – Found out sizes, need to buy candles 12. Receive OOT bag tags and affix – Haven’t gotten them 13. Receive escort/placecards and have guest names written then affix to birds’ nests – not done 14. Purchase and receive placecard/tablecard holders - DONE 15. Buy bachelorette party dress – Not done 16. Buy frames for pictures and signage – DONE 17. Buy more OOT bag stuff – DONE!!!! 18. Complete 2 more weeks of P90X and incorporating more cardio & pilates - DONE 19. Get FI’s wedding slacks hemmed & my Vera dress taken in – Taking today 20. Decide on FI wearing jacket or not – DONE, no jacket 21. Final draft of ceremony and finish writing vows – Finished Ceremony, need to finish vows Lindz’s to do’s: 1) Send email to initial RSVPs to call TA by April 20th DONE 2) Get custom measurements for my dress DONE 3) Bridesmaid's dresses DONE 4) GM attire 5) Pick out invitations 6) Book flights/hotel for BD, engagement shoots in New Orleans! DONE 7) Lose 5 lbs! DONE but need to lose 5 more MAJOR diet and workout for the next 4 weeks!! IN THE PROCESS 9) Book photographer's trip to Cancun 10) Book our trip PUT DOWN DEPOSIT 11) Shop for lingerie/clothes for BD/engagement shoot 12) DJ research Taylorwd's To Do's! 1. Get final beauty treatments 2. Get rings cleaned 3. Make final photography payment 4. Pick up sand vessels for sand ceremony from MOH 5. Buy sand! 6. Back up iTunes playlist to CD's 7. Finalize head count for excursion 8. Get cash for tips 9. Get some pesos 10. Pick up dress 11. Do planning thread (this is a BIG maybe depending on time) 12. Tan 4 more times 13. Pack by Sunday this week 14. GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!!! Katie's to-do's: - finalise songs for ceremony (i'm getting bored of putting this one down now!) - change work out regime to shock my body in last month - call and book cake stand for AHR - final fitting tomorrow (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and will be deciding if I have ivory or pink shoes!! (I bought both colours in the same shoe as I couldn't decide!) - find out weight of wedding dress tomorrow - sort out details and outfit for hen night on Saturday!!! - make meal choices and confirm to WC - buy gift for my brother (he's doing our photos at our AHR) - gift ideas for parents and best man and BM AmyBermuda’s to do’s: 1.Reception Songs: Intro/1st dance/Cake Cutting 2.Print Pix for Table #s and Mount them 3.Finish Who's who booklet 4.Start Welcome Letter 5.Make appts for makeup, hair, and podiatrist Lindz’s to do’s: 1) Send email to initial RSVPs to call TA by April 20th DONE 2) Get custom measurements for my dress DONE 3) Bridesmaid's dresses DONE 4) GM attire 5) Pick out invitations DONE!!! 6) Book flights/hotel for BD, engagement shoots in New Orleans! DONE 7) Lose 5 lbs! DONE but need to lose 5 more DONE!!!! LOST 10 LBS!!! MAJOR diet and workout for the next 4 weeks!! KEEP GOING 9) Book photographer's trip to Cancun Booked room, need to do flight 10) Book our trip DONE...need to book flight 11) Shop for lingerie/clothes for BD/engagement shoot DONE 12) DJ research 13) Take engagement/BD PICS 14) Encourage last 5 PEOPLE to book!!! YAY!! 15) Book flights, Vegas trip 16) Start working with resort on nailing down flowers, event locations, etc...I have a feeling this is going to be a nightmare 17) Order Invitations and PRINT; order custom stamps! May 15th Deadline on this 1 FIND MY SHOES!!!!! Everyone is sold out of the ones I want... 19) Shop for other outfits, swimsuits, etc 20) Order our rings I am sure there is more....
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Hey guys - so my wedding payment is due today. Anything I should consider before handing over my CC # for copious amounts of money??!! I guess just make sure you have EVERYTHING in writing that you want to be sure of. You could always send her a "recap email" with any uncertainties you are having or any other questions you have for her. For example... Please confirm the following: 1) Steaming is $7.50 2) I have the _______ spot booked for Friday night, the _____ spot booked for Saturday night etc etc etc You get the idea! SOOO glad you are getting it done!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ soooo....just because I clearly wasn't stressed out enough already, an Icelandic volcano decides to erupt and ground all UK flights into and out of the UK. all UK airports are shut and have been for the past 3 days, and still will be tomorrow when they look again at the problem. if that's not bad enough, they're worried the volcano next to it may erupt any time soon and then it all starts all over again. I'm trying not to panic as 2 weeks (that's how long it us until we fly out) is a long way away for something that's being reassessed daily, but we spent half of today going through our options for just about every different scenario. I feel more prepared for whatever happens. Now it's just a case of wait and see..... WATCH THIS SPACE! lol oh what fun! I have been following along on this, thinking about you guys! I think everything will be FINE in 2 weeks. Can you imagine all those brides last weekend?!?!? I wonder what they did to get around it? I am glad you have a back up plan...I think this will make you worry less and actually sleep at night!!! It definitely can't hurt, but I don't think you will end up needing it. You'll be paradise bound before you know it!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Alright girls, so I just made my final wedding payment today!!! Amy did you pay yours too? Surprisingly this felt like a huge relief, so nice to have this done! A few things I found out... sooo the dress pressing pricing was sent to me on like dry cleaning brochure and it said 75,00.... which I was confused about because it's a comma and so I asked if it was pesos and it is. So my dress pressing is $7.50, LOL! I was warned by my WC that the onsite coordinators (although raved about) are in fact the dreaded Lomas. Sooo she told me to expect set up fees depending on what I brought. So just be warned. Also, I wanted to give all you future brides that are just starting this process with your coordinator that they are very busy. My coordinator, Kiara, said she currently has 176 brides that just she takes care of. That's just crazy! She's also training a new person who will help alleviate some of the load but still. Be patient and be polite, that is how I really got through this VERY easily with my coordinator. Last but not least, I bought FI a car today, it's totally under my name but it's the first thing we have that we really share and it feels crazy and wonderful and made me realize I'm sharing every aspect of my life with this man, so nuts! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend What an AWESOME feeling!!!!!!!! Everything is paid for! Done and Done! Yay!!!! Congrats on buying the car...I saw the pictures on facebook. I love it!!!!! You are such a sweet FI! Oh, and thank you for finding all this stuff out for all the girls...I know everyone appreciates you going above and beyond to find out what little things cost here and there and other little tidbits of info!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I am with you, I haven't had time to workout and stress has been getting to me and all I want is pizza... no joke. So I'm at the same place as you are! I say, we get back to working out and hold ourselves accountable and check in. We'll post in on FB everytime we workout. I am going hiking first thing tomorrow morning! Thanks hun! You're so sweet and you bring up really valid points. I had a terrible day the day I went to go try on my dress and the seamstress rushed me in and out of the dress, it was irritating. We literally didn't have time to take pictures so I am going off memory. I need to try it on again tomorrow with friends and have them take pictures of me in it so I can see. It's also not pressed so it's wrinkly around the stomach and booty. You're right I guess I don't need to be bending over anyways, LOL! It's so strange to think that I will need help with everything, bathroom breaks etc. That's good to know! I was hoping I wasnt the only one who didn't have a corset that my dress was made super tight. I can breathe but only slightly, it's fine though. I can't wait to see your dress Meaghan! I know how you guys feel! I only have 10 more days til I leave for my BD, and I have literally not had time to work as much as I hoped. I only got in 4 times last week!!! YIKES!!!!! BUT I know you guys can do it!!!!! Can you work out on a lunch break or super early in the morning....Amy I know you already get up really early, but maybe you could do it a few times. Just think, in 2 weeks, you will be on the beach rockin your hot bodies, cocktail in hand, marrying your lucky FIs!!!!!! I know you girls can do it!!!!!!! I think the facebook idea is great...I am going to join you guys!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I agree with Amy, I thought about this long and hard and decided not to send invites to people who had given me a definite no. I felt it was odd sending them an invitation to an event they already declined. So I just plan to send everyone that wasn't able to make it an annoucement that we got married so they know they were thought of on our day. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps I sent invites to people who had already booked and those who hadn't given a definite answer. I didn't send them to people who already said no because I thought it would be a waste of time and money. I really went back and forth about whether to send invitations because most of my guests paid their deposits in October and I didn't send out invitations until February. I kept saying we already know they're going since they booked but I guess it's a necessary formality. BTW nobody who wasn't already booked has booked since I sent out the invitations so now I feel like I wasted my time sending invites to the "maybes" too. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan I also sent invites to those who had already booked or to those who I didn't have a definite answer from. I felt that by sending invites to those who declined may also irritate the guests....I didn't want them to feel pressured, guilty, etc.. by having us send them an invite after saying no. Ok, thank you ladies...this makes me feel better. I was going to send to everyone, but I think I will take you up on your offer. It seems weird only sending out 50 invites or so, but nothing else is traditional about my wedding...so, might as well do something different here as well!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart See, this is what I'm saying! I knew someone would agree with me. I'd rather be uncomfortable all night to look as skinny as possible I actually think it's a lot less DIY than you think. There's no cutting or gluing, just assembling. I helped my BF when I was her MOH put together her pocket fold invites and fold them and all that and we did it together in an hour while watching tv and we did 150 of them! Oh that's refreshing!! Thanks so much! That's exactly how many I have...I'll get FI to help me one night! Perfect
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ Well we found out our due date this morning... guess what? November 24th! How's that for timing? FML! I'm exactaly 8 weeks and 1 day along. It was cool because we got to see it on the ultrasound today with the crazy little heart beat. It's crazy how you can look so forward to one day for the past 14 months... and then something so tiny can change it all! LOL We're now looking at late January/ February. We sent an email to our TA this morning to go over prices, perhaps other resorts... I'm sad that it might not be the AS. If it's not the AS, I hope you all don't disown me! I'd miss you ladies way too much! CONGRATS!!! That's so exciting! It will be here before you know it...now you have 2 awesome surprises to celebrate! What a great couple of months for you!!!!!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ haha Amy, now I feel like I've bigged it up too much! you'll all look at it and be like 'what detail?!' lol anyway...here it is (and remember this was before it was altered properly but you get the idea! The lace across the back is wider now - that was pulled in really tight to try and make it fit!! ummm holy hell!! You are TINY!!! and I LOVE the back!! Gorgeous dear! Omg, have yall seen this smiley How funny....
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart LOVE! Perfect Lindz, they'll look pro especially since your dad is going to have them printed at his company, how lucky is that? Have most people booked already? I am truly impressed that you are able to get everyone booked 3 months in advance, I still have people booking and buying their flights and I'm not even kidding. I just hope I have time to do them!!!! It's a lot of DIY involved...I think?!? I need them to go out in 1 month. I think I can do it. Well, let's not get too ahead of ourselves...I have 15 rooms (30 people) booked or BOOKED THROUGH DEPOSIT. SO, that doesn't mean they have officially booked, they have simply put down the $300 deposit...let's hope they don't back out! I sent them a "nice" email 2 weeks saying the rooms had to be booked by April 23rd, or I have to release the rooms. If I release the rooms, instead $400 a night, they will be $640 a night. I think that motivated them a little. So, all of FI's guys have booked...11 groomsmen (2 cant go) and his family. I have 2 bridesmaids that have booked. Hopefully, they will by the end of this week.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Awww!! Welll now you have another huge life changing moment happening in your original wedding month, little Thanksgiving baby! I'm so happy for you! Are you kidding! Please stick around no matter WHERE you get married Katie I agree, you look tiny girl! No wonder they had to keep taking in your dress! No, I want to stand all night and I want the dress to hug my curves, why not? This the most expensive dress I've ever bought, why sit!? hahaha I totally agree...I am getting mine as fitted as I can! I want to stand in my dress the whole night!!! It's too cute to sit down
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Oh my gosh - I forgot to tell you guys we FINALLY picked our 1st dance song! Gosh that was the hardest thing of all to do. I could not find anything that worked - FI hates oldies (his only bad trait, i swear) and we both dont like cheesy songs, and it had to be 3 1/2 minutes or less b/c we are not the most gifted dancers and can't take lessons considering we live in difference freaking countries right now, so.... "This Kind of Love" by Sister Hazel LOVE IT !!! After listening to mostly songs by female artists, I realized I really thought a man singing would be better. I am walking down the aisle to Alicia Keys, and thats a girl saying how she needs nothing but him, so this one is vice versa. So perfect! Now on to find exiting down the aisle songs.... FI doesn't like "Sign Sealed Delivered" b/c its too much like an oldie (surprise surprise). UGH I thought it was perfect. Back to the drawing boards... or iTunes Any suggestions BTW Megan - love your new siggy pic - so cute I LOVE that Sister Hazel song...great choice! I would just go through your ipod or itunes and start listening to whatever pops up when you guys are driving places. I bet SOMETHING will come up!! I haven't decided on any songs, so I am not much help! haha FI and I drove 4 hrs to the beach a couple weekends ago and just played XM the whole way...we found 5 or 6 songs that we are at least considering for our 1st dance. I think the more stuff he listens to, something will come to mind...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ hey girls....I HAVE MY DRESS!!! IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! it feels amazing!! so, as promised, here are some pics of my hair trial which hopefully the hairdressers at the resort will be able to recreate... I love it! and when I tried my dress on before I tried the jewellary on with it and it looked perfect...then today I took my tiara and tried it on with the dress and again i thought it looked perfect. the outfit is finally coming together Good luck with your final fitting Amy!! it's Thursday isn't it? OMGAH!!! I LOVE it! SOooo happy for you...you are going to be the most precious, beautiful bride!!! OH! and I saw your BD pics...ABSOLUTELY stunning and amazing!! Your FH is going to DIE DIE DIE!!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Lindz, Have you bought them yet? Personally, I throw out every wedding invite I receive after the wedding (even my sister's). I hope that helps you GET ON IT and just send them out. Your "will you be a bridesmaids" messages in a bottle were amazing, but a quick invite with a web address to your wedding website and your TA's contact details are all your guests need. Put all your addresses in an excel spreadsheet and use the mail merge function to print labels. I used "dafont.com" to download a cute font and printed the labels from my computer and used them. No way was I going to hand write all of those addresses. Lastly, if this does not work, GO GREEN, and send e-vites. Come on girl - this weekend - you can get it done!!!! loads of support girlie from me That is SUCH a good idea about the evites!! AND I found a girl on here that did the same thing and her email invites are PRECIOUS!!!!!! A part of me wants to keep SOME things traditional...but I see what your saying...thanks so much for the idea!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe The main font is Calibri - it comes with all of the new Windows / Office Suites as a free Microsoft font. The big bold letters is a really odd font, I don't recommend it as some of the letter have random Russian characters in it... I was just lucky that I didn't need those letters! The script font is called Emmascript - that's an expensive one but it can be found on torrents online from time to time. Thank you so much!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the big font!!! I wonder if I would be able to use it...do you remember the name of it?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by tweets.13 Hi! My name is Theresa. I am knew to BDW, and am trying to find a location with my fiance. We have looked at a number of places online, including Azul Sensatori. We have seen mixed reviews of the venue so I thought I would look at this thread. (I tried reading all the posts, but there are 670 pages! ). We like what the resort has to offer, but would like some honest reviews. Any tips, advice you have would be appreciated! Thanks! Hi!! Congrats and welcome!!! Picking out the resort is soooo hard. I struggled with it for months and months and months...and sometimes I still question my decision. I think everyone is like that because there are so many unknowns. I would take every review with a grain of salt. As much as you look at the bad, also look at the good. Like Amy said, I have not heard of a single bride coming back from AS with a bad experience. Everyone has just raved!!! AS was my second choise...I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the resort. I just wanted adults only, so I chose Le Blanc. Good luck! I would make a list of your "must haves" and make sure AS (or whatever resort you love) matches those "must haves."
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ Lindz....firstly....breathe!!!!!!!!! secondly...what sort of thing were you thinking? are you making them yourself? or are you buying them from someone who will design them? or buying them from somewhere like Vistaprint where you can design your own? the more info you give us, the more we can help but remember...it will all work out ok! Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Yes! What are you thinking? Let's get you going girl Email me @ my yahoo if that's easier for you Ok, I found this website where I can do these cute pocketfold invitations...I order the "kit" then can print them (FI's dad owns a printing business, so he can print them for me). Here is the website: https://www.cardsandpockets.com/index.asp I found an inspiration on BDW that is soooo cute!!! I gave everyone a deadline of April 23 to book the resort, so the invite will pretty much be for etiquette purposes. Everyone will have booked (hopefully) by then. And we can pick up a few stragglers. Thoughts?
  20. Guys, I am WAY behind on invitations! HELP!!!! Can anyone give me some suggestions?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Alrighty girls, it's time for me to check out, unwind, have some cocktails in the Mexican sun, and marry the love of my life!!! I have been on cloud 9 all day today, people say I'm glowing! It helps that my staff threw me a surprise party tonight, which was just the sweetest thing. Some of my family is already there, and when I talked to them today, they just raved and raved and raved. HOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAY! I guess we done good Good luck with all the planning over the next couple weeks! AmyKH and Katie, I can't wait to hear where you're at when I get back! I think you're up next!!! Thank you for keeping me sane, ladies. I wish I could take you all with me!! We'd have one hell of a good time!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to have an AMAZING time and a PERFECT weekend!!!! SO happy for you and love your positive outlook on everything. Your hubby is very lucky man!! We love you!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr I have lived here all my life. You are coming at one of the best times of the year. You'll definitely have lots of fun. And you definitely are going to the right area. The French Quarter is definitely the best area to get really interesting pics. You could possibly get pics riding in the one of the horse and carriages there. Make sure you go to Woldenburg Park. It's right on the Mississippi River and the well known boats (The Natchez and The Creole Queen) dock there. Maybe you can get them in the background of some of your pics. Definitely look @ Studio Tran's website. They are one of the most sought after photography businesses here (I wish I could afford to bring them with me to Mexico). But look at their engagement photos and sometimes they'll put locations at the top of the album. City Park, Lafreniere Park, all along St. Charles Ave (gotta get the streetcar in some pics). Believe it or not, if you go to Audubon Zoo, there are a lot of photo ops there too. Where are you staying? How much time will the photographer allow for pics? Oh wow, thanks so much! I will definitely check out their website for ideas. I am getting there Thursday morning and doing my Boudoir shoot that afternoon/evening at the Roosevelt. Fi is arriving later that night, and we will do our engagement pictures on Friday. We really have pretty much the whole day. The photog flies out that day, so we will just be relaxing and partying the rest of the weekend! Thanks again for your advice!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ Hey my long lost AS girlfriends... I have been MIA and I have a lot of catching up to do. Let's just say this past week has been the weirdest week ever in my life. Are you ready for this? Because I sure wasn't..... We're expecting! Unsure of the date still... but it looks like October. Whoops! I hadn't been feeling like myself, I was tired, my chest was super sore, I was nauseated each morning after I ate breakfast and something just told me the check... and now we have a little whoops! We're happy and we are terrified. We planned on trying right after our wedding... I guess we're just 7 months early. They think I might already by at least 6 weeks already. We haven't told anyone expect our parents and MOH, oh and our WC. We're just waiting for the results of all my blood work, to confirm the date and make sure the babies healthy but obviously changes our plans drastically. Our WC told us to keep our November date because we have such a good price, but if we have to move it, there's no way we'll get that price after November at the AS. I just don't know if I would want to take a baby that young to Mexico. She then suggested her favorite result in Cuba for January, which is an option. If we have to move it, it will be to move it back, not up. January/ February seems more ideal. But we don't want to put it off longer than that. It's so crazy that something you are looking so forward to can be changed instantly like this. Don't get me wrong, we're super happy, we just weren't expecting this to happen.. and when I mean little whoops... I mean little whoops. The funny thing is, I've been working out like crazy, eating healthy, losing weight, inches... just let this be a lesson to everyone... LOL GIRL!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! I know it is a scary feeling, but he or she will be such a blessing to you guys. I think about that ALL the time...It could definitely happen to anyone. I know you guys will work out the details with wedding and everything. And how exciting would that be to have your baby at the wedding!?!?! I have always heard you should be in tip top shape when you get pregnant...so that's great that you have been working so hard!!!! Congrats again sweetie!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Ladies, I had the most surreal moment over the weekend. My mom casually told me that she took my SIL's mother to the airport. Her mother is watching my brother's son while they're in Mexico. And I thought, "Oh my gosh, it's all started!!! The first person has moved as a result of our wedding (Ohio to Colorado)! The balls have started to roll and there's no turning back now!" It was a strange moment to think that all this hard work is finally being set in motion. We leave in 1.5 days. YAY!!!!!!! On another note, I got my nails done this morning and it's the first time I've ever had acrylic nails. Man, is it hard to type!!! It's taking me forever b/c I keep screwing up, LOL! ahhhh! This just gave me CHILLS!!! You will be there before you know it and will be an absolutely stunning bride!!!!!!!!!!! So jealous you will be there SO soon! Speaking of stunning...wow, your BD pics were amazing!!! You looked gorgeous, sexy, and cute all in one. They were so so so classy and vintagy! Great job girl, you should be proud!
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