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Everything posted by JessicaANDJermaine

  1. Hugh Laurie : Monsters Vs. Aliens
  2. like like or dislike : shoveling snow
  3. I LOVE your amazing race idea!!! I may just have to copy you and use it myself....I love how the guests will have to take pictures at each stop
  4. I would say you can leave out the minister and the wedding coordinator...but that's just me
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the forum...O'm sure you will find so much useful information. Enjoy and Happy Planing!!!
  6. like like or dislike: riding a bicycle
  7. My wedding is may 11 2010 Quote: Originally Posted by Vallarta_2009 Hey Jessica, I was just thinking the same thing last night. It looks like we'll end up with close to 50 guests ourselves and I would really like to have the BBQ buffet dinner but it would need to be at a reduced price... the other option is to have the dinner at the steakhouse restaurant and then rent out the parrot bar for dancing and cake cutting to save some cash, but I don't know how I feel about moving people from one spot to the next.... I guess there's no harm in asking right? When's your wedding?
  8. I will bw getting married on a tuesday. We will be arriving with our guests the Friday before....this way after the wedding there is still plenty of time to party
  9. November 5, 2009 12:38AM (Eastern Standard Time) Forcing myself to log off of BDW and get some sleep.....see everybody tommorow....sweet dreams!!!
  10. eeewww to bothe but i guess i would rather eat the spoiled yogurt. Would you rather have braces or glasses?
  11. That is awesome. I'm sure you guys will have an amazing experience.
  12. wow just read my post over again and my punctutation and spelling is off....sorry guys i think it is time for bed....
  13. Hi Everybody, So we have 70 people coming so far and are getting married at the colonial side. MY WC is Sandra....just wondering if you guys thing I will be able to get a better rate for the reception on the beach.....has anybody been able to do this? I know that there is extra set up involved for preparing a wedding reception but we are also paying all inclusive. any suggestions as to how I can go about this? Not sure how good I am at negotiating....lol
  14. nice dress.....can't wait for my first fitting...you must be so excited
  15. Crazy Beautiful : Jay Hernandez.....what a HOTTIE!!!
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