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Everything posted by JessicaANDJermaine

  1. Wow you did an amazing job!!! Thank you for sharing this you have inspired me to possibly attempt to make my own as well....still contemplating if I can pull it off
  2. I'm interested ...This would be a perfect gift for the fi...I need to know the date though because that is around the time that i will be having my bridal shower...but i am VERY interested
  3. Hi Everybody, So i am having a Bridal Party get-together soon and wanted to have a little scrapbook page station so that i can add the pages to the wedding scrapbook. Here are the ideas I had for the pages: How did you feel when we asked you to play a part in our special day Favourite Bride/Groom Memory Special wishes for the Bride and Groom Any advice to avoid wedding planning stress Let me know what you think or if you have any other suggestions please share. Also I have found some "Friend" quotes to add here and there but I haven't really been able to find any "Bridal Party/Attendants" quotes. PLEASE HELP!!!
  4. I would say try to get a stencil of the alphabet from miachaels or walmart and use that....however i have never tried this before. I'm thinking you can use the stencil (maybe even with a marker) and then paint over it?
  5. Hi Ladies, Just thought it would be fun to post all your ideas and pictures about how you will be incorporating the "orange and fuchsia colour theme into your wedding. Show us your BM/MOH dresses, flowers, table decor etc....hopefully we can all feed off each others creativity, style and taste...let the sharing begin
  6. Just checked out the "La Barcaza" website and sent them an email...I did see that they have a "Season Promotion" Does anybody have any information on this?
  7. I LOVE these flip flops!!! Quote: Originally Posted by sunnywedding I LOVE this thread..(cuz i love etsy!!) -lots of really neat ideas! I have another seller of wedding bands who does great work. My fiancee has finallly chosen one from their designs. Its by ZoeandDOyle Titanium Offset Stripe and Carbon Fiber Wedding by ZoeAndDoyle My bridesmaids are all getting these amazing leather flip flops from feesk on etsy (see second picture- style name is rainbow). Feesk Sandals by Fiona K by feesk on Etsy I own her Cleoptara design (first picture), and they are super comfy and super pretty. My bridesmaids are staying with us at the beach for 4 days for an extended party so I thought it would be a good idea! And, for my bridesmaids, these cards with a personalized caption for each. For example, you are the "buzz" to my "cosmopolitan", the "tannens" to my "glass of merlot", .. you get the idea! By elisedesigns: you're the blank to my blank cards set of 4 by elisejoy on Etsy Oooh, and I love the tie idea! Thanks for sharing!
  8. you could put a saying like Ready for some fun in the sun....Cuba Si (just like that ads...nit sure if you know which ones i'm talking about lol)
  9. Congratulations Lucy and Rene!!! My Fi and I will be getting married the Majestic Colonial as well May 11 2010...good choice....great minds think alike Our weddings are just around the corner!!!! Happy Planning!!! PS who is your WC? PSS If you are looking for a photographer you may want to check out Phil Steingard...He is awesome...knows alot about the resort you can find him on facebook and he also has a website Stiengard Studios
  10. LOVE!!! Like or dislike Scalp Massage
  11. Romantic : Champagne PS this is my 150th Post WOOT WOOT!!!!
  12. Hi Liane, Congratulations and welcome to the forum.....I am also getting married in May 2010 in Punta Cana. the countdown is on
  13. Julia Stiles : Save the last Dance
  14. I'll pray for you!!! You do know what they say though....the more stuff that goes wrong before the wedding means that your wedding day will go on without a hitch!!!! Good Luck!!!
  15. Heath Ledger : 10 things I hate about you
  16. Congratulations Carolyn & Matt!!! A cruise is such a great idea...Happy Planning!!!
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