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Everything posted by daniepps

  1. I just found exercise tv recently and I love it! I love the fact that it's free even more!!!
  2. I originally had 5 bridesmaids and they all bought their dresses but one ended up dropping out and I had to get a replacement. Since I asked her at the last minute I felt it would only be right for me to pay for her dress. So I ended up paying for one of my bridesmaids dresses and I'm going to get all their jewelry.
  3. We're counting down the days ladies! I'm probably the last July bride since my date is the 31st but I just can't believe how time flies. Good luck to you all.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Ok, with only 1 week left on our to do's, I just wanted to check in with everyone!!! How is it coming? Also, Chong sent me hers, so I want to add her to the list... STARTING Monday, May 31, 2010 ENDING Friday, June 11, 2010 We will check in with what is done either as it’s done or every other Friday and start a new list! The futuremrslutz's (Lindsey) To Do's: 1) Send envelopes to Etsy to get addressed DONE! 2) Assemble and mail invites 3) Order OOT stuff 4) Decide on OOT bags...DONE! 5) Figure out what the hell is going on with my photographer, so I can book her flights...she has fallen off the face!!! UGH!!! I will post that in a second DONE!! 6) Pay for our trip in full DONE!!!!! 7) Book DJ 8 ) Reserve private area at Coco Bongo...yesssss!! 9) Email Bridesmaids about passports, etc 10) Update website AmandaMarieB’s To Do’s: - Register (hopefully today and yes I realize we are very behind on this) - Order fiance's wedding band - Recieve and sign photog contract - Request rates for a BD shoot (Chris Schmidt?) - Work-out - Begin Qt Extreme Cleanse -Order gold bags for rose petals - Follow up on quote for real touch flowers and possibly order blume boxes - Make sure photo booth stand will work - Find images and begin mock-up of post-cards using for guest book - Send mom guest list so she can keep track of RSVP cards -Begin searching for table card holders that will fit the polaroid-type photos from the photo booth -Receieve suit swatch samples and email groomsmen to order (assuming we like the swatches) -Start thinking baout hair and make-up -Start writing ceremony -Figure out DJ Taylorwd's To Do's 1. Finalize head count 2. Finalize with the baker 3. Order keg 4. Price a margarita machine 5. Order banner 6. Put together a wedding slideshow 7. Put together playlist 8. Decide on a guestbook 9. Brainstorm the menu 10. Finalize with the rental company 11. Make final decision on renting a van/driver 12. Find a cook Kittenheart (Amy)’s To Do’s: Book party bus for transport to and from the hotel to the chapel Get final list of who's coming to Vegas Book hair and makeup appointment with MGM Find shoes for dress Make invites for Vegas wedding Figure out if anything else should be done for this... Meredith's To-Do-List 1. go to Hobby Lobby and get boxes, flowers, ribbon, wrapping paper and rhinestones for centerpieces 2. order FI's ring 3. insure my ring 4. decide on wedding insurance (to buy or not to buy) 5. simple table decor for cocktail party 6. order flower girl/ring bearer tees 7. come up with items for ring bearer's gift bag 8. think of ideas for aisle decor 9. ORDER/MAKE INVITATIONS!!!! 1. Invitations - DIY & Send them out 2. Pre-Travel Brochure - DIY & Send them out 3. OOT Gift (including kids OOT bag) 4. Dance Lesson - for our 1st dance. my FI hates dancing... 5. Ceremony Script & Ceremony Program 6. Party/Dance Favor (big glasses, sombrero hats, etc) 7. Make Hair/Makeup Appointment 8. Reception Decorations 9. Buy Shoes - mine, FI & Bridesmaids (I am getting my bridesmaid shoes) 10. Buy Wedding Bands 11. Buy Grooms men & brides maid gifts 12. Find the picture for the sand ceremony frame 13. My hair piece, jewelry & veil 14. Guest Signing Book 15. Reception Sitting Chart I've been looking at this list since I joined BDW last year. I've been keeping a to-do list in my head but with less than 2 months to go I think I need to see something in writing to I can get my butt in gear so please add me to this list. Here's my to-do list: 1. Buy tiara 2. Find and buy comb/barette 3. Find and buy jewelry 4. Find and buy bridesmaids jewelry 5. Get heels on shoes cut down 6. Make reception playlist 7. Buy placecard holders 8. Print menus and placecards 9. Buy unity sand set 10. Order programs 11. Decide what to do for centerpieces 12. Order paper lanters 13. Order bridal party t-shirts 14. Buy OOT bags and contents 15. Order reception favors 16. Order ceremony stuff- bubbles/tissues/rose petals 17. Pay for Ty's wedding band 18. Finalize ceremony script
  5. Good morning ladies. I have a question for former AS brides. Did anyone who had a signature drink at their reception have to pay for the drink? I was told that the drink would be $6 which I really don't understand because first of all we're at an all-inclusive resort and secondly I'm paying for open bar at the reception! Everything has been smooth sailing with my planning so far. I hope I didn't come this far for stupid stuff to start happening.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by wendyjd How are you feeling today? I had some tightness in the abs and arms the day after level 2. Was going to do it today but FI wants to go to the Greenway and walk (its about 5.5mi, so I'm not going to do shred before hand. I did level 2 for 2 days and my abs felt kinda of tight. I went back to level 1 today because I increased my weights and I had only done level 1 for 7 days before I went up but I plan to go back to level 2 tomorrow.
  7. I just did Level 2 for the first time. All I can say is WOW!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan So weird I have not received anything yet and I get married a month before you! 3 weeks! Do we have to pay by credit card? If so, I guess i better get my limit changed! Yeah it's very weird. Who knows what's going on. Is Tiffany your WC? I believe the balance does have to be paid by credit or debit card and if you're using AMEX they charge a fee.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr I feel your pain about the tax stuff. We're not in the same boat but this year I convinced my sister to go to the place I've been letting do my taxes for the past 3 years. We went and my returns came back no problem. Hers, however, was never filed!!! Come to find out, the place went out of business under "Liberty Tax" and never alerted us to that fact. They cleared out of the building and disappeared. Shady, shady, shady! I'm sure everything will work out tho. According to everyone else's experience with the matter looks like you'll be fine. Well there goes my wishful thinking. I just got an email from WC saying remember we must receive your final payment by June 16th and she attached a credit card authorization form!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Hi girls, here is my ceremony. It meant a lot to me and I would appreciate if you kept it for your eyes only and did not distribute outside of this group. I took information from this website (see http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-script-21660/ ) as well as The Knot and ministers websites around the world. We wrote our own vows together for what was important to us. If you are doing the legal ceremony, you can change some of the set ceremony, however since the judges do not speak perfect English, you might want to have your guests do readings - such as the sand ceremony, hand ceremony, or poems. Good luck! I love your ceremony! It's beautiful.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart The Zavaz lounge from what I can remember is outside of the restaurant but you may have to go through the restaurant to get there. It's nothing fantastic. It's just a wooden bar outside with people eating at tables to the left and right of it. So it's definitely informal... how many people are you having? It's not a big area so just make sure it can fit everyone. We have about 50 people coming, well there will probably only be about 35 at the bar because everyone else is in the wedding party. If that lounge is too small do you have any other suggestions of where I can tell people to go mingle?
  12. For all past AS brides, does anyone remember what the Zavaz lounge is like? It's supposed to be a bar inside the Zavaz restaurant. I'm trying to find a place to tell my guests to gather for an "informal cocktail hour" in between the ceremony and reception while we take pictures. I'm paying for a cocktail party the day we arrive as a welcome reception and I don't want to pay for another one after the wedding. My reception is at the Zavaz plaza so I was thinking the Zavaz lounge would be convenient. So can someone give me some information on this location and if it's not a good place can you recommend some place I can tell people to gather at?
  13. I've been doing this for the few days. I'm actually on day 6. I usually take spinning class three times a week but I haven't been in about two weeks. I plan to start spin again tomorrow so hopefully with doing the 30 day shred everyday and taking spin classes three times a week, I'll be shredded at the end of 30 days! LOL
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Wooohoooo one month!!!!!!! My due date came and went and I had to ask about making the final payment. They didn't come to me. But then because of the big fiasco with the reception location, along with working out some other details, we didn't end up paying until about 10 days prior. They were very easy going about it. I was trying to multi-quote but it didn't work but anyway I was told that the payment is due 45 days before, which for me will be June 16th. I sure hope that day comes and goes without them asking me because due to some screw up with the IRS I haven't gotten my tax return yet and I just found out that I probably won't get it until the first week in July. We were planning to use the tax return to pay off the wedding. We can rob Peter to pay Paul to pay the wedding off but who wants to do that It'll be just my luck that the resort will be looking for my payment on June 16th exactly!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay OK Ladies, I got my budget and things are looking good. My grandparents really want us to move the wedding from 2012 to 2011 and it looks like I may be able to swing it budget wise on my end so now I am waiting on my FI family to be cool with it. Then I can talk to the WC at Azul Sensatori and see what dates in May of 2011 are open. YIKES! I am an event planner so it's not like I can't get everything I was planning to do over 2 years done in 1 rightLOL Question for you ladies; I have had 2 WC's contact me from AS Tiffany Borowsky and Cécile Alix. Did anyone have good experiences with one or both? Thanks ladies! I would be Lost without you guys! I have Tiffany and I know a lot of people have had problems with her but I can honestly say I haven't. I'm just sure to ask specific questions (bullets and numbers work) and she answers them with no problem. I haven't gotten any conflicting information. At one time her response time was rather slow but I think they've gotten some help so she usually replies within 24 hours.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by blckrevpower hi i live in Md too, but our wedding will be in Jamaica. this area is just too expensive for a wedding, much like New York. good luck and happy planning! Hi I was just looking through this thread and saw that you're in Upper Marlboro. I am too. How's your planning going?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr I wasn't sure if you could get the sparklers through customs or if the resort would allow you to use them. If you're trying to use them for your exit after you're pronounced husband and wife, I decided to use biodegradable confetti from save-on-crafts. You can get a bag of it for $4.99. I'm going to make petal cones and put the confetti in there for everyone to throw. Let me know if they let you use the sparklers tho. Oh, and FYI my WC told me there's no such thing as the pool terrace for an event. She said I must be referring to Plaza Zavaz because it's close to the pool. Let me know if your WC told you something different. I'm using the pool deck for my welcome reception. I don't know if they have a pool terrace but I do know they allow use of the pool deck. And I'm going to be in New Orleans until Wednesday.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Hi Ladies, Gonna post for some inspiration/motivation.... I have not been doing anything lately. Kinda depressed actually because someone I know is in her last stages of life. Her health has declined quickly and it kinda caught me by surprise. She's not related to me or anything, but I highly respect and admire her. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but because of that I've kinda lost the pep in my step! Naturally I got on the to-do-list band wagon as soon as Amy F "graduated" from doing it, lol. But I can say it really helped. I actually completed every task on my list at the time besides buying his ring and that's because the jeweler says his finger should be measured in the summer to account for swelling. Anyway, my next big decision is invites but I have no clue what to put on/in them! I am leaning toward doing a boarding pass type invite, but I'll need to include a lot of info and adding pages will of course increase the price. So, then there's a pocketfold invite with inserts but I'm not sure what to include. Do we really need an RSVP? I'm sure it would be helpful to include info about the resort, airport transfers, TA, cocktail party, ceremony and reception info...am I missing anything? Sad part is some of that may change because my WC says that if my party goes above 50, we'll have to move from Plaza Zavaz (which is booked for both the party and reception). And go where is my question? Plus I have FI's cousin helping me with things and she says it's not proper etiquette to not send invites to those who we know aren't coming (esp since on the STD it said "formal invitation to follow"). Ok, I get this, but am I crazy to think that if people were interested in coming we would know about it? I mean who plans to come to a DW and not ask questions or express interest to the bride/groom or TA for that matter? Not to mention the fact that we are now @ 47 people coming (2 groomsmen still haven't booked not sure if they're bringing dates) and we only budgeted for 50! So basically I'll be buying 125 invites to send to people who have already made up their minds not to come or will change their minds and come at the last minute (which won't help matters much). I feel like I'm at a standstill because everytime I inquire about guest list with my TA it has changed. Last time I checked in with her it was 37. 10 people booked in less than a month and after the rsvp date mind you. OMG! As I'm typing this I get the call that the lady I was talking about just died. I guess all I just typed seems unimportant now. Sorry to hear about your friend. I know people always say this but at least she is not suffering or in pain anymore. I'm having over 50 people at my wedding (54 to be exact) and the reception is in the Plaza Zavaz and no one has ever mentioned the group number being a problem. I say DO NOT waste your money sending invitations to people who you know aren't coming. I've never heard any etiquette rules that say you have to send someone an invitation. Maybe instead of sending all the information in the invitation you can send a newsletter to everyone who booked with all information they need in it. BTW I'm in New Orleans now! I love this place!!!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda My Dad lives on Kent Island so we are doing it in this little club house on the property of his neighborhood. I put a picture of it below. There is a thread on this forum under AHRs - I think from JerseyBride - or maybe a different girl - cant remember - but she had hers on the Chesapeake in Anne Arundel county and it was amazing. Very laid back and inexpensive. She was going to do a harbor dinner cruise but then found this venue and it was so much better and her pictures were really impressive. One of those places that does everything for you. I found it. It was posted by IslandBride and she's having at Kurtz Beach but she's having her reception on the same day I want to have mine. The pictures were nice though. I may call and see if there's another date in August available.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda I just found a printer near my work that is going to print my place cards, programs, and welcome letters. Whew! I feel so much better The place cards are super cute - white middle with pink stripes around the sides. They are going to use bright orange ink for the names too so it will go with my centerpieces and the pink stripes will match my table runners. SWEET I was totally stressing last night and now I feel much better. Yes, $2 per place card is probably crazy talk, but right now it makes me feel better that its done and its Bermuda and everything is freaking expensive here - including my peace of mind - haha Oh - and my fellow Marylanders - I have organized my AHR to be a Maryland theme, since we'll be right on the Chesapeake Bay! We are having red & yellow table clothes w/ black and white napkins (to match the flag), black eye Susan flowers, ships and other nautical items as centerpieces, and a cup cake tower with little paper Maryland flags in them all. I am soooooo excited! And of course for gifts we will give little crab knockers and other crab accessories. Oh so easy and fun to do this theme - and such less pressure from the real wedding I really love the Maryland theme! Where are you having your AHR? I really was against doing one but my mother is insisting on it (and she's paying for it) so I decided to go ahead and do it but I want something really casual and laid back.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb Oh boo. 19 of my guests had booked their flights, non-stop from Baltimore to Cancun for a great price. Then today they get an email that the airline has changed their itinerary and they now leave like 4 hours earlier and on the way back they have a 5.5 hour lay-over in Atlanta. So not what they signed up for. Uggh, I can't believe that happened. Needless to say everyone is in a tizzy. My mom is stressed and it's become my problem the folks at AirTran don't have their stuff together. My mom has me researching the next best flights to book with a different airline and this is for 19 ppl many of which are leaving and coming on different days. Uggh so not fair. Like I don't have enough to do. Uggh. Sorry for the rant. I feel a little better now. OH NO!!!!! I have 28 people booked on AirTran's straight flight from Baltimore to Cancun!!!!! Do you know what made them change the itinerary and when it goes into effect? My guests are leaving on July 29th.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Lindz thats a great rate. Dont we all know about last minute people.... April 23rd will be busy for your TA so you should encourage people to do it all of next week and not to wait until Friday. All of my guests listened to me when I told them that, except for FMIL - and then she panicked when could not get a hold of TA... Luckily it all worked out but.... $400 a night for your rooms are awesome. My guests are all paying more than that and your hotel is sooooooooooo nice. Thats great for you!!!!!! So, tell me about these invites... Are you going to send them to everyone invited including those who have already said they could not go or the ones who have not decided yet? I am just thinking that if I could not go to a wedding and then got an invite, or if I said I could not go but then saw people who were going got invitations and I did not get one - it might be awkward... I don't mean you should not do them - b/c I loved my invites and I know how AWESOME it is to see your name and FI's name and the statement that you are getting married in print - it feels so amazingly good - I just want to make sure you have thought of this before you commit to the $ & time to find them, assemble them, etc. I sent invites to people who had already booked and those who hadn't given a definite answer. I didn't send them to people who already said no because I thought it would be a waste of time and money. I really went back and forth about whether to send invitations because most of my guests paid their deposits in October and I didn't send out invitations until February. I kept saying we already know they're going since they booked but I guess it's a necessary formality. BTW nobody who wasn't already booked has booked since I sent out the invitations so now I feel like I wasted my time sending invites to the "maybes" too.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by snoopAsh water guns and floats are always fun! OR you can get them a bottle of tequila!!! Just kidding The bottle of tequila is hilarious!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Tiffany is famous for only answering parts of questions. I truly don't think it's intentional. I think she only half reads emails. It was one of my biggest complaints with her, constantly having to re-ask questions over and over. As if we have time for that--just read it right the first time!! I've learned that if I numerate questions she answers all of them. Otherwise if you have 4 questions, only one or two will be answered if you just put it in a paragraph.
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