I LOVE these flip flops!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by sunnywedding I LOVE this thread..(cuz i love etsy!!) -lots of really neat ideas!
I have another seller of wedding bands who does great work. My fiancee has finallly chosen one from their designs. Its by ZoeandDOyle Titanium Offset Stripe and Carbon Fiber Wedding by ZoeAndDoyle
My bridesmaids are all getting these amazing leather flip flops from feesk on etsy (see second picture- style name is rainbow). Feesk Sandals by Fiona K by feesk on Etsy
I own her Cleoptara design (first picture), and they are super comfy and super pretty.
My bridesmaids are staying with us at the beach for 4 days for an extended party so I thought it would be a good idea!
And, for my bridesmaids, these cards with a personalized caption for each. For example, you are the "buzz" to my "cosmopolitan", the "tannens" to my "glass of merlot", .. you get the idea! By elisedesigns: you're the blank to my blank cards set of 4 by elisejoy on Etsy
Oooh, and I love the tie idea! Thanks for sharing!